>turning on your own writers
What went wrong?
>turning on your own writers
What went wrong?
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Is Kurt Metzger our guy?
what did kurt said lmao
>It's a women are responsible for 99% of false rape claims but they still don't get jailed for wasting everyones time and making real rape trivial episode
He was right and Amy is a sjw cow.
Obligatory viewing:
>his words are not mine?
What did he say? "I should eat a salad and not be such a dumb whore"?
Is this why she is mad?
Perhaps google could help.
this is pretty brilliant
Dat's really hot
judging by his twitter the dude's as much of an insufferable cunt as shoomer
>last paragraph
Problematic kino
Who is Kurt Metzger and what did he do?
Amy is a fucking train wreck, pretty nice to see shes getting ready to go downhill, in both career, looks, and money.
>By that I mean Comedy Central is getting ready to clean house of shit rated shows.
This guy seems rather intelligent
I basically agree with everything he said here.
Nice to know I'm the problem, I guess.
this isn't real, right?
this cannot be fucking real
What a based man
there's literally absolutely nothing wrong being said
he wrote a 'funny' piece saying
>A woman told me that "Johnny mandude" is a rapist, so thats all the proof i need, damn you rapist "johnny mandude"
feminists are mad, that's he's saying you can't call someone a rapist because a woman say so (no trial of course)
feminists are saying he's calling women that have been raped liars.
Kurt wildin' out on Twitter
So basically he just made fun of retards?
he fucked up when he used the word hole. Everuthing else was fine.
This is so hot and it pains me to never live this fantasy
I wouldn't hire a writer who thought Suicide Squad was good either.
Holy shit, is he our guy?
hey, i like this guy
bit himself in the ass by being vulgar and insulting. Everything he said was correct but now it doesn't matter
>A number of people called Metzger a "rape apologist," which only further inflamed his rhetoric. "It just makes my so dick hard to have the stupidest people alive mad at me. But I came already so I'm taking a break," Metzger writes in one post. "If you are raped by Bill Cosby you and you didn't go to the cops I get it. You were scared etc etc. I give you credit. If a fat improv open mic kid with a fucking jew fro did it you are full of shit," he writes in another.
bravo kurt, you just ruined your career with your childish,, mysoginist rant. you will never be hired to write anything ever again. let that sink in. youre finished.
Wasnt he the one guy from Oz who was played by Patrick Star
It's clearly not, you simpleton.
i guess he never was a cuck after all...
You shouldn't use social media as a spergout platform regardless of your political views, it won't benefit your career at all
so fucking based
that's kind of his shtick
>You dont want to have sex with your sister?!? You must be gay!
Kek'd heartily. Also if the genders were reversed the brother would be in prison by now
>when oral rape isn't being throat-fucked but someone forcing their mouth on your cock
Holy shit this kid is so fucking lucky
>bring up amy schumer to add weight to our blog
Subtle savagery.
There was a really good twincest copypasta posted a long time ago on Sup Forums that I saved but I lost it... Eventually the mom got in but I ain't about that shit. Dad was serving in the military and away or something. Took place in summer and started out in the pool, eventually she asked him for advice on sex, then escalated. Fuck it was nice.
>boys cannot be raped
Reads like a really good Onion article, 10/10
Reminder this Kurt Metzger faggot is the one who called all of us that post here fat permavirgin neckbeards in defense of this fat cow when we called her a fat cow a few months ago and he went on that long ass twitter shitposting spree of butthurt.
Don't you go putting things in my mouth. Boys can be raped, but that's a hilarious way to do it and probably never heard of in prison
>Don't you go putting things in my mouth
you made me laugh user
So...THIS...is the power...of female """"humor""""
He's an idiot. What he writes is obvious and most people would agree. Of course a sole claim does not and should not be enough to get someone jailed. And he's acting like he's fucking Pythagoras explaining that the world is round.
now i have even more respect for him
This. Never trust the kikes
>an employee defends the person who signs his paycheck
What did Cuck Metzger mean by this?
he's not jewish
An open mic comic was accused of rape by an anonymous women's comedy Facebook group. He was banned from UCB and The Creek and The Cave.
Kurt's really great. He's very funny and hates feminists. He simply argued that word of mouth isnt a good reason to label someone a rapist and a trial should be held. He has made enemies when r/opieandanthony uncovered Schumer is a joke thief by defending her. His defense basically amounted to "She's a young comic with unoriginal ideas done previously. Not a thief". He for some reason thought that sub was alt right. It has libs and conservatives but not alt right. It's not politically correct so that's what confused him. Overall he was protecting a friend and I understood his perspective even though I think she stole. Now though she has shown that relationship is one way. I'm not sure but I suspect he's been fired. He's head writer and the only reason it's watchable. His anti feminist schtick has been a thorn in the shows side as it doesn't jive well with the Jews.
He's our guy
Please don't start piling on Amy, folks. She's being targeted by sjw cunts trying to destroy her career as well for being racist
How can you go from to this
>Not a fucking heeb
lel okay Shlomo
That's what you get for staring into the abyss
There's a difference between defending and personally attacking.
he's not jewish, look it up
I've never been on r/opieandanthony, but O&A is sort of alt right
very problematic
This guy's facebook is a goldmine.
>SJW has moment of self awareness
>Amy Schumer doesn't like this.
>SJW eaten by his own kind
If you lay with vipers and all that
All I have to do is look at his face and last name to know he has sheeny kike blood running through his icy reptilian veins.
Fucking based as fuck
Damn, he's good
full blown meltdown
It's almost as if these are people with personal relationships with each other
Tila Tequila's twitter meets Alec Baldwin's real life
He's not a Jew. His family were Jehovah's witnesses.
>implying police don't collect evidence for a rape
>implying judges lock guys up based on nothing but heresay
What he really means is "tell the public about your rape or it didn't happen." Which is the wrong message to put out if you're trying not to look like a rape defending woman hater.
I wish you faggots would stop praising people like this and making safe spaces to share this shit. You'll never defeat feminists with this garbage.
>Kurt does not work form me
someone post all his tweets of him hardcore whiteknighting for her
he's not jewish
>it's a Sup Forums and Sup Forums can't handle the bantz episode
We know what you are Kurt, we see through the curtain.
Fuckin jews lmao when will they learn
Did he just fuck his shit up or is he /ourguy/ now?
Then kill yourself.
He's my guy
Why do we care about any of these idiots?
What does any of this have to do with Capekino or Interracial Porn?
That's not what he's saying though.
He's saying basing public witchhunts on third-hand hearsay is really dangerous. He doesn't even want victims to "step out into the public" he's simply saying that the broken telephone, where random non-victims have come out to accuse the accused of X, Y, and Z, is piling on and really dangerous.
If you've been assaulted, or know someone who has been assaulted - speak out to the proper authorities. Don't tell a friend of a friend of a friend and then point fingers at a guy who has NO charges against him and has no recourse.
>gets shit on by Sup Forums one day
>gets shit on by SJWs the next
poor guy
>He is of Jewish descent on his mother's side and of Bosnian descen
Nice forum sliding