French soccer team

>French soccer team

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Football club picks the best possible players you know what that means white boi we blacks stronger ,faster and better


Yea, I mean, just look at all those african world cup winners


>when liberals genocide white people

You mean football ?

Been posting this forever;

Tbh magrebi ans blacks are gifted and more talented at football... End of story

this pic is like 10 years old.

Why is America using Soccer and not the metric system?
Literally one of my only problems with America

But look at others sports : natation or horse riding...

Also, france whitest player ever is algerian

>American's education

That's fucking disgusting, seriously.

How can French cucks not kill themselves?

They're trying the same shit with our team now, though.

This disgusting sandnigger will be captain if Pigmounter is hurt or when he resigns.

>mfw I cried when they got the world cup stolen by filthy treacherous Italian bastards in 2006
Never forget

>Gallas, Makelele, Malouda

I miss those Chelsea sides.

That's a terrific French team. At least at that time they really only had French-speaking niggers from their colonies. Much worse situation now.

That moor zidane coudnt control his moor genes and chimped out

>horse riding
>a sport
Pick one.

Your team has been almost as bad in recent years. Loads of shitskins.

>French colonial football team

Totally bullshit. German, Italian or Spanish team are white for an exemple.

>a fucking monkey

Me too


American president

>this was 10 years ago


Des blancs genre ribéry le golmon ?

Was in Venice at the time. Pretty fucking awesome tbqf desu

In Europe, working-class people are more likely to devote themselves to the game

In America it's mostly rich kids whose parents can pay for good coaching and travel

How dare you speak you literal african. I am whiter than you will ever be you fucking moorids nigger.


France is a great African nation, superpower by 2020.

Oh shit. Turkish national team ?

Ribéry l'islamisé abrutis était excellent. Personne de sérieux ne peut dire le contraire. L'équipe de 98 était "mixe" et l'équipe des années 80 de Platini était quasiment 100% blanche.

Junior team ?

Gringos truly are the last people that should mock anyone for having black athletes

No, we're still far from OP.

That team was real good

Because real frenchmen don't care about football, they care about rugby?

I thought Gringo was an insult for all people who are white.

I guess the French wouldn't qualify for that either.

>tfw the only time England ever won the Fifa World Cup, its team was not only all white, but every single player had an Anglo-Saxon surname with the exception of George Cohen (who wasn't even Jewish)

at least in Mexico gringo simply refers to american, regardless of race

Ofc, you're youth is almost majority african.

In spain i tell you we are beginning to develop public and foreign policy for the future to interact with the vibrant African peoples where the cancer riddled, tired, old and demoralized, whithered away by the eternal wanderer, indigenous french, germans, belgians and swedes used to be. We can profit from your horrible and painful demise while going more nationalistic as our people look on in horror as the dark ghoul tide eats your still warm corpses.

You can mock us "idle southernpoors" all you like, but we survive, you die.

The earth is not inherented by the righteous, but by those who survive.

That's the demographics in Paris.

They just keep getting darker than darker. Funny thing is the few non-niggers there are mostly non-French as well.

tu nous fait honte, ferme la

What you call the south is just as much the west as the north. Your prisons are full of Moroccans and your major cities are full of Latinos and gypsies. All you are compared to us is behind schedule.

In Spain, doesn't it originally mean a Greek? And also "gabacho" meant Gaul i.e. Frenchman? Hopefully, a helpful Spaniard will appear.

Not defending their niggerteam, I bet your handegg champions aren't much whiter.


Real French people don't like "french" soccer team. Soccer is a shitskin field.

Gabacho in Mexico also means american, in Spain it means French

>whites bending over

Lol un compatriote qui prend tout au 1er degré et qui connait pas l'ironie

I'm pretty psyched for when someone wins the world cup because they gave the right Mohammed asylum


>implying you are white spaniard.

But it is true that in French football for 15 years was "colorful" training young players. And the result is the French team of 2010.

C'est plutôt l'équipe de France des crasseux qui est une honte

(that's obviously referring to USA and not "America the continent")

ayy lamo

What about curling m8 ?

Or propaganda value

If they loved France and win, nobody will object.
But they hate France, do not sing the Marseillaise and lose ...


Rugby is really the only sport where I see the French team actually sing the fucking Marseillaise.

It makes me sad that national pride has deteriorated this much.

It's hard to be proud of your country when the state that apparently forms your country is out to eradicate your nation.

Immigrants do not play rugby. Or very little. Too rough for them.


LePen 2017 let's go.

Do you guys in Mexico have a load of cool ethnic/national slurs for the nations of Central and South America?

Alexander Dumas was a Quadroon.

Blacks have been in France for a long time.


You guys realize that blacks have been in France as long as blacks have been in the US right?

This is like saying "American Basketball Team"

Not really, we call Spaniards "gachupines" though

Fuck-off; plenty of arabs at the racing métro

The only difference is that we love our country Pierre

>Too rough for them
Juste look at pour martial arts champions mec, c'est pas les babtous fragiles du 16ème qui s'achètent des diplômes d'école de commerce qui vont faire le taf...

That guy literally looks like how I imagine Clovis or Charles Martel to have looked.

>calling someone a Neanderthal is a put down

Nigger detected

The FN did not win in 2017.

The future is it. Marine Le Pen will never win.


Why don´t they just hold the ball between their legs and jump through the goal

he definitely should be in game of thrones as some sort of wildling

we were better desu

Holy fuck your english absolutely TERRIBLE.

Pas grave, on s'en branle pêh

which makes it even sadder


Lepen =Filthy rich pro gay, pro abortion, communist, pro israel turd...

>FN is the only party who is growing

Alors pourquoi c'est pas les petites racailles de cités qu'on voit dans l'équipe de rugby ? Tu imagines ces bouffons avec leurs coupes de pédé sur un terrain de rugby , Sois sérieux.

Et dans les arts martiaux il y a de tout. Je suis judoka, et il y a plus de blancs que d'arabes ou de noris même si il y en a. L'affiche aujourd'hui c'est Teddy Riner et hier c'était Douillet.

Yes, Chabal is our Caveman.

Are you serious? Holy fuck, how can one be that retarded?

Truly. People love to brag about French Nationalism but with retards like you who can't foresee anything that is more complex than their daily SM routine, there is literally nothing to be proud of.

Just think, use your brain. Do you actually believe we will come to power by being Hitler 2.0? Really? JMLP thought so, how did it work for him ?

Oh. Yes. After a life of politics he got humiliated and lost 8:2 to Chirac.

Now the FN has never been closer to power and that's already a huge improvement. We are shifting the political landscape to the RIGHT.

Argentina also has a Thal.

New algeria, Sarkozy likes this. "Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding"

bye bye Europe

FN = more statism, more taxes, more socialism , a progressive ideology...

Le Pen who ? Marine or Marion ?

Vive la revolution right guys...

even the 'white' player isnt french

uhm what's with Corsica? I'd expect them to be fairly on the right

Don't be in denial america, you're 13% nigger and there's at most 10% muslim in france.
Football is a poor/uneducated sport, that's why there are so many immigrants in the team.
I'm seriously worrying for you america, you are in utter denial : you're only 60 % white, and it's not getting better, wake up before it's too late, because you will be the first to be replaced. Damn, i feel old now

The answer is the question ;) marine of course she is destroying the party purging it from its Founders and the true purpose...

Yeah let's vote for asselineau or bring back monarchy, we are the dissidence :DDDDD
For fuck sake be realistic, FN is the only solution we have now

imagine this guy in bar brawl

Time to drop slumball and pick up a real European man's sport

Even the Swedes look Swedish in the hockey world, pic related

>Georgian Rugby Union kicks off the UN Women solidarity movement for Gender Equality in GeorgiaBack
how does it feel youll never have rugby team this based?