Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside at home playing No Man's Sky and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

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Nothing Your Hideous.

I'm sick and tired of these stupid fucking bait threads and the retards that fall for them.

Stop replying to a copypasta.

If thats really you in the pic then u need to go see a dermatologist. Thats some next level of acne right there

See a dermatologist


Use clean and clear

go to a dermatologist bro. accutane helped me.

Thats not u but I assume u have the same degree of acne. You are fucked up, First of all you need to be confident, which might be difficult since u have this problem, second you have to find a girl who doesnt care about it, your age and other things make this even harder. Just wait to grow up and start working from now on your personality and state of mind so you can be the best version of yourself when this is all over. I wish for you the best and hang in there buddy, try things that might make u more confident, like gym and excercise, things that make you feel good about yourself

There's ointment for this stuff

Sauna or steam room. As you sweat that shit out, alcohol soaked wash cloth. Mask of baking soda water paste. Wash face with damn near frozen water. Good to go

just be confident bro. girls like that.

Buy a gun

Face transplant

This is disgusting. Do you pic them? Why are your lips like that? Your whole face is fucked up. Go see a doctor.

jerk off, collect semen, spread on face, repeat for a couple of weeks, the acne wil go away

Racoutan, remihd me forever when this saves your sex life

tell girls that you'll pop your zits on them if they won't go out with you

I second this, but spell it Accutane (or Roaccutane in some markets) so you know what we're referring to.

i think your vidya taste has to be fixed first