Why isn't this talked about anymore? It's literally the best Hollywood movie in years

Why isn't this talked about anymore? It's literally the best Hollywood movie in years.
>tfw it lost to fucking spotlight


It was really boring to be honest.

It's a vapid revenge flick masquerading as something deep.
>It's literally the best Hollywood movie in years.
No it's not. Innarutu made a better film himself not two years before this one.

The academy would never give a director best picture two years in a row

But it should of lost, just not to spotlight (Mad Mel should of swept)

Sup Forums didn't like it because memes
memers only liked it because Leo
Plebs didn't like it because atypical for a Hollywood movie

it was absolutely amazing, I don't care what Sup Forums says

>best Hollywood movie in years
Not even close
>Better than spotlight


I literally just bought the Blu-ray of this like an hour ago.

Careful there OP, Inarittu's films, especially Revenant, tend to trigger plebian redditors, and the autistic man children from /lbg/

Not really. People expected it to be an action movie because the commercials were nothing but the bear scene and the opening battle. Yeah, the dream shit can go, but it's a really really good survival movie with an incredible setting.

The only remarkable part was the photography (based Chivo)

Best film of 2015 IMO, great visuals, great story, great acting from Leo and Tom Hardy

>But it should of lost, just not to spotlight (Mad Mel should of swept)
This is true, but the /reddit9k/ retard neckbeards will sperg out at you and call you a feminist cuck if you say it.

>t. Embryo

The Revenant was great, but on a technical level, Fury Road was more impressive.

I thought it was great overall. Rarely have I seen a film were nature itself plays such a large part. A bit weird that this was the movie that granted Di Caprio and oscar when he almost single-handedly carried Wolf on Wall street, while his role in Reveneant couldve been played by a lot of different actors.

The reason you dont see it talked about on Sup Forums is that this place rarely see serious movie-discussion. Im not saying that to be an edgy "this board sucks"-guy, it can be pretty fun, but most discussions here are about controversial movies (for being SJW, Sup Forums, etc), actors in real life, tv shows or memes. The DCvMarvel also creates a lot of posts because the rivalry means people have something to fight over. This isnt really a place were you discuss normal quality movies, aside from 1/50 threads that die before 50 posts.

>actually thinking this movie was the best movie of the year
>literally the Lemon Quaalude scene from Wolf of Wall Street stretched out over three hours

I can watch long movies like Last Temptation of Christ and Thin Red Line without falling asleep, but this was way too fucking slow and plodding

It could have been a great two hour joint

You mean it had larger stunt scenes and more practical effects? I think Revenant managed to make an extremely simple story more interesting than Fury road, which I got bored of even before it was revealed that the rest of the movie was going to be them driving back the same way they came. In Revenant nothing happens most of the time aside from Leo trying to survive, but the way it was filmed and paced made it feel extremely important that he did. Not because you wanted to see his revenge, but simply because survival is such a basic instinct and the Revenant managed to capture the feel of it.

what was the MOTY then?

Literally tryhard: the movie.

It was fucking awful

The Revenant had one female character, and she got raped.
Fury Road had lots, and all of them were fucking badass.
Need I explain any further why Fury Road is better?

>that fucking sniper shot Tam Hardy makes that is not even close to being accurate

I laugh my ass off at how fucking retarded that looked

fucking kindergarten-tier bait right here

lurk more and then try your hand at shitposting

Honestly, this.

It wasn't a good film.
Tedious and unengaging, with flat characters.
Further marred by the insistence on long takes and use of wide-angle lenses for every bloody shot.

Inarritu isn't interested in immersive film-making and visual storytelling; he just wants you to know that he's a DIRECTOR and can pull off vapid MEME LORD technical flourishes - he doesn't give a bollock that they call attention to the man behind the curtain and do the narrative a disservice.

The Revenant is PURE REDDIT. Anyone that professes to having enjoyed it is certain to be assured of their own euphoric intelligence. "MUH NATURAL LIGHTING, MUH LONG TAKE."


This is why we cant have nice things

It was alright, the bear scene, him closing his throat, and the final fight were the only good scenes

who cares faggot?

On the contrary I think it was very engaging, just because it lacked flourish and was so barebones in its story and characters. It was a about nature as much as about man.

>He doesn't know what an oscar bait is
How new are you to everything in this world

look at this pretentious prick

The Revenant is simply the representation of the artistic bankruptcy plaguing the contemporary film industry.

Like Birdman, Inarritu's last endeavor in hackery, this latest attempt is to convince the masses that what they are viewing is something deep or meaningful, when all it has done is push forward shallow technicality and exaggeration to make the frame pulsate with vulgar loudness. Characters are mere veneers, the cinematography is pretty but so conspicuous as to be rendered aggravating and the thesis is about as overdone as DiCaprio's acting. The camera feels like it has been waiting all day for a climactic shot and the film's deliberately difficult production history is laid bare in the indulgent cinematography.

Thematic complexity and philosophical subtext take a back seat to what amounts to as basically an action movie with action stars wrapped up in the veil of arthouse. And much like Salome, what lies beneath is ultimately puerile, obscene and holding fascination only for adolescents.

Inarritu is guilty of something far greater than simply making a bad movie. He is guilty for the crime of gestating his pretense and self-importance, forcing many others to labor over it in a misguided attempt to create art and daring to call the afterbirth a film. Perhaps instead of taking his cast and crew to the ends of the Earth in search of a better shot, the Mexican counterfeit filmmaker should have taken his juvenile and crass sensibilities to the seedy San Fernando valley. There he could have at least made a profit of filming all the money shots he wanted.

oh you sure got me with that one

If not Revenant, Spotlight or Fury Road - which movie would be given MOTY? Nothing good came out.

>posts b8 image along with his buzzword post
>take b8 anyway

Nice photography, direction was on point, created good tense whenever it was necessary, I didn't really like DiCaprio in it, maybe it was the character, but I liked Hardy. Battle scene and bear fight were pretty good.

One thing that bothered me is that that it seemed to me that Glass healed way too fast.

>a fucking embryo trying to call anyone else an embryo
I can't stop laughing

>Nothing good came out.
Steve Jobs and Creed should've been nominated also

I've heard this argument a lot but I don't buy it. Acting is hard, go try it right now and record yourself. Especially acting out a scene where you're supposed to be half dead.

Leo isn't some great but hes serviceable. He also looks good on screen. Hardy stole the show though.

I wonder what kind of moronic movies the person you copied that comment from likes.

>there HAS to be a MOTY or my dirty little plebe brain will implode

not if everything was shit that year. I bet you think any of this shit actually matters too

It was an adaptation of an adaptation that sloppily handled both the source material for the sake of ??? It's a beautiful movie but it's not good.

someday you'll grow up and realize that Leo meming his way through Innaritu's hack directing is actually less valuable and less artistic than the restrained yet spiritually evoking Spotlight

>convince the masses that what they are viewing is something deep or meaningful

Is this Sup Forums's version of Sup Forums's "tricking people into thinking they had fun"?

You don't buy that it was a 3 hour version of the Lemon Ludes scene? Jesus fuckin Jumping Christ. And fortunately you don't have to be an artist yourself to critique "art"

I agree, The Revenant really impressed upon me the vastness, loneliness, and savagery, of the American frontier. Fury Road in my opinion was just a run of the mill action movie.

Glib facsimile.

Literally "I'm acting!": the movie

>alex 'no taste in film' ssandro pretending this trashy flick was good

>Inarritu's last endeavor in hackery,

Sup Forums hates everything that is good


>spiritually evoking Spotlight

Wasn't this copy pasta about PTA?

I honestly thought it was an Armond review

Wasn't that Lubezki?

Yeah, his nickname in the industry is chivo

I find it very hard to see how anyone can disagree with this; Revenant has a script that could have been written by a 12 year old and is about as thematically challenging as Sesame Street. It takes a true humanist story and turns it into an epic hollywood action fest including waterfall and cliff jumps, ebin dead wife and son, and thematically incappropriate racism

>A bit weird that this was the movie that granted Di Caprio and oscar when he almost single-handedly carried Wolf on Wall street, while his role in Reveneant couldve been played by a lot of different actors.

It's because the Academy gets political pretty often. Leo definitely deserved an Oscar for Wolf, but imo McConaughey deserved it more for Dallas Buyers Club so The Academy had to make up for his loss next time they had the chance.

All that being said, I disagree with him *singlehandedly* carrying Wolf. I thought Jonah Hill's character was hysterical.

no, you probably just have garbage taste
>ugh, why doesn't Sup Forums like GoT, Marvel, and Innaritu flicks?
because they suck

>>ugh, why doesn't Sup Forums like GoT, Marvel,
But Sup Forums loves both those things, since reddit basically controls this board

It was my 3rd favorite last year. Sure it had the Hollywood ending, but I've never seen a movie that is so immersed into the wilderness/atmosphere.

Was it well made? Yes.
Was it enjoyable? Not particularly.
Would I watch it again? lel

Because it's a piece of pretentious shit. No quality

>unironically agreeing with shit tier copypasta originally about a PTA movie

how embarrassing for you

>Sup Forums doesn't like GoT or Marvel
>looks at catalog
>its full of Marvel shit
>when in season there's GoT shit everywhere
>same with the Walking Dead

what are you talking about moron all the faggots here love GoT and Marvel, this is redditer normie central

I enjoyed it while watching but it was ultimately forgettable and left me with nothing afterwards. Looking back it was a pretty empty film.


i agree with this

the b8 image is for OP's shitty b8

is it really though? is that what you think? or did you just accidentally samefag yourself there?

>copypasta about shitty filmmakers being applied to other shitty filmmakers
there is actually nothing wrong with this if it's true (which the copypasta is)

yes, that is what i think. i am not samefagging

>not having IPs show
summer, plz go

that's not Sup Forums, those are outsiders
you can tell who is who based on who they get mad at and what they get mad at them for
>Sup Forums is being contrarian/ doesnt like popular thing complain
>reddit likes marvel, got, pleb shit
Sup Forums regular, not a redditor

Eh. Spotlight had better storytelling. Less pretentious.

You must have not seen many action movies then

so it's your opinion that he's right so it's not bait? You do you presume to know the actual intent of that shit post? Because it gets posted in every Revenant thread. How do you know the poster isn't revealing his post as bait? Just because you agree with the opinion it automatically isn't bait? Pretty subversive if you ask me.

it's only true to you because thats like your opinion man

>completely breaks his leg
>somehow heals in a week
>falls of a hundred foot cliff
>unscathed at the bottom

These bothered me a bit. Also had to rewatch with subtitles so i could understand a word tom hardy said aside from pelts pelts pelts.
Good movie, just way longer than it needed to be.

fury road was just a fucking car chase with fancy effects. nothing more nothing less.

rips off a lot of shit from Tarkovsky

It's like Tarkovsky without the spirituality. It's hollow Tarkovsky barfed onto a Hollywood film.

The Plebenant

It's paying tribute to Tarkovsky by making direct parallel scenes.

>ripoff a movie
>b-but it was just a tribute!
Bravo Inarritu