Has constant meltdowns

>has constant meltdowns
>fills his twitter with alt-right nazi memes and embraces his Sup Forums persona
>started a beef with Eric Andre for no good reason
>promise us an alt-comedy show but gave us a first-year film student surreal short film every week
>now wants to pay his fans to commit crimes so his show can get some publicity

What's his problem? Is the fame starting to get to his head?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's """"irony"""" my bruv ;)

He's a homersexual.

All I'm saying is that I've never seen Eric Andre act like an ironic douchebag


Episode 2 was the best shit I saw on adult swim for years.

what's the deal with this eric andre shit for real

and please don't come here with your made up conspiracy shit. state facts if you got them

what was his beef with eric andre?

>started a beef with Eric Andre for no good reason
Why are you retards trying to manufacture this conflict when MDE has never even acknowledged Eric Andre's existence besides the one time they say "we're still not beating Andre" in jest in the $2000 contest video?

He's revealing his (((power level)))

Muslims keep getting the credit for his terrorist attacks, that'd piss me right off

trying this hard/10

Whats his name again?

sorry, bro, forgot to hate it ironically

Sam "The Gentile Giant" Hyde

>make shitty show
>whine like a woman on your subreddit about being censored by the evil execs like you're the first fucker to ever get your material altered by tv executives

I think everything he does is fucking hilarious.


>>has constant meltdowns


And I love Sam and MDE but I do think they peaked with Ideas Man. Ideas Man is genius

I still don't even know who this guy is, beyond what I think is him on that adult swim commercial of him being a poor man's tom green at a gym.


He's like a modern day Andy Kaufman.


>>has constant meltdowns

he's either bipolar or bpd

How is this shit funny


Not really

it's not, it's a clip taken out of context of like a teaser for stuff that never got released

*active shooter murders minorities*
It was just a prank bro

Cool, another thread.

world peace is fucking terrible

>t. rick and morty watcher

What's with all the Sam Hyde threads on Sup Forums in the past 3 weeks?

fuck off sam your show sucks and its on a network with a bunch of other mindless drivel that sucks too.

He is our guy on tv

How triggered are you?

remember when Sam took down his own youtube channel and cried about it

remember when sam scammed fans out of T shirts

remember when sam scammed kickstarter out of brony game

remember when sam took it up the ass by another dude and pretended its not gay

lololol everyone who defends sam is a little bitch

hes pathetically shilling his show hoping for meager scraps (10s of new viewers from Sup Forums)

>remember when sam took it up the ass by another dude and pretended its not gay
as long as the balls don't touch bro


Sam should do more stand up comedy

He also needs to crash Hillary rallies like he did with the bernouts

For me too.
Sam's about to blow up right now.

btw my name is Tinky

sam "if you're black you better" hyde

>bronies will never stop crying about it
Sam's a hero.

hes too scared of getting pwned by dykes and numales like the no gainz bitchboy that he is

Sam "the active shooter" Hyde

>remember when sam scammed kickstarter out of brony game
Why do people list this as a bad thing. He destroyed those ponyfuckers in incredible style. Absolutely based.

>Sam's about to blow up right now.

this will literally never happen

He's got a good body
and he get to the gym

He's cute, built good

>remember when Sam took down his own youtube channel and cried about it
never happened
>remember when sam scammed fans out of T shirts
they only had to wait 3 years :)
>remember when sam scammed kickstarter out of brony game
bronies are fags
>remember when sam took it up the ass by another dude and pretended its not gay
rumor spread by a mentally-ill tranny

I was actually thinkin of ways to get on the news for that 2grand

but then I realized why in the world would they give anyone a dime after getting the free press.....

I think he means physically

Sam is looking jacked lately, making mad gains

Adult swim is astroturfing while the show is in it's early stages. DW they will disappear entirely soon.

>Why do people list this as a bad thing

he scams people. 1st it was bronies, next it'll be fanboys. which already happened by the way with the T shirts

Also he got BTFO by the bronies, wasted all that time and effort and didnt get a cent from it

lame and gay

try harder

Yea, he was dead serious when he said jews did 9/11 and asked Alex Jones to fuck his wife.

>literally unironically a brony

holy shit how pathetic are you?

>its a "liberal gets triggered by sam" thread

heres a fun game. Try to find an anti-MDE thread that DOESNT bring up Sams political views as a point against him

proud to not know who this faggot is

I think I hate Sam Hyde

not joking


Has anyone watched this?

Apparently some guy in the comments section confirmed the story.

How about if I just don't fucking find him or his work funny, holy shit. I can't say that either without being told that I'm a triggered liberal.

because he made a tv show

I know right, reminds me of Tim Heidecker threads... Sad!

conservative means the same thing as unfunny

alt right is just a whole new level of unfunny butthurt

yeah, saw that the other day. pretty spooky

>remember when sam took it up the ass by another dude and pretended its not gay

Implying you wouldn't

Sam whole routine and comedy is about his political views, maybe he should change that and actually produce comedy instead of preaching his political meme opinions

I think sam hyde is funny because he makes you post shit like this.

>alt right is just a whole new level of unfunny butthurt

the irony lol

>remember when sam scammed kickstarter out of brony game

bronies and weebs eternally mad

not even a little bit. Your show is weak cuck shit.

dude RANCH UP hahahah xD!!

Holy shit 10/10. Do you not see the ironing

>you dont like lolrandom nonsense, I bet you like a well written and funny show

>It's a grandad is mad he's out of touch with the kids episode

Tell us more about multiculturism gramps, it's not like we've heard about it everyday since we were two 0_0

>its ok to scam people as long as theyre bronies

>its ok to scam fans out of T shirts too


>its a "liberal desperately tries to prove hes not butthurt by using the insult cuck wrongly" post


Exactly, what his show is lacking is more tasteful pop culture references.

>it's a moralfag

don't hate the player hate the game Sam Hyde didn't invent the scheme or the scam you dumb fucking faggot liberal pussy brotendo

lol sam this show proves how worthless you are

you cant do anything right

you have to beg trannys to fuck you LOL

Americans and their retarded politics make me sick

I hope the next president fucks you up so bad you'll be running to canada or mexico

here we see sam posting pictures of the tranny that jizzed in his asshole, yet again.

Somehow we are supposed to believe that sam is not a faggot though.

>make doo doo in kitchen
>liberal numale mom is super triggered

>hot steamy word salad coming right up


World Peace is still better than any of Adult Swim shows

>I bet you like a well written and funny show

lame attempt at b8

if you hate MDE and Sam, then why do you guys make it a point to come into literally every thread and get triggered by it? Like you can just ignore it. Do you realize that? If you dont like something, you dont have to go into every thread in start shitting yourself

That's a redpilled alpha thing to do bro. Don't let your social marxist mom censor you.

no, MDE went full on cuck. Not even cuckservative, but cuck as in 'please mr jew give me some shekels and fuck my daughter.' Selling a bunch of degenerate nonsense on late night cable is pretty much modern liberalism at its finest.

the fact that this guy even got a television show is sad reflection on the state of humankind.

Says the guy stealing red panda memes from wigger tumblr

>a bunch of degenerate nonsense

Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it nonsense.

if you didn't want neoreactionaries to be the ones at the forefront of comedy today then you shouldn't have made leftism so mainstream. nobody is going to laugh at the same marxist talking points they've heard from the media and in the education system for their entire lives. people laugh at what's fresh and edgy, and when you try to stifle true right wing discourse well guess what THAT is what becomes the new edgy and subversive material and that's what becomes funny. "alt right" humor is not just here to stay, it's here to conquer. leftism is no longer funny and it's just going to continue getting less funny while sam hyde and people like him are going to get more and more popular. deal with it m80.

I don't hate MDE, I like their comedy but their fans on Sup Forums and any other place are huge retards and should kill themselves

>its a "liberal desperately trying to trick MDE fans into hating it by repeating memes and his retarded idea of what they are like. Completly unaware of how stupid he is" post

NOTHING COMPARES TO PAPA GENOS......except an all out race war...

Well said, user. Well said