Why are drugs illegal?

Why are drugs illegal?

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Yes, it's your body it doesn't mean you have a right to addict other people to it by being a dealer when the negatives outweigh the positives.

To create a Police State.
Really simple.

>taking drugs
>not being a degenerate
chose one and only one

Mate, He's talking about consumption, not production or selling.


Funny, I bet you wouldn't say the same thing to the Pharmaceutical industry.

people shouldnt be allowed to be idiots just because they have the capability to.

Because they cause crime

Because a society focused on productive activity wouldn't waste its time on them

Because the state will be forced to pay when they cant hold a job or damage their bodies

Idiots will find a way.

Drugs are illigal because they have "side effects"
sure you can trip on lsd while eating shrooms and fuck your reality up but in the end whats gonna stop you from killing someone or peeling off your face from a bad trip or low quality drugs?
drunkards are sort of predictable
druggies arent

Hey that's totally fine, as long as I don't have to subsidize your health care or car insurance because of your poor choices. Socialism is an avalanche of government control and loss of freedom.

>Because they cause crime

Alcohol should be a crime too, same as having guns because you could cause a crime. Sounds logic for you?

You can get high, get into the car and run somebody over.

But you can do the same being drunk, but somehow alcohol is legal drug - discuss.

>my body
>my drug

>his body
>his cash

>if we exchange the money and drugs this is somhow immoral

fucking bongs

The same thing could be said for just about anything. Hell, driving a car is risky and dangerous as shit, yet billions of us do it every single day. Not to mention it pollutes the air.

Pharmaceutical drugs provide tangible benefits which outweigh the small chances of addiction, the latter of which can be managed and weaned off if close medical attention is provided.

You can't seriously be comparing medical professionals with street dealers and expect me to think you anything but a drugged out teenager.

The rights of other people outweigh your right to drugs

True, but those factors have some form of predictability drugs on the other hand can fix you up or fuck you too hard and you never know how,when and where
>vid related


Because legalizing them would require taxation and regulation which would give the government more power and guarantee the Democrats millions more votes than they deserve for an entire generation, and another since addiction is quasi-hereditary.

What fucking rights?

The rights of other people's right to drugs outweighs the right to not use them.

Alcoholism is very rare among people who consume alcohol. Generally it isn't a huge societal problem.

You'd have to be a moron to not acknowledge the huge social problems caused by casual consumption and promotion of highly addictive drugs.

You know the right to not have your television stolen to fulfill your smack problem.

just use the right drugs

or simply

use whatever the fuck you want

screw muh laws

Government propriety

>private exchanges between two individuals are outweighed by the rights of others
There's a shit ton of hidden and invisible factors, of course
>how is the drug produced
>where are the materials bought or harvested
>where is the drug disseminated
>what effects do the drug have on the body
>how widespread is drug use
Just look at Oakland. At the individual level, nobody should give any fucks about drug use, but at a societal level, it's a social problem and needs to be corrected.

wew lad

Car accidents, unemployment, crime, fights, alcoholism, family violence, rape ... Not a social problem?

>literally shows that the most damaging substance on there is the legal and acceptable for consumption one

ITT: Idiots show their ignorance

Drugs are all different chemicals. They aren't universally bad. To say that all illegal drugs are bad - because they're illegal, is fucking stupid. You guys are no different from the people who think "chemical" = bad. "OMG don't drink that there are chemicals in there!!" Well, fuck, bitch, I hate to alarm you but CHEMICALS ARE IN EVERYTHING!

>harm rating
what the fuck does that even mean?

>I'm going to trust an unsourced graph posted by a member of the nation most responsible for drug pushing

No thanks and build wall you scum.

>let me be a degenerate because muh property

Are you stupid?

I'm showing the hypocrisy of the people, while the most dangerous drug is legal and acceptable, the other drugs [Less dangerous] still illegal and stigmatized.

Nice counterargument!

How the fuck is anything on there a quantifiable value?
Alcohol causes 45 "harm" to "others?"

We want the members of our tribe to be strong and like us so that we can kick the asses of everybody else. Weakness in any form is bad for this, and at minimum should discouraged and shamed sometimes if a weakness is severe or dangerous enough of spreading to the other members of the tribe like a virus/infection it should be cut off like a gangrenous limb.

>Nice counterargument!

It actually is. I'm asking for a source if you couldn't tell.

Just posting an unsourced graph and expecting me to do your legwork is betraying your country's hard-earned reputation for conscientiousness.

If anything this only proves that keeping things illegal reduces the harm caused by them.

Producing the drug infringes on the rights of others as cartels use slaves to produce the drugs.

Transporting the drugs infringes on others rights as they threaten and steal from others to use them as mules.

Using the drugs produces side effects that can infringe on a person's god given right to live.


If you're going to argue, please talk with proofs.

Because the taxpayer will have to foot the bill when you overdose.

If we just let drug cases die then they could be legal because they wouldn't put undue burden on anyone else.

And history proves when making something illegal just create a black market and crime.

m8 I'm not contradicting the graph. We all know that alcohol legality is hypocritical.

I'm only pointing out the retarded arbitrary "harm" unit. It doesn't fucking mean anything and causes the graph to look unprofessional, if not totally untrustworthy.

Trannies can use this same quote. Fuck off degenerate.

>x-axis is a 0-100 scale rating "harm"

Literally what

Yes, you're talking about black market.
What do? Bring that black market to a legal zone.

>Results of the ISCD 2010 study ranking the levels of damage caused by drugs, in the opinion of drug-harm experts. When harm to self and others is summed, alcohol was the most harmful of all drugs considered, scoring 72%.

Literally just a survey of opinions. Nice.

Oh sorry, the 'post proof' wasn't for you.

But I get your point.

the fuck do you care about trannies for faggot?

Oh that's why school spent so much time drilling in the mafia bootleggers during the alcohol prohibition.

One of the main responsibilities of any government is to guide and police it's people. Whether or not you choose to believe it, there is a significant number of people who despite being fully-grown adults, are too incompetent to be capable of living their own lives in a responsible and civilized human beings. Therefore, the government makes these laws to discourage people from fucking their own lives.

Why is it the government's business, you ask? Because every nation needs workers to keep their country afloat. Imagine if all drugs were legal, and anyone could get high on anything they choose whenever they choose to. The majority of the population would end up spending all of their time and resources on the use of recreational drugs. People would end up getting shit-faced so often, building up addictions and dependencies, that no one would have the mental wherewithal to make any progress. And once they did finally run out of money, sober up, and look for work in order to feed their addiction, they would lose so much of their cognition and motor functions fighting off withdrawals that they would be completely useless in the workforce. Nothing would get done, ever.

The only positive thing that could come from this scenario is everyone eventually realizing that drugs are a complete waste of time and money, and do away with them completely. However, by that time, the country would have likely destroyed itself beyond repair or been conquered by another nation. So, basically, drugs are illegal in order to keep people working and making progress, rather than destroying themselves and their country by contributing nothing.

Care to explain Juan?

satan. you have a drinking problem

Just regulate that market.
Could translate it to: Make it legal with Government's supervision.

if you could just smoke weed you might not have to buy anti anxiety pills that make you worse from big pharma

increased profit

to protect pharmacutical interests. the reason the 60s and 70s were full of drug abuse was because forign manufacturers were offloading their products into the american market at rates lower than american producers could afford. this meant drugs were cheap and plentiful. it also meant that the big american manufactureres were going out of business. so they lobbied to have patent-free and easy to produce drugs to be reclassified as narcotics so that the consumer would only have the option to buy over priced drugs from them.

Amsterdam turned into Sodom and Gomorra in the 70's when heroin arrived.

The entire Vondelpark was filled with addicts, openly using.

Then there was the shooting, fighting and OD's. Untill locals got sick of it and demanded for a stricter drug-policy. The citycouncil initially just let it happen and hoped it would fly over. So yeah, it was the hard working citizens that wanted to sit in the park without their child contracting aids from a lost needle while playing footbal.

you idiots compel me to suicide

Because degenerates have no self control then ask government for help.


You and I both know that there are politicians in America and Mexico that are in the Cartels' wallets.

Pic related, one of those asshats.

Change can't happen until we purge those bitches out.

Now, could you imagine what would happen to the cartels?

They don't just make their money on drugs.
Many pundits have said that if we legalize drugs, it will destroy the grip that cartels have on drugs.
As a consequence, they will go and do whatever they can to make money if that happens.

Since you seem to accept the possibility that your body might not entirely belong to you, perhaps you ought to treat it with some level of respect