Did you cry?

Did you cry?

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No because I'm not a weak willed faggot that loses control of their emotions over a movie.

woah dude... you must be really hardcore

Do you drink alcohol and swear too??

No, but I did feel a little sad.

If you think that's hardcore then you are weaker than I originally thought.

its about as hardcore as being too cool to feel sad

my dick cried when i saw dat ass and think about dat ass smell and taste

Reminded me of this


Feeling sad is one thing, blubbing like a little girl is something else.

Yeah sometimes when I think of that I'll scratch under my balls and spread that sweat around my fingers and smell it while imagining Margot Robbies bare ass pounding my face

Would have been better if Joker still had the white skin, green hair, bright red lips and tattoos

I had already given up on the movie at that point, but when this scene came on I actually sat up and thought "Huh, that wasn't total shit."

It was actually a sad little scene that added a little bit to her character. If only literally everything else about the movie wasn't shit.

What movie is this?

The Kill Yourself Kids

Never heard of it.

That whole thing ahould have been her dreaming about a family of clowns, with little clown babies doing evil clown things. Making her want a normal suburban family with the Joker completely misses the point of the character.

The Sepuku Crew

I did, because they fucking ruined le jokester

My girlfriend's ovaries about exploded when she saw Jared Leto looking cute.

>Making her want a normal suburban family with the Joker completely misses the point of the character.

Debatable. At least in this universe she didn't seem like she fell in love with him because she was crazy, she fell in love with him and his insanity just so happened to be there and have a negative effect on her. Its even apparent in the chemical bath scene that she was really skeptical about jumping in for him

I don't actually know who Jared Leto is. Every time I hear his name I think about Jay Leno.

Sudoku Skwad

I wish I had seen the same movie you did... none of that shit made any sense to me.

What is Paul Allen doing in that movie?

Deleted Scene from American Psycho

What a cuck.

I think that would have gone too far. Joker still looking like the Joker in this otherwise picturesque 50s US household would hammer in just how futile Harley's dream to be normal is

>She's in the kitchen where she belongs

you can't make this shit up

Spot on. She doesn't love the Joker because they're both crazy, she's crazy because she loves him and he just happens to be crazy.

Hahahahahaha, nice. Never heard that before. Epic bros XD

Are the yhose the Twins frm Batman Beyond?!?!

Problem Child 2: Electric HonkaHonka

No. I thought showing Joker with no makeup ruinned the immersion.

They should had had make up on, being Harley and Joker. She is in love with the Joker after all, not Jared Letho.
Just imagine, even the kids in Joker make-up, it could had been funny and creepy in the same time.

The Murder-self Crew

The chemical bath scene? It kinda requires previous knowlage of Batman lore.

The jokers skin is bleached white and hair is green because he fell into a vat of chemicals. The flashback shows him pressuring Harley into jumping in to dedicate herself to him.

Thanks! I knew there would be a fellow redditor out there who would understand the reference :)

Takbir Taskforce

No, but they both looked great and should procreate.


I didn't cry but I was legitimately surprised.
I really really liked this scene

When do we get Boomerang's money beer sex with katana dream sequence ?

>The jokers skin is bleached white and hair is green because he fell into a vat of chemicals.
iirc this may or may not be true, doesn't the joker tell multiple stories about how he became the joker

>When do we get Boomerang's money beer sex with katana dream sequence ?
she doms him right?

Different universes, different origins. One of the most common origins for the Joker is him taking up the identity of the Red Hood and falling into a vat of chemicals for one reason or another. (Pic related is from the infamous comic The Killing Joke).

Since we obviously see the Jared Letto Joker pressuring Harley into jumping into the chemicals in SS, and how willing he is to jump in after her (as if hes done something similar before), its safe to assume that his origins in this universe involve the chemicals.

It did kind of unexpectedly hit me in the feels a bit.

Home Alone.

no because I was spazzing out over how badly this movie was cut.

literally nothing happened yet everything happened, all in the space of what felt like 30 minutes. what a mess. could have been great.

I just wish I could have seen some cool joker scenes. Anytime Leto spoke one word, they'd cut to something else.

Its even more sad when u think that Harley thought Joker had died in the helicopter crash (hell I thought they legit killed Joker off when I saw this in the cinema. WB is too unpredictable to know what they will do).

>literally nothing happened yet everything happened, all in the space of what felt like 30 minutes. what a mess. could have been great.
I fucking hate how Hollywood movie studios think that a movie has to be watered down or the audience will lose an attention span.

Thats how they were probably editing this movie.

Fucking seriously? We could have gotten a nice first Arkham conversation but you butchered it WB...

I so hope we get to see more Harley Joker and that the studio doesnt suddenly cancel stuff and re arrange the whole DCEU

They are so unpredictable with these movies that it just has me so worried as a fan not knowing what to expect.

Did you catch the bear skin rug thing?

I sure did.

>mfw no Boomerang hallucination where he's sitting on top of a mountain of gold while drinking whiskey with his pink toy

They probably thought it was too silly to include it unless we might see it on the blu ray

>"So your the fire bloke eh"?
I couldnt stop chuckling every time he opened his mouth with that straya accent

Jihad Skwad

Side note, I absolutely urge anyone who is currently getting into DC because of the new movies or really comics at all to read The Killing Joke. I just read it out of curiosity recently and its honest to god comic-kino.

Like, I didn't think comic books were actually something that could be good until I read this

I saw the film. Loved all the Joker scenes.

Makes me wish that they hire Jared to star in prequel film showing the Joker's life before he became the Joker

The first half should have been treated like a preque (everything up until batmans trip to the Assylum isn't in the comic). I understand why they decided to make it a batgirl story, but why they didn't make it about batman and batgirl searching for the joker, or making it about the jokers antics leading up to the carnival I can't possibly understand


Entry level trash.

Commiting Self-Murder Comrades

>scene literally lights your soul of fire
>comparing it to suicide squad

pls nigga

>YFW this scene is better than anything Marvel has ever created in 9000000 flicks

He really stole the show. I thought I was going to hate him


fooking feels man

Those middle school grils next to me would have sides in stratosphere if they saw me crying on PEGI 3 movie.

its not my faul that I am sensitive

If by "cry" you mean "cringed", yes, i did cry.

read this in putin's voice

>Boomerang's dream
>he's drinking a beer running in a field towards katana as she run towards him

>katana's dream
>she's in a field running towards Boomerang and when they are about to kiss she cuts his head off

Best thing about this is that the actors themselves ship it.

hahahaha OP BTFO

Jisatsu Sakuru

that sure was leddit

>he never fucked on a bear skin rug

Sounds frustrating. I don't even like to fuck on top of a blanket because it just slides around everywhere. I can't even imagine the hell that a rug would cause

>Honestly believing comic books can be anything other than an entry level pleb medium

What is there to catch? You mean just that line itself? I heard it, yes. Thought it was amusing. Is there anything to it beyond that? It's not a reference to something is it?

I had to explain that to a couple of retards I went with.

I want a katana Boomerang team up flick (she needs to steal some mystical artifact that the yakuza have locked in a hideout so she uses boomer as he's Australia's greatest thief)

>she only speaks Japanese and insults him constantly
>he thinks she's hitting on him
Toss in some hero into the mix (let's say...batgirl) and we got a 20 million dollar action flick

That's what I've been trying to explain to your mom for the past 7 nights. Fucking women, I tell ya.

I love this idea.

desu I can only see that being entertaining for up to 20 minutes

Man I loved her look here. Margot is so beautiful. ;_;

anything by Alan Moore is great he is the best and most influential comic book writer of all time

>make a movie for 15 year old cumstain stat didn't wash out
>it's not even close to breaking even
>I-it's the business side we swear
>faggot actors who deliver shit performances on material produced for kids are never at fault

I wouldn't go so far as to say "anything" by him is great, but he has done quite a few fantastic comics, and was incredibly influential for better or worse. Most people just know him for Watchmen and the Killing Joke, but he did some damn fine Superman stories, and his work with Miracleman/Marvelman and Top Ten was some of the best writing ever in comics.

his run in Swamp Thing was excellent, V for Vendetta was great, League of Extraordinaire Gentleman, etc I have never read a bad comic by Moore

Jared letto was great though