In the movie Star Trek, why weren't the crew of then Enterprise surprised to discover that the Romulans were related to the Vulcans?
In the movie Star Trek...
Refresh my memory, when is that even mentioned in the movie?
it's not. In this new timeline, when the Enterpise crew sees the Romulans on the mining ship it's the first time anyone from the Federation has actually seen Romulans, and no one comments on the fact that they look just like Vulcans.
How do you know they didn't encounter Romulans before Nero in the new timeline?
It seems to me like an attack on the Kelvin by technology that is derivative of Romulan tech would lead to further confrontations with the Romulans and probably a more open discourse between the Vulcans who know about the Romulans and Starfleet.
>new timeline
r u srs
The best explanation is the movie sucked an JJ Abrams doesn't care for or know anything about Star Trek
>How do you know they didn't encounter Romulans before Nero in the new timeline?
pretty sure they did, wasn't Kirk mentioning that Romulus still exists and that fagget can go see it himself?
But how would they know it was derivative of Romulan tech? The Federation and the Romulans hadn't had any meetings in almost a hundred years at that point.
When the Enterprise first encountered Romulans in the original timeline, they didn't recognize the weapons the Romulans used, the only clue that it was Romulans was the proximity to the Neutral Zone.
add another hundred years of technological development on to that, there's no way the Federation would've thought Nero's ship was Romulan.
just watching TOS for the first time, is that true that season 3 is a giant retarded clusterfuck?
It's not too awful but the budget cuts are noticeable.
so it's just the budget cuts, not some general silliness?
The only plausible explanation I've heard offered is that the universal translator would recognize that his language was some form of romulan, and the federation could have access to those records.
>The best explanation is the movie sucked an JJ Abrams doesn't care for or know anything about Star Trek
It's also the truth, JJ Abrams doesn't like star trek.
He tells the audience here he doesn't like star trek.
>says he didn't like Star Trek AS A KID
>obviously he never changed his mind
you niggers just LOVE to ignore context huh?
>As someone who was never a fan of Star Trek
- JJ Abrams
He says as a kid he didn't get it, he didn't understand Kirk, Spock or McCoy as they weren't like him, so he explains that he changes them as best he can so that he can relate to them.
He also says he was never a fan of Star Trek. Never doesn't mean just as a kid.
Wasn't the 3rd season the one after TOS got cancelled but the fans wrote in and got it uncanceled, but Gene Roddenberry had decided to walk away at that point, apparently Gene was a bit childish and he was playing games with the studio and doing stuff to try and tank the series as he didn't want them making Star Trek without his involvement, or something.
>Fuck Star Trek! I'm gonna intentionally make this shitty!
- JJ Abrams
You all liked JJ's Star Trek 09. Stop being a fag just because everyone loves Star Wars TFA.
It's pretty clear from the context that he's saying he didn't like Star Trek as a kid and continued to not be a fan up until he was hired to make the movie.
It's ineptitude, not malice. The movies didn't end up being a good addition to the canon because the director/producer had no appreciation for the IP.
what does Star Wars have to do with it?
He literally says he was never a fan at the start of the video
I didn't like 09 or Into Darkness and I saw TFA 3 times in theaters.
TFA was surprisingly hard to watch just a second time.
LOL gene btfo
Are Romulans the most /fa/ species?
I always thought of vulcans as the closeted homo species
The Ferengi are usually looking pretty fly, dressed to the nines.
TFA was hard to watch the first time. I can't even come close to finishing it a second time. I always fall asleep.
I agree with you.
post WW3 judges
is correct. No one else even comes close.
It was ok, when i watched it in the theatres.
when i downloaded the bluray... action scene interesting part
Well when half the species in the galaxy look like humans with a bit of rubber on their forehead, it wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone when two other species look very similar.
>how'd you want your suit bruh?
>just stitch together all the old curtains pham
but it does come as a surprise in the original series. the Federation and the Romulans had a war, the war ended, and the Neutral Zone was established all without the Romulans ever being seen in the flesh, it was all ship-to-ship
So when, 100 year later, intercept a Romulan communication and discover that their old enemy is actually related to the Vulcans, of course they're surprised.
The captain of Kelvin literally accuses the Romunlans of starting a war, and asks to negotiate peace talks.
Stop sucking TOS dick. It was a horribly campy, shitty TV series that had shit cannon, and piss poor continuity.
I was just being an ass.
Uh, what? How does anything I say 'suck TOS dick' or contradict what I said?
This is bullshit. In the JJ Abrahams movies, the federation already know about the Romulians, and when the Narada destroy some Klingons shit, the Romulian gvt is telling everyone they are not part of this and the ship is unknown to them.
Here is the scene :