I'am having exam on informatique

I'am having exam on informatique.

Is there some way to increase my intellectual performance on the day of the exam other then drinking some coffee?

I will be glad to your advice :3

The stronger the stimulant the better the results.

Also exercise while studying and just before your exam, and while taking the exam maintain good posture.

A lot of people don't realize how badly standard desks/slouching effects the oxygen levels in our brains.

Coffee is good, but dehydration won't do you any favors either. Follow that up with some water.

have a good sleep. don't strain your brain trying to force to study late at night or stay up trying to force yourself to learn. sleep.

Thank you. Is there some specific stimulant you can advice?

I guess I need to rise my adrenalin level.

don't eat too much, or don't make yourself too full before test. have a medium size snack. and water or a natural juice l. not sugar.

If you can get your hands on ADHD meds those are the way to go.

Adderall, vyvanse. Any amphetamine type medicine will make you perform better.

Not sure where you are from/what laws are in place. But in the U.S. It's easy to find people with them, because those who are prescribed often don't take them. Like myself lol.

Why no sugar? I actually was going to eat some fast carbohydrates to get some energy, just before the exam.

I'am from mother Russia. Sadly, my mom wouldn't allow me to use fancy smart drugs. I need to find something more plane.

I've always found that masterbating furiously to snuff films and taking shrooms right before my exam always boosts my score by at least 11%.


Do you have access to the plant Mitragyna speciosa? Known as Kratom here. Certain dosages of it can act as a mild stimulant, much stronger than coffee.

your body will go into a different mode to digest sugar and that reduces other functions in your brain chemistry. thats why you crash after energy drinks and feel lazy. Sugar is not good for you in general. I eat some peanuts and a banana. and a few drinks of lemonade. like 30 min bore a test.

Okay, I guess, banana is fine too. Thx for the tip.

Study you lazy nigger

I know you're from Russia, and sorry for my lack of knowledge, but if you get a sativa strain of cannabis it should help you big time.

Don't make it the first thing you do though.

Have done it a couple of times in my life with Jack Herer. It took me about 3 times to get the hang of it.

First time, no breakfast. I was stoned out of my mind. Got a C on a midterm.

Second time, I smoked then ate. Got an A.

Third time. Ate then smoked. Near perfect score and I still remember that shit. Lol.

Modafinil. Take a small dose early in the morning and dont use it again until you have another exam


As you comand, my white overlord. But, please, give me my clock, which I left on your mothers bedroom.

Bump 1/10

Don't sleeping. It will help by increasing blood seratonin. Just agree with your impulses

Get a good night's sleep the night before the exam. If you haven't learned it by this time, you won't learn it now.


I have no issue with my sleep. Thank you for the tip anyway.