Beverly comes up with the idea of having sex with the others in order to calm them down, as a result the other Losers take turns having sex with her. - what did she mean by this?
Beverly comes up with the idea of having sex with the others in order to calm them down...
She gon get fuckd bois
being sexually abused by your dad makes you a slut?
This kid creeps me the fuck out. He looks like a fucking burn victim.
you mean Ben "Taftdick" Hanscom, he's supposed to.
In the book, that kid has a dick so big Bev talks about how full it made her feel inside.
Stephen King is probably one of the worst writers in a century.
If he was born today he'd be stuck writing sonic fanficion.
reminder that this picture was out since may but retards on here get their news from reddit so they are months behind
he looks like cartman, or the kid in billy madison that gets his head shaken when he says "never say that! stay here as long as you can"
I cannot phathom what would make a grown man think "yeah, this can go in a book." What's worse is nobody gives a shit. It's mind boggling.
ill admit ive never read IT, but it sounds like it has a lot of graphic child pornography in it. how was stephen king able to get this published? this probably wouldnt pass censors nowdays.
Live action South Park with this kid as Cartman please, make it happen
It was written by this man right here. This hack. Just look at his fucking face. LOOK AT IT. LOOK. AT. IT. Really look at that smug motherfucker's face. He did it and he got away with it and everyone still loves him from it. Truly a hack.
I really need to read this book
He's a fucking genius. This is what more books need.
What's with King's weird thing with childhood sexuality
>Imagine how drunk King was while he wrote this and fapping furiosly.
Too long, not worth it in the end desu
was he molested?
nah, he's literally an autist that somehow got his books published and some hipsters praised him as a good writer while he couldn't write a decent book to save his life
most people agree he's a good writer because they've never read the steaming pile of shit that is his body of work
What are some child smut books that are worth reading then?
He looks like the lil nugga from Up
He doesn't really have a thing with childhood sexuality specifically, but a lot of his books are about childhood trauma.
his dad just randomly abandoned him when he was young and i'm guessing he had a rough childhood
the Quran
I'm sure it made sense when he had enough alcohol and drugs in your system.
>This kid creeps me the fuck out. He looks like a fucking burn victim.
Thing is, he is grows up REAL handsome (and get's beverly in the end), in the book he was not described as an ugly kid, just fat.
>most people agree he's a good writer
{{Citation needed}}
He's almost universally regarded as a pulp writer who happens to have some great stories amongst the 10,000 books he's written.
I read a book of Stephen King's short stories years ago. Half of them had at least one full paragraph talking about dicks.
Something's wrong with the guy.
Her dad's been fucking her since she was 9, so what's the harm in a Jew, a Queer, a Fat, a Nigger, a Funnyboy and Stuttering Bill all running a train on her?
>Beverly comes up with the idea of having sex with the others in order to calm them down, as a result the other Losers take turns having sex with her.
As I recall (was a long time since I read the book), after fighting against IT down in the sewers, the kids lose track of how to get back up again, and then, Beverly realizes they all need to fuck her in order to maintain the magic that allows them to leave...
Yeah, something like that, basically King just wanted them all to fuck her, and made up some poor ass excuse.
I don't see that ending up in this filmed version either.
I guess you don't live in normieland then
>Her dad's been fucking her since she was 9,
He only beat the shit out of her in the book, no sex.
the sexual overtones existed, but actual sex with her father was never shown.
contrary to what idiots will claim.
then again, we're posting with people who believe the sex in the sewers was just sex. as i said, idiots
>If he was born today he'd be stuck writing sonic fanficion.
Yeah, no shitty fiction gets published today. Glad we moved past that phase.
Has anyone actually read that part of the book? I remember seeing it a while back on here and it was really explicit and totally out of the blue.
I bet Steven King got his autistic fanfiction mixed up with the actual book and just couldn't be fucked to sort it.
Make a thread on /lit/... I can monitor it and get reccs too.
I read the whole book.
The end is just probably a psychotic episode on the part of the writer.
i've read the entire book 4 or 5 times. it's been around for a good 30 or so years, so yes, people have definitely actually read that part of the book.
fucking moron
The turtle couldn't help us
>some hipsters praised him
King isn't "hipster" you retard. his stuff is fully normie
What do you care, you oversensitive faggot? Nobody's making you read it
learn to read
dude might not be the best writer, but he is alright, what matters are the stories he comes up to, shit is weird and actually good
How many books have you written, user?
I read it. It doesn't make sense. His audience has never been hipsters. It has always been normies.
does she? I need to go back and read this.
He's just not afraid of bringing it up. Kids poke & prod each other, play with themselves, etc. Most people just shy away from actually mentioning it because they can't mesh it with the image of childhood "innocence".
Here you go boys.
Wasn't there also a bit about her getting eaten out and her clit being sucked on?
He was on some good shit.
He said he was so coked up all the time he doesn't even remember writing Cujo at all.
Catcher in the Rye is the quintessential example
>Giant Spider.
It wasn't a lot but there's one scene, after all the kids directly confront the IT for the first time in the sewers, that the girl of the group thinks its a good idea to all band together like family because emotions. The best way to do this is to have sex with everybody there.
So you get what the concept of sex is and how it feels written from the perspective of a 12 year old girl.
Fat kid has a big dick and crushes her under his weight.
Hero kid is the one to make her climax, which is supposedly metaphorical for how those two were soul mates or some shit.
Fat kid kills himself when IT returns years later. Bev ends up with a drunk redneck who get possessed by IT later.
Bev's mom asks her about getting molested at some point in the text. Havent read it in a long time.
>Giant spider
getting punked by a prostitute and beat up by her pimp isn't exactly smut
wow what a literary hero, truly one of the gr8s
I've heard Beverly and Ben show up in 11/22/63.
Is IT mentioned in that book? Are they in the Franco miniseries?
She has her first orgasm with Ben, the fatty. She has another with Bill, the hero kid. There's much more " I love you" between Bill and Bev but she ends up with Ben at the end of the story.
>Fat kid kills himself when IT returns years later.
No, it's the jew kid (Stanley) who kills himself in the bathhtub when It returns.
>Bev ends up with a drunk redneck who get possessed by IT later.
Actually he dies, she ends up with the fat kid who grew up to be a manlet.
nah its the jew who an heros
Or wait, was that the miniseries? Fuck, I can't remember shit now.
OH yeah the bird watcher. Been a while...
really makes u think huh
Almost every King story has some kind of cameo by a character from his other stories.
>goes with big dick instead of the person she loves
women everybody, can't make this shit up
Not really. Thanks for a shitty answer though.
Wasn't It from the same universe as the Dark Tower series?
So basically after their first fight with It they are trapped in some sort of darkness, and Bev figures out that sex might be a way to not entirely fall into it? Using love and sex as some kind of anchor.
>Trapped in a supernatural nightmare
>Be a girl who's abused by a few people
>Go into some sewers, friends are freaking out
>Best have sex with all of them
Does abuse really do this to a girl?
Is King a pedophile?
Wow, what is that thing
Fuck your daughters regular, fuck your daughters right.
this explains a lot
It's alright, James Herbert had a PE teacher having mass-insanity induced group sex with male students in one of his.
I am confused. I thought only the black kid fucks her.
>Beverly is abused on a grand scale by her cunt of a dad
>Beverly sees Patrick Hockstetter jerking off the other kid
>"Hello there, burgeoning sexuality"
>Beverly, like the other kids, knows that the bond between the seven of them (remember - seven, not six, not fucking five - if you even remember that god damn part) has to be at its absolute strongest, if they have any chance whatsoever to defeat It
>A few of the kids, especially Stan, are terrified as all fuck
>"Okay, I think I have an idea - it's crude and primitive, but it might just work"
>suddenly, GANGBANG!
Jesus Christ. It's like you daft cunts can't even into subtext. Read between the fucking lines, you morons. It's a horrifying moment, but in the context of a truly horrifying story, it WORKS.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
You're right we should burn all offensive books and only read government approved feelings safe literature from now on.
And yet... heh, heh, here's the kicker... I keep coming back to nearly every single one of his novels because they keep me thoroughly and electrifyingly entertained right up until the very last page.
Does that make me a pleb? Most likely. Does that make me a happier person than you, with the giant stick lodged firmly in your elitist, pseudo-intellectual anus? Most DEFINITELY.
Stay mad at us "normie scum" with our supposedly "mediocre" sensibilities. Stay so very mad. I'm going to finish reading End of Watch and fuck my beautiful wife some more, afterwards while you, you fucking sad flake, you wallow in your elitist jerk MISERY.
Is Stephen King the David Hamilton of literature?
All his books are the same universe, Christine shows up in IT
In the kite runner an 11 year old kid get bum raped in an alley by some teenage bullies while the kids friend watches from the shadows and masturbates.
No she doesn't
Except Stephen king is literally just a genuine grade-a sicko.
I've read IT so many times it doesn't scare me anymore or even creep me out because I have it mostly memorized. Still a great book but I wish I could get back the first or second read jibblies back.
>It's a horrifying moment
I agreed with your post until this. Why is it horrifying? It's a beautiful bittersweet moment. They're conquering their own "It". They're simultaneously strengthening their bond and passing on into adulthood. Nothing wrong with that
I know what's next on my torrent list
I would blame it on him being Jewish but he's not. Maybe he has a lot of Jew friends?
>think it's another "lol so random :D" made up bullshit
>look it up
>it's actually fucking true
It's horrifying because one of the kids is black.
Remember where you are.
>I keep coming back to nearly every single one of his novels because they keep me thoroughly and electrifyingly entertained right up until the very last page
I can understand being entertained by Stephen King, but up until the very last page? Even the most hardcore King plebs will admit that he can't write a decent ending to save his life. Misery is probably the only good book of his that didn't go full retard in the end.
Yeah she does, she drives their childhood bully to town after he escapes a mental hospital, or was it a prison
I liked the Running Mans ending when he 9/11s the networks headquarters