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1 > 3 > 2 > 4
Crusade > Raiders > Crystal Skull > Temple of Doom
em' doesn't mean anything
it's 'em
the ' represents th
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
We can end the thread now.
Sorry lad. I'm retarded.
>better than anything.
Bretty close, m8
Crystal Skull being bad is just a meme started by "muh childhood" autists
Crystal Skull is actually fun and entertaining. Temple of Doom is just kind of weird and depressing. These movies are supposed to be light-hearted adventures with just a little bit of darkness, not for the whole movie.
1=2>3>>>>>>>>Young Indiana Jones>>>>>>Getting raped by George Lucas>>
I really enjoyed Temple of Doom.
temple of doom would be the greatest if it wasn´t for that fucking chink boy
Please tell me how good the Star Wars prequels are as well. If you have some time, I'd love to hear about the subtle brilliance of Snyder's capekino as well.
>Temple of Doom is just kind of weird and depressing.
It's a South Asian devil worshipping cult! Of course its off. All the darkness is washed away with the flock of kids running back to their parents at the end.
Das sum big b8, Doctah Jones
would fug them both.
3 > 1 > 2 >>> 4.
Its not a meme you moron, the Crystall Skull realy is a very badly made movie. Villain is shit, the stakes arent apparant, mediocre GCI all over the place so in a decade all of it will look like trash and just require a remake to bring it up to date instead of touching up a few scenes.
Also, Harrison is old and not suited for the character of Indiana Jones anymore. All in all, its the weakest of all the Indiana movies.
Can we please get a fpbp
1>3>young indiana jones>2>4
Young indy was pretty amazing except for the episodes where he is a kid
The truth
The meme