I haven't seen this in years. I don't remember much about it though...

I haven't seen this in years. I don't remember much about it though. Was it actually a good show or was it just another shitty sitcom?

>god tier

>pretty good tier

>bitch tier

The mom was hilarious fuck you kid.

She was still a bitch

>yfw that turns me on now.

This is one of the most nostalgic shows ever for me, on par with the likes of DBZ. Damn, I should re-watch this some time.

Yes, No, Baby,
I don't know,
Can you repeat the question?

You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big

You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big

Life is not fair.........

If only Lois were better looking. She's kind of ugly desu

only watched this as a highschooler
does it hold up?

I'd say it's like 70% hit and the rest is miss. Like the first poster mentioned Malcom is shit.(least funniest character.)

I don't think Francis is the funniest though. Probably voting Dewey/reese

Were they really that poor?

Reese and Dewey were stereotypes. Francis had nuance and subtlety.

was reese proto mac from sunny?

>Hal not in god tier


All that needs to be said is it is an amazing show. Excellent. Even if you don't like the later stuff you could always watch the earlier seasons.

Francis is my favorite just ahead of Reese. The way he works is so hilarious, all the shit he pulls at military school and how his comrades either follow him for his genius or fight him for his stupidity.

I was always a little annoyed that they had Francis leave the ranch, it was always a good B-plot his character development there was interesting too.

it's comfy af due to nostalgia-reasons

Is a reflect to the american society.



It was good, but military school and Alaska were the better Francis plots imo

is Malcolm still on Netflux? probably would renew my sub for this show alone.

This webm pretty much sums up the genius of this show

I never watched it when I was a kid, but as an adult I went back and watched a few episodes and found it hilarious. I like it, it's god tier compared to the family sitcoms that are on right now.

was never a huge fan of alaska
i can't really articulate why, as it's been a long time, but i remember always being bummed when an alaska plotline woudl come up

The first season isn't so great but everything after is awesome


Really? I loved it.

>The bulldyke boss
>His loser academy friend
>Icefishing episode
>The episode where he becomes a legendary rat killer
>The one where he runs a straw millionaire style con on all his coworkers

But to each their own



it might be that it was a little too pathetic and depressing for me

i remember specifically the hockey episode
>work all day
>end up owing owner money for shit accommodations
>academy friend is good at hockey and is treated like a king while you are treated like shit



>ywn watch Malcolm in blu-ray


Have a (You) for showing restraint.

>10/10 casting
>Great acting from all the child actors
>Cranston and Jane having chemistry

The show just worked

Francis definitely had the most character development, but Hal got the most laughs out of me.
