The American education system is so fucked. I honestly feel like I'm being tortured mentally every day...

The American education system is so fucked. I honestly feel like I'm being tortured mentally every day. I'm almost done with highschool yet I haven't learned anything important that relates to what I want to do as a career, which is programming. I consider myself a smart fellow that can logically analyze information quickly in my head. The kids at my school are surprised whenever they talk to me because they say I sound too mature when I speak, yet I'm just trying to engage in a topic in which I can debate about and learn something new. My grades are dropping because classes are offering so much homework that makes it so you have to do it to understand what you learned in class. Why the fuck do you have to give homework if you can't teach the subject properly in class? I already know the fundamentals of the topic, just give me the work in class. Every day it's just taking notes and teachers expecting kids to do the rest at home because they are too fucking lazy to teach it correctly in class. Once I understand a topic I usually can grasp it pretty quickly if the teacher explained it well. But now, it seems like we're at that age where nothing is hands on anymore, it's just systematic bullshit. I don't know how anyone else can see this problem but I'm having trouble even looking at the homework while the straight A students sit on their ass and smoke weed just because they finished all their homework. I want to learn! Not remember random bullshit and have to remember it again on some standardized test later. I honestly think this is the worst torture someone can endure, mentally speaking. Having the intelligence to learn whatever you want, yet, can't express it at all. Can't prove to people to say "hey! I'm somewhat smart!" Is very painful. I feel if the teachers were more engaged in the topic they were teaching, they would do so much better at explaining shit to all of their students.


I can't even ask questions anymore to my teachers because they say ask too many of them. Im just trying to understand what they're teaching, I'm not trying to annoy them by any means. For the love of God we really do need to change the education system. There are so many problems to it such as letting kids have phones at school and not enforcing a dress code. School is work, not somewhere you can show off your new shoes or some stupid shit to impress your friends. It just causes unnecessary drama. We shouldn't have cops in our schools just because there was a fight over someone saying something over the internet (twitter, instagram, etc.) Also, students shouldnt be able to have relationships in school, or at least express them inside school. Again, unnecessary drama. I could care less if you guys are in a relationship, just don't fucking show it in school. Someone needs to do something because our future as a species depends on our education, and if we spoil it, we are going to be in some deep shit.

Btw, Mike Pence is a dirty future immigrant. (pic related?)

i'm sorry user. I felt the same way. Count your credits and see if u can graduate early. You could take the GED test!

because jews.

there's even more of them for you to deal with in the adult world. be prepared.

>> "Someone needs to do something because our future as a species depends on our education..."

So go do it.

I wish I could. I just don't know how to approach the issue to fix it.

Unfortunately employers do not want to see someone with a GED. I don't even know why we invest in it if people are just going to blow it off on a resume. I'm just going to get highschool over with and get my diploma.

Yes you do. You just banged out two paragraphs detailing what the problem is. And you portray yourself as an intelligent person who craves learning, and who wants to see the system fixed. Well, let change begin with you.

No one knows how to approach an issue the first time. That's why you take that loves-to-learn mind of yours and apply it to finding out how the system you describe as "so fucked" works. the key to changing something is understanding it.

Or you can wait for someone else to do it. Like politicians. That working out good where you live?

You see a problem, and you want a solution. Get off your ass and work at it or shut up about it.


I am 31 years old, so you will just have to accept when I tell you that every high schooler thinks they are smart and figured out the system and it's flaws while they are in it. I know I did, and you want to know the truth? I knew jack shit. High school is just to make you a balanced person in mind and it's supposed to. Teach you about social interaction.

It also preps you for all the work you have to do on your own in college. If you think there's not enough hand holding in hs you are going to get your anus rocked in college.

Pro tip, learn to apply yourself to learn about your subjects on your own or you will either not graduate college or you will pass and have a degree but be a person that barely knows how to do your job and will get passed over for any promotion and raise.

I see. Unfortunately there is no shortcut so I guess I'll just fix this shit by myself. I won't let the corrupt people in Washington pay for programs that don't work and end up being a waste of tax payer money. I want to at least get to the point where I can talk to someone high up in the government where they can apply changes. Thank you.

Maybe you should start with your local school board. I'm guessing people high up in Washington won't give two shits about what you have to say.

This. I'm. Nobody and I don't give two shits about what a hser has to say about anything.

High school teaches the most valuable lesson for entering the work force, dealing with bullshit. if you think your teachers are retarded wait until you meet your bosses, Half of them are going to be fucktards, the other half are going to try to work you to death. homework doesn't end at high school if you want success you will always have to learn something new on your own time to beat back the other people vying for that promotion. Its ok to be frustrated, but know you are gaining a life skill that will help you, because bullshit is fucking everywhere and if you can't deal, well I guess there is always heroin.

I have no problem interacting with other people. Unfortunately every day is just the same shit. I get people talking about how their day went and what they did even though I can care less. I'm a very emotionless person to say the least and I can come off cold and brutally honest and that's why I restrict myself socializing too much. I do have a few close popular friends but they're there because I can relate to them on some level. I can definitely work in a group as long as everyone is getting work done because usually I have to put in a lot of effort because people assume it's gonna finish by itself. Many times have I finished group work by myself and end up giving equal credit to everyone involved even though they obviously know they did jack shit. I can apply myself. It's just who I get work with matters. But I know in the real world that's not how it works.

Yeah I know. But I like to think about the future alot and what could happen if I were successful.

Just as long as I'm getting paid I have no problem working overtime or doing extra work. The mentality of work that I have is just to get it done no questions asked. Homework on the other hand has no motivation to get done.

28 here.

And I thank God I went to school when I did.

When there were rules, classrooms are actually quiet for the most part.

Are your classrooms ever quiet anymore? I'll bet fuck all they aren't.

Could you imagine a highschool with no phones?

That's where I was, you had to have a unique character to be popular, not the latest iPhone.

We all went through awkward stages trying to get a first kiss, wearing weird jeans, writing notes and meeting you gf at her locker to hold her hand at lunch.

Now kids are rolling blunts, wearing contour makeup kits to look like adults, flaunting camel toes in yoga pants and can watch pornhub on their phones at anytime they want.

There is no real school experience anymore.

Your teachers see all you student staring at your phones and just sigh and make you all so the work at home.

I'm sorry you didn't get a real school experience dude. Good luck with the end of society as we know it kiddo.

I just said on your own time, if you want to be a programmer you are going to most likely be salary not hourly, meaning no OT and no real motivation other than don't get fired. even if you do get OT, at a certain point (over 10 hours of so) the taxes they take out might take you below your normal hourly rate. you might have a boss that made up a bullshit deadline for a task that he should have fucking done, it doesn't matter, its your fucking problem now. learn to deal with the fucktards they out number us. also GED isn't bad as long as you go to college, alone it will get your resume laughed at, but with a bach or better you will be alright. depending on your location look into home study classes, you might be able to just opt out of going to class altogether and still graduate.

There's actually a serious drug problem with my school. I'm making a huge assumption but I'm absolutely sure that 60% of the students smoke weed or some form of drug. Xanax is also an issue. Dirt cheap here. The weed here seems to come from Washington DC because it's really high grade and easy to move here because northern Virginia is so close. Virginia has one of the most strict marijuana laws and yet these laws are failing due to drug dealers coming in from DC just to make a quick buck. I don't blame them, really. I would've done the same thing if all I can do is sell drugs because I had no job opportunities. Anyway, everyday I see people get high off their asses and go to class not giving a shit about what they're being taught as long as they can cheat and get the homework done.

Understood. Thank you.