
YUGE Mosque opened in the Netherlands!

Erdogan to preside over opening ceremony!


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Fuck this world.


And the hits just keep on coming.

When will it end?

It already has. America may uncuck itself with Donald, but Europe is lost. You surrendered too much of your sovereignty to the EU to ever get it back.

what ?! really ?!




I wonder if there is a Breivik in the Netherlands who is going take advantage of this.

It would deal a hefty blow to the EU.

the ride never ends

omg so progressive

Yet you hypocrites would cry from joy if some Christian president built a mega church in Turkey.

Piss off.

calm down mohammad, dont blow up over this

No we wouldn't. Nationalism implies seperation.

No churches should stay in europe

This, it pains me to admit it but Europe is a lost cause.
Consider us your enemies in a century or two.

Nobody cares what happens in Turkey.


Shit arent you holländer supposed to show us rest germans how its done? What is wilders even doing?

Hay Nice looking Mosque you got there Nether-bro....nicely fit into existing buildings......Geez it brings back fond memories of AOE II

Why are Muslims so anal when it comes to the direction they pray? This triggers my symmetry.

It's called Constantinople



waterstofbom op amsterdam.


>This triggers my symmetry

how is everybody praying in the same facing direction not considered Symmetry...?

wtf wheres geert wilders when you need him

tl;dr on the pic....?

>Implying that wouldn't get bombed by government sponsored "terrorists"
>Implying the workers wouldn't mysteriously disappear.
>Implying that even when the church would get built the clergy would not be found dead one day.

You guys are savages who have barely left their dark ages. The person who allowed you to use technology should be shot. you guys are beasts in your manners and numb in the morality department. If the race war starts turkey will be glassed by Russia and I will enjoy every second of it.

This shit has to stop this instant, for fucks sake.

I can't wait for the pendulum to swing to the other side: from sucking muslims dicks 24/7 to total fucking war on Islam.

hmmmm. atleast i have a escape plan

lol here's little poo in loo education for you

If it was symmetric half of them would be facing the opposite direction

but we're not building churches in muslim land. oh well more mosques equates more hate towards muslims so im all for that

Burn it down. God wills it.

The fact that the wanna be neo-ottoman sultan is presiding over it offends me as much as the megamosque.

No one is going to be building anything on Turkey in couple years, for a very long time

Most of the mosques in Turkey used to be churches, you roach faggot. And they will be again.

To live like Nomad? I don't think that's really viable solution. It's very, very freezing in there during winter, no seas to keep you warm unless you move to Sakhalin

Sorry Netherlands, but when the reconquista will happen, we will bomb you.

I'm getting sick and tired of this now. Alright lads, all of you know. While you read this post go outside and start rioting. I mean there's probably tonnes of people on Sup Forums right now if we all went outside and kicking the shit out of everyone then we'd jump start the happening.

Okay so give me a (You.) and that'll be the signal for me to go outside and start messing shit up. But whoever is reading this now you have to do the same, right? Okay.

This will be very easy to convert into an Orthodox Church when the day of the rope comes.

there's many form of symmetry , choose one....imagine the Kaaba in the middle and 3 Muslims from USA,UK and Bangladesh praying towards it at the exact time....you got Symmetry...


Kill them all. Every last one.

>Erdogan resides over the opening
You can't make this shit up
Why would you live in Europe? Just kill yourself

why would Amsterdam need another Orthodox church...?

you guys love the hagia sofia

When this mosque burns, will that make the fire rise? Will it unleash a series of events to shake the world back into order?

I would seriously give up my life or freedom for that.

I meant the building mein neger

didn't Catherine the Great did the same thing with germans back in the 17th century?,
and they were later banished by the Sovjets to live in the harshest russian landscapes

learn history lest it repeat itself

Do It Fluoride...

EU referendum in UK in a few months.
> Referendum will be fixed, 60+% vote for
> Everyone asked said voted out
> Postal votes make up 80% of vote in
> US laughs says UK cucked brought it on them selves.
> Clinton wins.
With joos you loose.

The guy that sold tons of ammo and weapons to ISIS to massacre towns? Islam is a fucking plague.
> Please don't come to the UK before we can vote out of the EU, you roach motherfucker.

sakhalin was my choice anyways

> Europe getting washed eroded away by Islam

It took a millennia but it was inevitable. Whites were never truly capable of being dominant for long. They are physically weaker than most other races and can't match middle easterner's and Asian's intelligence.

This is just survival of the fittest and the white's failure is a long time coming.

here's a link to the french architects...drop a complaints about lack of Symmetry in their mailbox...

7, rue Séguier - 75006 PARIS

Tel +33 1 40 51 81 73 Fax +33 1 40 46 87 03 E-mail :[email protected]

They try to get super mosque here too, but people are against it because the funding would come from foreigner country

Didn't Obama and Erdogan open up a Turkish-built Mega-Mosque in America too recently.

I don't like this, foul play is afoot

>and they will be again

yeah a lardass autistic fag like you will sure get up your ass and fight for constantinople :')


Explain why US has black ghettos in every city, and a black president, and black lives matter, and affirmative action, when niggers have an IQ on average in the mid to low 70s?
Check out middle eastern IQ levels, they are barely humans, and blacks in most of Africa score gorilla levels of IQ, considers subhuman/retarded and low functioning.

>superior bangladeshian doxxing

His PM has also (re)opened a mosque here just yesterday

Just fuck my feng shui up!

stop using the word super , almost every neighbourhood Mosques here holds 1700+ people , they ain't Super Mosques...maybe EU non religious standards they are...?



this is great

That's just wrong, turk bro.

I would cry from joy when turkey gets nuked and every single turk dies in a nuclear fire.


turkey should build a mega church in istanbul

Well that's what they call it

When whites finally stop being individualistic and organize themselves against the invaders.

Not really , Doxxing takes some effort , this took me less then a minute to find out...

I think Austria doesn't allow mosques that are funded with shady foreign money. Those mosques are not nice free gifts. They want something back. They want to spread wahhabism in them.

>There is no such thing as an islamisation of Europe, you bigotted racist

Blacks that score lower in intelligence are physically built better and tougher to survive. They don't need the intelligence other races have to survive because they need less to survive naturally. There is a reason blacks dominate in all athletic competition and are slowly removing and replacing whites from all major sports including Football and Soccer.

Also many blacks are just as intelligent as whites while remaining physically superior. A few generations from now and American blacks will better whites in both strength and intelligence.

I don't know if there are 'mega churches' in Istanbul but Istanbul has a lot of churches. You'll come across many churches and synagogues through a casual stroll... as for their size their large as your average mosque.

There's no church the size of Suleiman mosque or the ex-church Ayasofia mosque, though.

Will he be met with a faggot delegation?

No we wouldn't. We don't care about you countries, as you should not care about ours.


Pick one.

That and Islam is communalist, they measure growth and success by building new mosques and increasing waqf or semi-public land held for religious purposes (vaguely like "church land" being exempt from taxation). Building a new mosque in Europe is the same thing to them as raising their flag over the same spot.

I'm in favour of the Pussy Riot approach applied to mosques.

Come on, all glorious flaming faggots. Defecate in the mosques, masturbate into their shoes, tie pork to yourselves, leave burning qurans in the lobby, rub your crotch in the face of the first bearded mohammedan you can find.

Yes of course I support my own ethnic/religious interests.

I'm right there with you. Better yesterday than tomorrow.

You don't need to go that far

>You will see how western europe finally falls to its knees in your lifetime

What a time to be alive

A red butthole surrounded by green diahrea

Just surround the thing with Gay fucking bars and clubs. Force them to learn tolerance until it breaks them, and jail them if they act against gays. Almost all Netherlands politicians will be at those homo clubs so retaliation will be swift.

Sup Forums really needs proper age verification....

You really need to use a proper toilet

Thank god Netherlands is so tolerant so our niggers can be safe somewhere

let me guess , you also recommend cutting off your own dick to spite the cheating girlfriend...?

Well done Finland.

Go shoot up the opening ceremony.

There is still hope for Finland, good job man

Who the fuck is Erdogan?

>american education
Turkish president


Ok Bangladeshi-Musli - why are you defending mosques in Europe.

There is a thing called chains, maybe if you tied them up they wouldn't run away to The Netherlands.