ITT: Childhood faps

ITT: Childhood faps

>language circuit stuck on Japanese



The fuck nigga

Are you a straight woman, or a faggot?


chasey lain

I'm not interested, sorry.

>implying you didn't


You are like a small child

Boring choice, I know.

First time on Sup Forums, I think I'll stick to Sup Forums.

Triggered aren't you?

scared to share your childhood fap?

why is that weird little man wearing that goofy red wig?

>>>Only kino is allowed here childfuckers


>you will never fuck a tomboy so good she has to acknowledge her femininity when she cums


>unironically browsing Sup Forums


I cant remember my first fap but i really want to say it was Xena

Does it says actually much about the producers, that this show has a boy character which is in love with a girl robot?


I've fapped to that robot chick but I was far beyond being a child when her show started airing.

Underage b&

das it

come on guys


I pretty much fapped to everything back in the day, but this was one of my favorites.


>tfw you tore your dick while fapping

Mai nigga

patrician choice

My Daddy taught me how not the rip the skin by using someone else's mouth

you have refined taste sir

Are you not interested in answer a question if you are a faggot?

Will you show me?

I'd be right happy to.

So you're a faggot then


lazy town came out 12 years ago user

got me

For those of you who have fapped to My Life As a Teenage Robot: I hope you've all seen the Gangbang flash animation.

This bby

>this is a real thread allowed on Sup Forums
>all are from cartoons instead of actual actors
>this is nu-neo-/t/v//

this board is ruined. 6 months ago when i came here it wasnt this bad, now its awful.

bring back the old Sup Forums

link pls

>6 months ago when i came here

This is actually the old shit Sup Forums used to have

Bi master race reporting in

Best zone swf.

If you disagree, you have shit taste

>Accidentally ripping out pubic hair while fapping


I really like that picture

Should have said 2 years instead of 6 months if you wanted people to fall for it.

>not shaving your pubic area completely so you can swing your dick around like a pool noodle and not have it get blocked by hair
weak nigga


>fap feels good
>then dick is sore

>tfw the full pic is exactly this one



>implying i've only b een here for 6 months
I said 6 months ago when i came here as in i dont frequent this garbage board anymore. I've been on this board since about a year after abatap you fucking dinguslord

you fucking stupid niggers are the type that ruin this board

>le bait meme
>Sup Forums garbage

pick 2 and only 2

look at these stupid fucking faggots

>i've been here forever but still wallow in this garbage and shit

kill yourselves

robowaifus when?



I know she's made of clay, but still.

I always jacked off to big bird

>tfw fapped for a straight hour with small breaks and my dick swelled up to twice its size because of it.

this is the worst fucking thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Why can't you people fucking behave?



Yep, that's what they were referencing. Good job, bud!

>knew a guy like him when I was in high school
>he graduated like 3 years ago but still hung around, played his guitar and got kids beer
>the police had to ask him to stop
>hes still in that same town, working at the same carpet store playing the same shitty music
>tfw used to think trent was cool until I met one IRL

thanks for your post user

No, thank you for your post! You did it, bud!



Okay, that, is fucking scary.


So is your reflection.

Patrician choice

I mean, there's no way Danny never possessed her and felt himself up


She was so bratty and sassy and her bellybutton was always exposed. Plus she was voiced by Kaley Cuoco. Perfect combination.

yeah i'd fuck that dog

was gonna post this

my own personal slime time live if you know what i mean

Please don't post anymore of this dog, I don't want to be attracted to her.


i used to beat off to this show all the time as a preteen

Please elaborate.

Best pokegirl by far

many gallons of goo

She was an annoying liberal character

if you didnt beat off to prime angelica you are not a man

>You are like a small child
Tenchi came out in the U.S. in 2001. My life as a teenage robot came out in 2003.

I don't think two years is enough to be a generation gap.

Yeah my 13 year old dick didn't really care about that

Neither are you, kiddo.

>Childhood faps
>Characters from 00/10s shows
This doesn't surprise me, but it disgusts me.

In hindsight, Sup Forums must have the highest density of underageb& redditors on this website.

More like a teenage, but still good times.