How do you kill him?

How do you kill him?

Isn't he dead? I thought the dude is a good guy again

guts is a fucking cuck

1. Cut his tendies
2. Watch him try to stand up and fail hilariously

Whatever Skeleton Knight's swinging around as a weapon (and later the Behelit sword) seems to at least make Void defend himself so probably something like that.

I'd guess once Guts has killed enough supernatural shit with Dragonslayer it would be at that level.

Actually hitting any of those fags with it is a different story.

Daily Reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong.

Who will play him in the inevitable hollywood adaptation?

then why is she crying?

Miura really knows his game when it comes to drawing naked bodies.

Guts must finally make love to him. Femto is the manifestation of Griffith's lust for Guts' dick.

those are tears of joy

But he did. He really did a lot of things wrong.

James Woods

What movie is this?

Fou Furieux: Ouef du Royal

What was his endgame?

He just wanted to horse around

Like this.

I get the feeling that guts may have to turn into something supernatural (or more so than he already is) to be able to harm him in any way.

Off topic garbage you should report and if it isn't deleted post it on /q/ 2.0 so the ruseman(Sup Forumsedditor from [s4s]) gets even more upset.

Hes going to go full doggo and upgrade Dragonslayer with Behelit power and have loliwitch buff him and debuff Griffith

Birdman OVA

Kill off Guts already and let the true hero shine.

Literally uncastable.

Crystal Demon's Greataxe +5
Hornet Ring
Red Tearstone Ring
Darkmoon Blade
Power Within

nice double dubs

With a big fucking sword.

Jared Leto

friendly reminder about Berserk "season 2"


It would probably have to be an actress that plays Griffith

Banish him to the boat.

Claymore was better

I hope we see all the god hands backstories. Like how the fuck did void end up as a huge skinned-faced-brainiac?

If HBO were to ever adapt this story, I doubt this scene will ever make it.


Guts can. At this point, he killed so much Apostles and other mythical beings, that the Dragonslayer is able to kill the Godhand. I'm sure Skull Knight and the Elf King will give him some guidance aswell.

Imagine the outcry when the Eclipse happens in a life action series. People will freak their shit even more than the Red Wedding.

fuck off retard

>dat body

muh fucking dick

how to spot a newfag

Where are the mods to delete this off topic garbage?


Freak out even more than when Sansa got dicked by Ramsay.


Go back to Sup Forums manchild

They don't know Berserk threads are allowed on TV
O i'm laffin

is this a shitty meme, or you are retard? Sup Forums is videogame, Sup Forums is for anime.

But this is kino so it's Sup Forums







Why do Sup Forumsedditors shit up Sup Forums so much?

Why are they scared of Sup Forums?

I want Sup Forumsedditors to leave

Hello Sup Forums!

Back to your containment board

Are you a Sup Forums local that started posting before 2011?

are you afraid your 100th batman thread gets saged from one anime thread?


Because they're children that couldn't make the cut on good boards like Sup Forums and /lit/ when they left Sup Forums
Are you implying authentic Sup Forums posters are the ones making capeshit threads and not meme tourists like you from Sup Forums?

not specially on tv but way before 2011 on Sup Forums

Why does Sup Forums always get so insecure when you call them out?

So no then


Are you afraid of Sup Forums so you come to Sup Forums to talk about shitty anime?


Is this the Sup Forumseddit thread?

Guts kid he had with Casca who was deformed by Griffith demon spunk is the key


Of course, everybodys favourite characters gettings ripped to shreds and eaten is too much for normies to handle

yeah, thanks god, no. would've been hard to bear all the baneposting and other shits. and now the capeshitwars.

then again, it wasn't me who made this thread. looks lik he left the house


Guts is going to "die" in the Berserker armor and the armor will let his body continue the fight beyond his life. That will make him into a Skull Knight type deity. Hes gonna be the next Skull Knight and end it all. Nuff nuff. Screen cap this.

post more please

Nothing offends a Sup Forumsedditor more than belling called Sup Forumseddit.

You can call him anything, any insult, but if you call him reddit he will shriek and throw a hissy fit. He's been found out and he hates it, he doesn't even understand how it happened, he tried to fit in but failed.

The Sup Forumsedditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a redditor, memer, Sup Forums, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Sup Forumseddit and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

What does this have to do with television and/or film

not OP
because as you say Sup Forums is for shitty anime,
Sup Forums is for the few great animes to discuss, occassionaly

I don't see you guys flooding the DCshit threads. Don't say because those are "kino"

People stop believing in him/he loses his followers. Probably from being exposed as a deceiver and his dream collapses thus he loses all power, his defeat will be bitter to say the least with no real happy ending for anyone.

It's pretty obvious if you read that chapter where Griffith meets "God" or the heart of darkness thingy before being transmogrified into Femto. So much so that it was removed from the actual catalog of chapters

Redditors please leave. Berserk was being discussed on Sup Forums when you were all in middle school. You'd know that if you weren't such a newfag. You're embarrassing yourselves.

>So much so that it was removed from the actual catalog of chapters
I thought it was never canon and wasn't included because it was out of character or Miura didn't like it?

Because Sup Forums threw them out. OP made a thread on /qa/ crying about Sup Forums and even they agreed with us on this garbage(cartoons) being off-topic outside of Sup Forums and /m/
It made them really upset

2007 to 2012 was "occasionally"
What you Sup Forums rejects from Sup Forums do now is almost everyday

Berserk has a movie you moron.

nice conspiracy youve got going there. Did you forget your medicine today or have you just not been diagnosed yet??


>those perky C-cup tits
>that tight tummy
>that supple ass
>that vaginal juice leaking down her thigh

It's incredible how this is better than most doujins and yet the context is absolutely infuriating.

The God Hand are going to sacrifice him