Will they ever make a bad movie?

Will they ever make a bad movie?

They pump out poorly made trash on a yearly basis and retards like you eat it up. Same goes for DC

They already did...
>Iron Man 2&3
>Thor 2
>Age of Ultro
Don't get me wrong. BvS and Suicide Squad are just as bad. I have no love for superhero movies in general.

this. the era of capeshit is coming to an end, by the time infinity war gets released no one will give a shit and DC didnt get a good start in the first place and probably wont get any movies after JL

t. dkeks

None of those movies are bad. They are mediocre at worst. They are competent but unremarkable action flicks.

Compare BvS and Suicide Squad, which are actually poorly made on a fundamental level. Scenes do not flow, characterizations are a mess, choppy editing, etc.

Will they ever make a good movie?
And I mean good as in 8/10 at least

No, but they'll never make a good movie either

That's what happens when you play it safe

>t. cognitive dissonance
Capeshit is terrible across the board, and it seems like everyone on this board who talks about it has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. You post reinforces that idea.

but they already have user, all of the capeshit movies are fucking trash

As movies themselves, Marvel is light years ahead of DC

Correct answers. I have yet to see a capeshit movie that is above a 5/10

countless flicks by marvel but not 1 FILM

not an academy award in sight

They're still awful, bland, uninteresting movies.

No they'll play it safe until cape movies get stale until then they'll pump out average and people will be suprised at just how average it is enough to think it's good.

I agree that capeshit is trash, but taking the oscars seriously is retardation at its finest.

Thor 2 was my least favorite but Thor 3 will redeem the series.


Come up with something clever next time, newshit.

What is

>Captain America: TFA
>Iron Man 2 & 3
>The Incredible Hulk
>Thor 1 & 2
>Avengers: AoU

Weren't you guys saying the same shit before Age of Ultron?

hello red.dit

>you guys
Who's "you guys"?

Angry autistic losers on the internet.


I'll give you Hulk. I will. I have no reason not to. And I liked it. I'll give you Ironman 2.

But Ironman 3? What?

Is that how you characterize anyone who doesn't like comic book movies? It's true what they say about capeshitters, you all have a serious case of cognitive dissonance. This guy is proving that point for me very well.

Iron Man 3 is comic book virgin filter

>armchair psychology


>implying those movies had proper editing , pacing, characterization , logical plots, good writing , decent cinematography, good acting, good directing ...etc

Winter Solider was the best one and it still felt like it was edited by a cracked out monkey

holy shit this is sad

I can see Inhumans being bad 2bh. I think people will be sick of comic book movies by then

>lol anyone who dislikes marvel movies must love DC XD. No way someone could think both suck lololol
>What's that? Cognitive dissonance? Lmao ur not a psychologist gtfo Dcuck XD

You realize you're only proving that guy's point?

No it didn't.

>Proving his exact point
You might actually be retarded

>armchair psychology

hola Reddit!!

>armchair psychology


name one Marvel movie of which the story was remarkable, I'll wait

>Redditors go into full lock down because they can't come up with valid arguments outside of "ur a Dcuck lmao"

I liked every MCU movie EXCEPT Thor 1. It was boring and had the same problems as most Superman movies. Thor 2 was much better with it's sets and acting.

>armchair psychology
>valid argument

Wait, let me check... hmmm...
>muh mandarin

Fuck off cunt

Anyone with half a brain could see how much you faggots are in denial. It's not armchair psychology, it's common sense. Anyway, I don't expect you to answer this post with anything other than another shitty non-argument, so this was probably a waste of time.

which Marvel movie is this?

>the world is under threat from an evil force
>our hero has some personal problem they must overcome
>they overcome it
>30 mins of explosions and buildings getting destroyed
>our hero wins, nobody dies.

the answer:


>30 mins of explosions and buildings getting destroyed

Sounds more like Man of Steel and BvS t b h

Sounds like capeshit in general

Oh look, this one autist is back.

> can't insult marvel without mentioning DC

Oh look, another non-argument from a capeshitter

I seriously hope you're getting paid by the mouse for this because if not not even suicide will clean the pathetic out of your body

What personal problem did Cap have in Civil War? Every problem was Bucky's

yeah but in MoS and BvS people actually die

in the disney/marvel/reddit universe everybody magically escapes the buildings and survive

>proving my point

that's bvs and mos and ss too... in resume al capeshit is generic

This, also in the DCEU what happens in one movie carries to the next one. In Marlel some nigger appears in the post credit scene so numales can clap a little

Capeshit is impossible to discuss anymore, just stop. Ever since the DCKino went viral Marvelfags have had to unionize and now they have to destroy DC so you will only have two sides throwing poop at each other now.

It's a fucking family action movie, why the fuck should people die?

Superhero movies shouldn't try to be more than escapist entertainment for families.

It's like demanding a rated R James Bond movies.

It's stupid.

There's a reason MoS and BvS were horrible failures.

Your point being what, exactly? All you did was call multiple people autistic. I can tell your a little salty about your favourite childrens movies being insulted.

>There's a reason MoS and BvS were horrible failures.

Yes, they tried to be good

leave them dude they are just DCucks crying because snyder rape DC like lukas did with his movies

BvS didn't even try, it was just a trailer for another movie.

It's not even a real film.

DC films are more than family escapist entertainment, they are kinocore.

but stick to your disney flicks kid

Antman was one of the worst cape movies I'd ever seen. Unfunny, predictable trash. All these movies are starting to blur in my mind now. Antman was like a shittier version of iron man 1, only difference is he can shrink and is super lame. Age of Ultron while not as bad as Antman was still worse than anything DC has brought out recently, and that's really saying something.

They have, but you inhabit a different reality.


It was all just samefagging.

Are you mad the mods deleted your thread? I can tell you are.

>Age of Ultron while not as bad as Antman

Come on now, AoU is the worst capeshit of the decade and you know it.

i dont understand what kind of maturity DC movies has..

it becuase they re dark or overcomplex sith stupid "edgy" characters?
for me is the same shit as marvel movies, hell even Marvel at least make good action scenes.. Dc now is just random cuts and DLC movies .. theres no deep in this shitty films

X-Men Origins is the worst

AoU isn't even close

>implying children can't handle death if the films deliver it properly

Those are all great you fucking redditor

The gubmint wanted to kill his husbando.

>reddit hates marvel meme

Civil War was , by all standards, a poorly made film saved by RDJ and Evans.

The airport fight might literally be the worst fight sequence ever put on film

If you don't like superhero movies why do you open these threads?

Just so you can sperg out and make people think you're cool for not liking them?

Grow up.

i bet you think Kubrick's the Shining was about a husband murdering his family.

when in reality Kubrick hid his filming of the faked moon landings throughout the movie.

there are things hidden in MoS and BvS by Snyder that obviously went over your simple mind

Name a single children's movie that contains death.

>replying to a known pedo




Capeshit is reddit: the genre, buddy

go back to the Pennywise thread you falseflagging faggot.

I actually watched the movie. It was awful

I have no evidence that any of those people did

>the jews at rotten tomatoes say it's a good movie, just like they said about the new ghostbusters

Because superhero movies singlehandedly turned this board into Sup Forums 2.0

Agreed, I actually walked out of AoU 2/3 the way through. Shit action, shit effects, shit story, shit villain (I'm still cringing at the thought.) and jokes so insufferable I can believe a human wrote them.

They couldn't stop joking, the comic relief character spouted quips in every sentence, the "serious" characters quipped constantly, the "scary" villain quipped along with the heroes, at the lighter moments they quipped, just after a character died, they quipped. I couldn't fucking take it. I understand it's aimed at young kids, but Jesus...

The fact people give Michael bays transformers and ninja turtles shit (rightfully) but praise marvel is something I'll never understand.

I'm not even a DC fan either, I'm sick of CAPESHIT. At least you can fall asleep through a DC movie, with marvel it feels like someone is putting nails on a chalkboard inside your head, it's horrible.



make me jew

Lion King

>after Ghostbuster and that food porn movie


hahahahaha come on now....

i men that all Dc fans got? " you simply not undertando cause ur dumb" ? this is pathetic man DC fans have no arguments

Did you run out of Evans memes already? Step up nigger


thats what great filmmakers do they embed subliminal messages into their films

marvel does it too but there message is for simple minds "suck cocks"

The lion king
Finding nemo
The hunchback of Norte dame
Beauty and the beast
Sleeping beauty
Snow White
A bugs life
Watership down
The secret of nim
To name a few.

Have you ever watched a children's movie?

>certified fresh

am I being fucked with?


It's different in live-action