Thoughts on this show?
Stranger things
Never heard of it. Is it good?
Above average show, below average fanbase.
Good but overrated.
By the look of it appeals to some very stupid people. People so stupid they are incapable of checking the catalog.
this i really liked it when it first came out when i was one of the very few people to see it but now that more people like it i really don't anymore
a stunning visual masterpeice of epic proportions, a triumph of creativity and originality, this series is the gold standard of what science fiction tv should aspire to. at once emotionally moving, and heartbreakingly nostalgic, this deserves no less than 10/10
>other thread is full of shitposting and no discussion of the show
Mediocre (solid 5/10) show, not good, but not bad either. Terrible fanbase who overrate the shit out of it.
Wil Wheaton's best role ever.
It's alright, nothing special though. Definitely not great enough to have this many people jerking themselves over this, but then again these nu-males and "nerds" fawn over shitty capeshit films like Civil War, as well, so I can't say that i'm not surprised.
bretty good.
people dont like it anymore because the mainstream likes it
Sup Forums was creaming themselves the first 24 hours it was on netflix.
if you like this show chances are you love marvel and hate Batman v Superman
I like all of them because I don't let niggers like you tell me I have to pick a side.
headbutt a blast furnace you stupid jew instigator.
>butthurt marvelcuck
I loved it, but I can't put a finger why.
Where are we up to now?
Stupid kike retard.
I loved stranger things
only nucapeshit ive ever seen was iron man 1 and man of steel, both were shit.
>dat captcha
>people dont like it anymore because the mainstream likes it
Sup Forums likes to tell people to "fuck off" but they keep paying attention to them. It's no wonder they don't like anything.
>buttblasted marvel fanboy
15/10, one of the best things I've ever witnessed
about to start my 6th watch through
We're all out of thoughts. No more thoughts to be had. Please move along.
It's a GET magnet, check those dubs fool
I came too late to check these yesterday tho
The actress who played Eleven should be Matilda in a remake.
im on episode 7 and it's great.
Step 5 already, going to 6.
Can you imagine the mental gymanstics some of the memeloving retards on this board go through to hate something just because someone else loves it? It's actually why this board is so fucked and why decent movie discussion will never take place.
I remember some fags being so contrarian they went on to say Kurosawa of all things is overrated pleb entry-tier garbage. No bottom deep enough.
Fucking awful. I hate it, couldn't even finish it
If you like Netflix """SHOWS"""" you are the pleb. They are all fucking terrible, low budget, cash grabs which they churn out like fucking rabbits.
This is a dangerous step. We already let Sup Forums in by letting them have their weird marvel vs dc war here because they both have movies.
If we are going to start discussing fanbases we are opening the floodgates for Sup Forums.
If you think this is a board worth saving or where Sup Forums or Sup Forums could have a negative influence you're retarded. We have
>24/7 /got/ threads
>shitload of waifu threads
>incessant Sup Forums and /r9k/ turning everything into a tumblr-tier shitshow
>the board's own contrarian cretins that never watch anything and shit on everything
>b-but muh sekret klub
It's shit. You're shit for posting here. I'm shit for posting here. Everybody's shit for posting here. Hotpockets are shit, mods are shit, m00t is shit for creating it and Hiroshima for allowing it to exist.
>big budget means it's good
stay pleb
I don't think the secret club argument makes any sense here. Nobody suggest that Sup Forums is secret from Sup Forums.
But I get your argument. You are saying this place is beyond saving.
eh it's a fun show. it's not the best of all time or an indicator of terrible taste. although if you can't find something in the short runtime to enjoy, you probably had a lame childhood.
its what makes it so great though. the shitshow
It's great.
>its what makes it so great though. the shitshow
i basically come to Sup Forums for the controversies, I can get away with shit I wouldn't if it wasn't anonymous
I actually only post on Sup Forums and a few other boards, Sup Forums is only for lurking. There's the odd thread where people actually talk about film/tv and do post but they're so rare and far between they're not even worth mentioning.
I don't think I've posted here in months, this board is worse than Sup Forums and Sup Forums at this point.
>the shitshow
It's stale. Same arguments over and over, I haven't even seen a post worth a screencap in fuck knows how long. It's dead even on that level,
Sup Forums is also dogshit nowadays. I miss old Sup Forums. Hasn't been good for years.
Just binge watched the first episode and so far I love it
>binge watched the first episode
when will this meme end?
fucking ADHD ridden millenials, I bet you even go to reddit
Reminder that Millie doesn't like Finn.
>Leaked on his friend's twitter
Depends on what sports you follow. Since I'm not from /trumptopia/ and only post on rugby/football threads, youroposting is fine especially when the thread is slow and there's some decent banter.
Alhtough yes, it's not as good as it was a few years ago either. Or maybe it's just rose tinted glasses we're wearing.
The first few days after it came out were glorious on Sup Forums, now the threads are shit
that's fake
I don't buy it tho, it's extremely easy to fake something like that, you only need 2 phones and sockpuppeting is done
The same argument could be made for Sup Forums.
"depends on what thread you go into"
That shit excuse doesn't fly for this shithole it shouldn't apply to a place that used to be good.
Youroposting is the worst btw.
They are the ones bringing trump into it every time.
Holy shit
Pls be real
How do you know?
Enjoyable, good but not great. Reminded me that I missed out on having a social or romantic life as a teen and makes me want to kill myself
I missed out too, I don't regret it one bit
Wow. That's just sad.
Sup Forums was never good.
>youropoors bringing trump up
Because it's fucking funny that a bumbling buffoon is fighting a Tom Clancy villain for the presidency. I don't see that often anyway, but I'll believe you.
All I want is more posts like pic related
but why would anyone fake that only to put it on twitter
Go to r/Sup Forums. I think they collect posts they like.
You don't actually need to come here if you just want funny screencaps.
Well what more is there? There's no discussion to be had, memes are staler than Britanny Murphy's corpse, even the shitshow is the same shitposting faggotry every fucking time.
meh, not bad but still pretty plebby.
>memes are staler than Britanny Murphy's corpse
What did he mean by this?
I like the discussions I have here sometimes. Even if they are aggressive. I take an aggressive insult over a dishonest agreeing.
I like passion in arguments even if it is stupid. If you come here for the funny screencaps you don't need to post. You are adding nothing.
>Tfw it's actually a real picture of a phone
Is this real?
I meant I masturbated to her funeral
>on Sup Forums
Where? I'm genuinely curious.
Everywhere. Right in this thread I am discussing the merits of Sup Forums for some reason.
it's a meme show favored by reddit
kek, that spoiler was pretty unexpected
I don't believe you.
>it's hard to grab a phone and set a contact with the name millie, to then message yourself and take a pic
how naive are you?
>he doesn't have a funeral fetish
What is wrong with you? I never finished Death at a funeral because I can't stop wanking. The only time I found Princess Diana to be attractive tebehe.
But why would someone do that instead of making something in photoshop?
It's just unnecessary work for a black frame
That's... Actually a good point.
It's a legitimately great show that does a lot of things very well. Nothing ground breaking, just a great example of what impressive acting, great visuals (minus bad chi), and a wonderful soundtrack can do for storytelling. Everything comes together nicely and it leaves you wanting more. It's dark in parts but not what we're used to post-Sopranod, Breaking Bad, and GOT so a lot of people put off by that level of graphic violence cna enjoy it.... which may lead to a whole bunch of annoying people claiming it's the GOAT.
It's even easier to do than in photoshop
Good tv show. I see old things. Old things make me smile, like board game and poster. Show look like ET. Kids remind me of being kid. Good tv show.
>memes are staler than Britanny Murphy's corpse
stop trying to fit in, go away
great all around, nothing too cheesy, good soundtrack. 9.9/10 (only the monster CGI was kinda meh)
How so
You don't have to make the text bubbles manually and stuff
so you're a hipster trying to being contrarian. literally the scum of this board.
It's a damn shame that we didn't get a good shot of her feet throughout the series.
literally who?
Such a shame that she's the best looking one in the show. A 6... a fucking 6.
it's gay
Funny she cucked that boy in the end
I thought it the show was entertaining, but they blew it a bit with the 80's nostalgia. Specifically regarding the high school scenes, there were a lot more stoners wandering the halls at that time than I noticed in the show. This was especially true in white, upper-middle class neighborhoods.