>A special announcement on World Peace
What will it be Sup Forums ?
>A special announcement on World Peace
What will it be Sup Forums ?
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he will probably suck off a big black dingus in front of a live studio audience
I have pics of bernie doing that
He's probably setting up another scam
Reddit's full of dumb children to take money from.
If I see that fucking cat one more time...
>world peace
>adult swim
Not bad, Sam, not bad
RTJ3 announcement
He'll just tell everyone to vote for Hillary again. Not like she isn't going to win anyway.
>implying a mentally ill tranny who live on the internet wouldnt go through extreme lengths to be famous for 5 minutes on a mongolian mutton cooking forum
>"I just bought a $600,000 beach house and I need more of your money to save the world... again."
He's going to be sipping a Martini in his third summer home near his built-in pool.
Fuck Off Sam
Actually it sounds like he just took a few hundred bucks from Sam and stuck his dick in Sam's ass, maybe on camera.
>implying she wasn't famous
Nice try Sam, you disgusting degenerate
fuck off Sup Forums just because someone takes a pic on the internet doesnt mean what they claim is true you complete retards
Pretty sure Sam did fuck that tranny tho. There are some pretty degenerate stories floating around about him.
So is this Sam or is it actually the commie kike?
>Sam's thirsty for chicks with dicks
>awkward as fuck with them
>gets mad on the internet when he's exposed
Just make Erick Hayden a regular and I'll watch your show.
it's just going to be a 30 minute telethon to raise money for hillary and the dnc
y'all bernouts got hoodwinked. it sort of lowers my opinion of adult swim to let him do this tho
it's bernie
Psh, every media outlet is being bold faced in their bias and manipulation, why not Adult Swim too
>adult swim
going straight for the demographic of teenagers who cant vote then
Desperation for ratings.
Face it, MDE failed at making a show and ruined their reputation in the process.
>Trump made 80 mil on $20-$80 dollar contributions
>is about to quit the race
sure you must be very smart to smell out scams
Did he sold out or he was actually a candidate used to movilize edgy teens all along?
really made me think
>adult swim
Do you seriously not get it
nuking usa
You shouldn't be huffing paint
trump isn't about to quit the race
also he's not the one going on late night tv for stoners begging them to donate their allowances to his cuckquean
wtf i hate trump now
>also he's not the one going on late night tv for stoners begging them to donate their allowances to his cuckquean
oh please tell me you weren't joking
damn hes gonna quit the race???
That Hillbot desperately wishes he would.
he never was in it to win it. he only joined to add value to his name so he could secure future tv air, now it has backfired on him.
What the heck? I strongly dislike Mr. Trump after reading that!
no, it's just a shillpost
i'm not
>World Peace
>please donate your student loan money to this charity that will help stop wars
>don't look them up though. I promise they don't use 80% of all contributions for "overhead costs".
I honestly don't donate to any charities anymore because I found out most of the money is wasted on the employees to fly around the world on " peace missions" and stay in nice hotels and eat lavish food and shit. Oh and buy nice "company" cars. Shit, look at that breast cancer association. The one that makes all the niggers wear pink in October for the NFL. That's insane how much money actually goes to breast cancer research.
>he doesn't know
it doesn't work if you keep giving away the joke immediately dumbass
Reminder that this is what will be airing on Adult Swim at September 2 at Midnight, instead of the MDE finale
>after reading that!
What the fuck are you going on about?
That it's a mde show? What's the subtext?
>y-you guys should give money to Hillary
>y-yes massa Clinton, we're live in front of the retarded teenagers
Is Bernie the most dissapointing villain of 2016, lads?
Are you fucking serious? What the hell even is this crap?
he's pathetic
he conned a bunch of kids who thought they were rebelling against the establishment and were about to get their 100k debt for their ethnic studies degree paid off. drug addicted generation z gender confused faggots who've been coddled their entire lives wanted grandpa bernie to give them money to sit on their ass, watch cartoons, and do nothing just like they did as children. they wanted someone who'd allow them to never grow up.
It was all a ploy to make the republican party look even more absolutely stupid in the future decades to secure a Democrat dynasty that will last for at least 5 more elections and all the "old people" red voters will die out.
>"how could you vote republican! Don't you remember when they had LITERALLY HITLER as their candidate?"
>"yeah you're right I should vote for Hillary in her historic 3rd term"
The Internet ruining people's attention spans, extremely biased Marxist ideology taught in schools, and hormones in the water are the main culprits imo
1995-2000ish born (the internet generation) will go down as the worst generation in history.
>hormones in the water are the main culprits imo
>were about to get their 100k debt for their ethnic studies degree paid off
why don't you tell us what your degree is on?
>hormones in water
alex jones pls
Computer Science. Honestly, any non-STEM degree is a waste of time and money.
There's a reason it's called "LIBERAL arts"
Economics then law school
Political science
I'm assuming Sam's autistic fans made this because of his video?
>There's a reason it's called "LIBERAL arts"
>computer science
Implying you'll pass the BAR
Mechanical Engineer master race reporting in.
Wtf? I love Trump now.
I was saying months ago that Trump is a tool for Hillary. I mean they've known each other for years, and Bill reportedly called Trump the night before he announced his candidacy. There are so many reasons why I think he's just someone Hillary used to discredit the Republican party, which he did, but not as effectively as she had hoped.
I hope its a joke. Sanders is a scam artist. No one is that pathetic enough to let an opponent completely run through you like that.
Let's just say my degree allowed me to work in animation for Disney.
here's your free (You), friend
>tfw started a business instead of college
Best decision ever.
What do you expect? Beta nu-male liberals can't and WON'T fight, not even if it benefits them. That's why communism always loses, and alphas always win.
>40 years later
>Oh boy I can't wait to vote for Hillary-bot's 10th straight term because the [censored] once nominated [censored] that one time.
>Oh shit I said [censored] I am about to be v&
Aerospace Engineering, have this last semester to finish with three courses, and am voting for Trump.
>Implying you'll pass the BAR
>implying he actually studied economics then law
>implying having a highly specialised degree on construction/engineering on a prolonged depression will make you somewhat more guaranteed to hold a job than the rest of us
Ayy, it don't matter if them Repubies be making their way into the elections or not. In fact, I think they ought to keep them in, the more division they have among the people the better, eh? That's what being a Trumpie's all about, or even bein' a Hilldog! Stupid goyim think their shitty political system actually works, can you believe that?! Hwa hwa hwa hwa hwa! I bet my own shekels muh self on that Trumpo, nice goy, gonna make Israel great again, oy vey. Goy better not lose this campaign or else I lose millions to the boys bettin' on blue! Oy vey!
All just a big game, goyim. Trust me.
Is this bait and is asking that taking the bait
>its a fresh out of high school 20 year olds think their degree determines their career path episode
This guy has the right idea
>Aerospace Engineering
yeah, I heard NASA is hiring big now that business is booming
Murica fuk yeah, amirite?
>not familiar with the world's largest defense contractors, and their aerospace divisions, which make up the bulk of the companies.
Sorry you aren't aware that an Aerospace discipline is different from a strictly Astronautics discipline, friendo :)
>fresh out of high school
>ignores the part where I'm graduating in 4 months
>asks for peoples' degrees
>calls them high schoolers because they disagree
Wew, you sure are a master debater, and truly the smartest guy here on Sup Forums! I'm now a #ShillforHill!
>not graduating at 18
Americucks everyone
Here's your (you)
Are you canadian? That was blatantly unfunny, and had no wit whatsover. Shit bantz.
It's going to backfire.
They're going to learn a lot from this loss. All the candidates are now in training. Learning from their losses, improving their swagger.
2020 will be an army of Trumps minus Trump.
Fuck outta here underage
>fresh out of high school 20 year olds
watch my replies and you 'll see that I 'm agreeing with you on "degree determines career".
>largest defense contractors
and you also lack morality. Congrats
Literally nothing wrong with that.
Holy insecurity, Batman
>CTR is even on Sup Forums
Jesus Christ
They're everywhere.
It's a building of thousands of people.
They probably have a whole floor for us.
they spent millions on it
they're on every corner of the internet
He'll do an epic skit with beautiful strong black womyn™ Leslie Jones making fun of le Drumpf xD
what the fuck is CTR? can you lay down your conspiracy books for a minute??
t. CTR shill
MBA master race reporting in
seriously, things in life are simple; Drumpf wasn't a tool, he just did it to boost his image. But he never thought he could actually go forward with it. Nor does he want to. It's pretty clear.
Clear The Record. Making Hillary look clean I guess.
>It was all a ploy to make the republican party look even more absolutely stupid in the future decades to secure a Democrat dynasty
That didn't need Trump for that though.
Just the next authoritarion piece of bible thumping sister fucking jesus shit that they would annoint to be the next Rethuglican candidate would do that.
He's gonna activate the sleeper commies agents.