>tfw you know you're never going to experience Wilhelm Furtwängler's live performance of ode to joy. >Why even live It hurts me so much that any versions i've found in the mega's or by googling always have that terrible static with some coughs here and there and a general poor quality of the symphony itself... Is anyone holding onto some golden recording or anything? Can we do anything to improve it without making anything in it worse?
Asher Sullivan
They're live recordings from a time when recording technology wasn't the best. I'm personally not too bothered by those limitations anymore, though -- many dated performances are worth the drop in audio quality.
You can try his 1954 recording on Audite. iirc they edited out a lot of the coughs and stuff.
Luis Flores
Is it hidden/added in any of the mega folders? Know where i can find a flac of it?