Kevin Smith is watching the last movie you've watched. At what point does he start crying?

Kevin Smith is watching the last movie you've watched. At what point does he start crying?

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Civil war so when Vision fucks up the food and it tastes like dick

he should be barred from making movies and locked up after Tusk

Last movie was Punch Drunk Love so I'd say when the credits pop up and PTA's name appears on screen and Kevin remembers that the press once considered them contemporaries.

kek, nice


When the dad gets turned into Punch in Dolls

is hell going to be fine? :(

>try to keep it dry when the clit/brown/taint-area still p0wns my dick
>fail every time

Dad... please... I can see that... EVERYONE can see that....

Pretty fucking early.

The last movie I watched was aimed at adults, not manchildren, so I doubt he has the emotional maturity to have any sort of reaction to it.

>tagging your daughter in a post about her mother's asshole and cunt
who else but big Kev?

The ending when he breaks down crying, I teared up a bit

dat small little thumb, he must have a dwarf penis

Zulu, so he's crying manly tears at MEN OF HARLECH.

The only reason I come to Kevin smith threads is THICK Aguilera and she's not here

how do you actually lose self-awareness as you age. is it all the weed

I fucking hate this guy

Does this fucking narcissist have himself on a t-shirt he's wearing?


I hate this man

I hate how he give Mewes such shit for having been an addict and then talks about how awesome it is to get high. I know Smith is Mewes meal ticket but damn that kind of treatment would send me to using again, but then he has alot more to lose now. Basically fuck Smith for saying getting off sugar is like getting off heroin.

>There Will Be Blood
When H.W. goes deaf

When the Giant Spider

dont know desu

When he realizes that it sucks

>Money Monster

When the girlfriend goes off on the dude. Personally, I thought it was hilarious, but Kevin would probably relate to it

Why the fuck does he wear jerseys because he fat?? Wear something else ffs.

Pic related is what I'd wear.


When the deformed hot dog cums inside the retarded bun

When Sherman's gandpa dies.



what a sick, demented man

What the fuck

have some more


damn.. i'd let her clit/brown/taint-area p0wn my dick

He takes selfies with his dying mother too!

why does he make that same fucking face in every picture

tries to straighten out his wrinkles by doing that, essentially tries to look young

Do you think Kev prefers her clit, her taint or her "brown area"?

It's a sign of uncomfortableness and standoffishness, apes do it as well

I dont know, but the bare fact that he named his daughter after a comic book character he jerked off over for all of his life speaks volumes about how fucked up he really is

The only Kevin Smith movie that I've ever seen is Tusk. I'm never giving this fuck a cent again

lmao I love hwo fucking unpopular this hack is over at Sup Forums

I kinda hoped for a clit/taint/brown area bit in that one.

can you imagine the people on reddit who kiss this retards ass during AMAs

What is this guy's actual major malfunction? Does he think he's being funny? Does he think this sounds heartfelt? Does he realize how much of a fucking goober he sounds like?

>The Legend of Barney Thompson

Uhhhh... when we find out how sad Barney's life is I guess? I dunno

If you don't want to see Clerks 3 before you die, then you're dumb

>YWN get an acting career by knocking up his daughter and then having him put you in his movies.

Did this fucking guy actually post a video of himself crying his eyes out over a fucking comic book show? Did he make the video and actually upload it on the internet?


I can't believe I used to call myself a fan once.

Never seen the first two and have no desire to after this shit. True kino only for me

The guy started Indie as can be and then got taken in by the Hollywood system. Its the only way he feels he can get back to Indie roots is to be vulgar and "the way I was before Hollywood". I think its part act and part way of keeping from going insane in a shit industry.

Clerks 1 is pretty kino though, its in black and white

Clerks is kino, retard. So is Chasing Amy

>implying that Clerks 3 won't be absolute shit
Kevin Smith is a living proof that some people should never start smoking weed.

> New Jersey

dayum, she looks a bit preggers already

Kevin Smith's clothes are what Guy Fieri would look like if Guy Fieri was clothes

But...why does he have to do it in the cringiest way possible? How could anyone respect this guy?

He is the real DUDE WEED LMAO. People shit on Rogen but Tusk and Yoga Hosers look ten times worse than anything he's done.

From Dusk till Dawn. When Sex Machine whips out that penis gun.

Just watched World on a Wire (1-2)

Honestly doubt he'd make it through both films but he might cry at the ending


Wasn't the an hour-long video of him reviewing the new Ghostbusters? I could've swore there was but I can't seem to find it, did I imagine it?

Good Will Hunting
So literally the entire fucking thing.

The Shield season 2 finale

he cries during the ending montage, definitely.

Oh shit last thing was Stranger Things, so tears all over the place for him.

Fat dudes look 10x fatter when they're squinting or smiling broadly.

Everything Kevin Smith does is to disguise his self-loathing for being a fat fuck. The silent bob jacket, the giant hockey shirts, the tuba-sized jean shorts,keeping his eyes wide in photos.

>Treasure of the Sierra Madre

When the Mexicans dump the gold.

God damn it, that big fat ass I just want to bash into it with my pelvis over and over fucking her pussy from behind until I cum.

Probably made by a fan
>I hope


>tfw thumblet

is that what people are thinking about me?



This is an 18+ site you fucking Moron underageb&

>A decade plus and her clit/brown/taint-area still pOwns my dick

I feel like I'm reading some ironic /fit/ copypasta

Kingdom of Dreams and Madness

so never because he's a piece of shit

3 fatal burn.

Chasing Amy is garbage

It misunderstands romance and it misunderstands homosexuality. It has zero merit

im feeling a strong 10 on this one

sorry a movie didn't pander to your feefees, fag

>Kevin Smith is an indispensable filmmaker

Why are you defending it, exactly?

It's not super funny, either

It's just Kevin Smith's friends trying to act and failing

Chungking Express. When the first cop starts eating the 30 cans of peaches. Not out of sadness but jealousy.

>a movie about feefees shouldn't have well written feefees
you might be on to something user

Opening of Yoga Hosers, when he realized he fucked up and should have quit years ago.

>When his wife is glorified as a giant clit and asshole.
kek I'm sure she fits right in with all those hollywood wives.

Good thing your opinion doesn't change the fact that it is kino

Fun Fact: Chasing Amy's original title was "Ass is Pussy"

Ugh. What a fucking degenerate.

Dogma is awesome, the original Clerks is great as well. Chasing Amy is alright, and Jersey Girl is a toss up.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back isn't bad either.

At this point, he remember that nobody love him like Rocky love Emily.

The first Clerks is pure kino
Chasing Amy pretty kino too
Jay and Silent Bob is pretty good
And Red State now that I think about it

You seriously should watch Dogma though, it's his best one

>"I'll make you a promise"
>"Martha won't die tonight"

right around the time killer croc is introduced
but he is using that wb shill money to mop his tears

Deadshot: So.. Are we some sort of Suicide Squad now?

When Terry tells tells his brother that he could have been a contender