What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Was this the final scene where he obviously gets whacked?
he didn't get wacked it just cut to black
Life goes on, or doesnt. Maybe he was clipped then and there, maybe weeks, months later, or not at all. Danger continues to follow Tony and family. It's the life he chose, or rather the life that chose him. Don't stop believing.
He got whacked, you gigantic STUPID IDIOT.
There's no stigmata anymore
Just noticed he is wearing a White,Grey,and Black shirt
Every time you watch this series you pick up something else.
Everytime the bell rings and tony looks up we see from his perspective, we see through his eyes. This is why in the final shot, we here the bell, as the pattern continues, we see from his perspective. This is why it's dark for an elongated time, we are seeing from his perspective. The infinite darkness of death
I don't get it, what's the significance of those colors in the show?
>he said tell tony and paulie "3 o'clock"
>tony gets shot from the 3 o'clock position
The entire theme of the show summed up in colors. Tony's battle between his light side and dark side and the ambiguity of it all(grey).
Its only fitting that David Chase would chose to put him in these colors for Tony's death scene.
I thought he got shot from behind when MOG left the bathroom.
The bathroom is directly to the right of Tony
reference pic
There are other telltale signs that he was killed. One of them is that he didn't sit at a table where his back was to a wall, which was otherwise common practice amongst mobsters who were afraid of being whacked.
thanks famalam
Tony stopped beli
Let's play "who said it", /sop/
1. What's he gonna do, gum the guy to death?
>tfw bad sopranos fan
I'll just take a random stab and say Phil
honestly it's ambiguous
If he didnt die then whats the point of cutting to black? To piss off the audience?
2. They didn't had flat tops in Ancient Rome!
Ralph. I'm kind of cheating because I saw that episode recently though.
Both quotes were Ralph.
He had top bantz.
did he cook the horse?
This was about Baccala Sr. whacking his godson, wasn't it?
this is correct
No, and if he did so what!
It was a fucking animal!
He possibly didn't know how to end the show and thought the cut to black would keep the show in peoples minds for a long time.
It would be hard to kill Tony on-screen without it looking dumb imho.
It was a perfectly cromulent ending and only plebian plot fags get hung up over it. It's called post modern guys.
Post modernism is a meme.
>It's called post modern guys.
Care to explain what you mean by that?
No, it's a genre that relies heavily on memetic structure.
Wait, post modernism is a genre?
He didn't get whacked. If you listen to the Bobby Bac scene then I can see why you would think that. But new York made peace with him and there's like nobody left in his crew who even want to take him out.
Life goes on. Tony most likely ends up with some jail time since Carlo turned rat.
>still takes the post seriously
Patsy did it.
Cop out
I'm not the guy who posted it, but it's blatant bait. Once again:
Junior said this in reference to Bobby's father.
Although he hasn't specifically said what his intentions were, I think Chase was expecting the next morning's headlines to be people arguing about "Who Whacked Tony Soprano?".
Instead, most reviews were essentially "what the fuck happened last night?"
nah, bruh. The grey lets us know that nothing in life is really clear--it's all ambiguous--rather than offering clear contrasts, such as black and white. def POTTERY though BRAVO CHASISSISMO
sure why not
I'd classify Sopranos as pre-memeism. It's a good thing it aired before the Age of the MemeĀ®
Why does New Jersey always have the best Kino television?
who is the goddamn genius that makes all these? he should be canonized or knighted.
I agree! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!
comfiest finale final scene