Thank god you're here. /s

>Thank god you're here. /s

post cringe celeb moments

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I don't get what's so cringy about this, though
Is having a point of view not allowed now?

he got really salty right off the bat.



he didn't get 'salty', just wanted to explain his take on the things

That's very big of you.


He obviously rehearsed his lines, and he was determined to play the part of the "open minded" bleeding-heart, in a desperate attempt to gain maximum libstars.

We have to be able to criticize bad ideas.


>just wanted to "explain his take"
>by calling Harris a bigot, and then acting like it was a mic-dropping argument

>we must focus on the people who do bad things and not the reasons that they all have in common and makes them do those things
and that way of thinking is why Spain is a shithole wich government is esentially a criminal organization

Yeah, it looks like he studied up on who Sam Harris was beforehand (probably by reading Reza Azlan or whoever) and came up with a strategy to attack him and make himself look good.

Sam Harris couldn't be more calm and articulate and he literally refuses to see any of his points (and to be fair, so do the others). He probably thought he was going to easily BTFO him but ended up getting rekt and so he started pouting like a bitch.

Ben affleck was insanely outclassed mentally. He thought Sam would just roll over and didnt realize hes used to debating in a public forum plus how intelligent he is. Even if you dont like his POV you can at least admit hes a genius.

Since when do the opinions of actors matter? I mean, I love Affleck and his Batman is the best, but why is he on that show?

Affleck's probably used to people agreeing with him all the time and rolling over, what with him being a big Hollywood star. Sam doesn't have aspirations to have a career in Hollywood so he didn't care.

>explain his take on things

cause hes a pretend psudo intellectual liberal faggot
Agree 100%, im hoping he was so butthurt after the show about someone actually standing up to him that he went home and beat his wife. thatd be funny.

If you sympathize with Bin Al-Fleq you're a fucking moron. These same people antagonize and ridicule Christianity for being outdated and backwards. Islam is like a more extreme and barbaric version of orthodox Christianity but they're minorities in the Anglosphere so we have to give their bullshit ideals special protection from free speech.



sam harris dickriders act like traumatized cult members sucking the guy off every 5 minutes when he's actually never had an original thought beyond "waaah religion sucks" "mooslims r scary"


Celebrities are used to being placated and pandered to, so that's probably totally accurate.


>implying you have to like meme harris to realize what a retarded asshole ben was being

they both suck


>sam harris dickriders
Jealous? Hes smart and ben is stupid, whats the problem? You a shitskin?

>meme harris

Honestly agree

>what are thought experiments
>what are hypothetical scenarios dreamt up in order to discuss philosophical ideas


Hi, Ben.

Based Sam Harris unpacking it like a fucking pro.



We've been sold this MEME of Islamophobia.

>We have to be able to criticize bad ideas.
I agree. Here's a really bad one worth criticizing.
>The link between belief and behavior raises the stakes considerably. Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them.
>This may seem an extraordinary claim, but it merely enunciates an ordinary fact about the world in which we live. Certain beliefs place their adherents beyond the reach of every peaceful means of persuasion, while inspiring them to commit acts of extraordinary violence against others. There is, in fact, no talking to some people. If they cannot be captured, and they often cannot, otherwise tolerant people may be justified in killing them in self-defense.
Guess who said that?

Oh fuck, someone beat me to it.

>especially after 911

Ben Affleck doesn't want to help the 750 million women in the Islamic world
That's very big of him

what a fucking retard.

How is that bad, hes right. They should kill shitskins and niggers, why is that bad exactly?

ITT Butthurt neckbeard


He basically means if a porch monkey jumps oh your shit screaming about blm you can shoot him.

Frankly I agree.

Why hasn't he been blacklisted yet?

sounds like a great idea that should be implemented in to western society asap

leave me the fuck alone


>still posting this meme

Of course he's not particularly original, but I admire the guy for taking this up as a cause, as most people aren't interested in dedicating the time and effort to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

I think it's a meme-worthy necessity, and it's a mistake to dismiss it because certain pseudo-intellectuals stigmatize it.

Affleck got a lot of money from Turkish Airlines, so of course he's pro-Islam for now.

WHY IS THAT BAD?>as most people aren't interested in dedicating the time and effort to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
please go back to red dit you try hard faggot no one is impressed

>No it's not. It's based on fact.


good comeback fäm

Well I'm a big supporter of democracy, and the idea that people are best served by their government if the government is directly answerable to them, and for that to happen, you need free discourse to be able to argue your ideas without fear of reprisals by some government entity, simply for putting forward a belief. Harris is putting forward the most severe form of "political correctness" I've ever seen, and I don't think has seriously considered the implications of what he's said, and who gets to decide what ideas are dangerous enough that it's ethical to kill someone for them.
I read his response to people's revulsion at his comment, and never once does he actually try to say he didn't actually mean what he said, in fact he reiterates how dangerous he thinks beliefs can be. So, try again, I guess.

ben's Aryan genetics just made him disagree with the Jews.

If you honestly think that naming 2 of the most well known philosophers of all time is pretentious, you really should go back to school

>Harris is putting forward the most severe form of "political correctness"
Wtf no he isnt the liberals are. PC, SJW censorship culture is 100% liberal.
Implying you have to study philosophy to be smart
Only reddit tier fedora wearers would actually care or put them forward like that to give credit to their argument. Also you didnt even answer me, why is that bad?

Islam is dangerous and even more so worse for women and children. How about you look up bacha bazi, btw that practice is still going on along with honor killings.


how can anyone hate affleck? what is this, the early 2000's? he's fucking great, alpha too.

I dont know if its cringe for him but it gets awkward fast here

Just because someone criticizes Muslims doesn't mean they're JIDF, dipshit -- fuck em both.

>why is that bad?
Why is WHAT bad? I have no idea what you're talking about, and you seem to have misconstrued my position.

I'm against all forms of religious nonsense, and I think the "islamaphobic" argument is a cheap and lazy Ad Hominem 99.9% of the time.

>Wtf no he isnt
He literally said "Some beliefs are so dangerous that it may be ethical to kill people for believing them." Are you dense? That's one of the most severe forms of censorship.

Worst bait ive seen
At the end fo the day the people are irrelevant.
Its about do you support islam or not. Id go with no.

>he didnt say "thank allah"

I like Bill's voice.

you fuckin doofus, at least understand WHY people dickride him

no one dickrides him for his original ideas. People dickride him for how he can simply and efficently relay information and his point of view. He's simple to understand and usually injects a bit of dry humor into his arguments. He's entertaining to listen to and easy to understand. No one thinks he's some kind of original genius.

Somehow this makes it even funnier.

>Why is WHAT bad?
Cant you read? Those 2 idiots were making fun of harris for that quote he said, then i said why is that bad and you responded to me.
And ok i agree with you about the religion part just you seemed super douchey when you said
>Of course he's not particularly original, but I admire the guy for taking this up as a cause, as most people aren't interested in dedicating the time and effort to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

>Ben affleck was insanely outclassed mentally. He thought Sam would just roll over and didnt realize hes used to debating in a public forum plus how intelligent he is. Even if you dont like his POV you can at least admit hes a genius.

when did being salty, become a taboo?

i get salty all the time, people constantly trying to make me mad, so i get mad. What's wrong with that?

someone with very extreme beliefs is very likely to act out on them.

You might be the only one.

ben is merely following the steps of his prophet

Harris is a great speaker & debater, project more.

As an American, this is one of the most inspiring and patriotic acts I've ever seen. Here we have an entire religion being generalized and slandered and basically under attack by a room full of people and Ben stood up and did what was right. The moment you start pointing the finger at a single religion for the blame, you might as well start pinning yellow stars to people's chests. Ben did what few would do in that situation. He went against popular opinion and came to the defense for not just the religion that was under fire but freedom of religion in general. Personally, I don't give a fuck about religion. Never found one that suited me but I know how important it is for some people. I'm sure those people appreciate what he did that day. I just appreciate he did what was morally right and wasn't a pushover.

Sup Forums's existence proves you wrong. Most of them hold extremist views but all they do is shitpost on the internet and wait for the mythical "day of the rope" in their shit-stained tightey whiteys.

I see what you did there senpai


>this was the last appearance on Real Time by Ben Affleck

of course it was

This guy gets it.

Post that pic of him in Turkish Airlines plane with Bane and CIA shoopped in.


Friendly reminder that Sam Harris is a crypto-neocon shill conditioning millennial atheist redditors to support interventionist wars and American imperialist policies.


I'm just saying that by simply reading Schopenhauer's work (circa ~1850), most reasonable people should be able to close the book on religion and let it go. Unfortunately, people overcomplicate the debate by playing into the hands of schizophrenic, religious fallacies; at the same time, I admire people like Harris and Dawkins for sacrificing their nervous systems to engage in head-spinning debates.



Please tell me this is fake.

Is this where 'Bin Mohammed Afflecki' came from?

>crypto-neocon shill
Proof? Not disagreeing mind you, it sounds perfectly plausable.


Is this where 'Bin Mohhamed Afflecki' came from?


The cringe is him acting all offended on behalf of Islam and demeaningly asking the other guy if he's an expert (turns out that he is) and sneering at him because he, Affleck the actor man, knows better because he is morally superior.--hence the charge he makes that Harris is racist.

It's just one of those "I played a scientist so I know more than you" when talking to an actual scientist moments.

>Even if you dont like his POV you can at least admit hes a genius.
he's a fucking zionist apologist. and that exchange he published with noam chomsky made him look like a wannabe. i think he's far from a genius.