Do you see him as a twisted weirdo that deserved his downfall, or a troubled man that could never find happiness with himself or his life?
Do you see him as a twisted weirdo that deserved his downfall...
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>there was only 6 years between peak michael and white michael
felt way longer desu
all hinges on whether he was into kids for sex or for making him feel like a kid
and he did live in a theme park so my money is on him just wanting to be a kid himself
maybe a bit of both. he didn't grow up like a normal child so maybe he wanted to experience what it was like to be a true kid.
and his dad was a creep on him
i just don't see many pedos doing the whole roleplay thing but i'm no expert on pedos
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This but unironically.
His actions are completely indefensible,
But considering his childhood, he was destined to end up being some kind of fucked up. He just got a particularly bad one.
Both.... its the 2nd reason that led to the 1st
if you think he did it you retarded
Michael Jackson perversion denial is right up there with Cobain suicide denial. Like people think someone was out to make him look bad but they can never really explain why anyone would have motive to do this.
They think the media was cruel to him but when you actually read into it you realize they weren't cruel enough. There's some publicly released reports out there talking about the shit they found in his mansion, like really twisted professional-grade child porn and other artifacts.
The "Peter Pan syndrome" meme needs to die. Like that exonerates him for building pillow forts in the nude with little boys? Get real. The implication is that he's unimpeachable for this because his "fame-ridden" childhood created an anime-tier psychological complex that he's not responsible for acting upon. Like OK, this otherwise fully functional adult can be excused for his actions because he has fairy affectations and didn't seem down to earth? It's called a mask, the guy knew exactly what he was doing.
Compounding this retardation is the horrendous bias from other celebrities like Macaulay Culkin. "Oh, he never touched me!" No shit, you were too famous.
i think the sheer quality of his music will over shadow the controversy, it kinda already has
I think he was a largely misunderstood man, given his upbringing and being forced into the spotlight from such a young age.
I think he was an incredibly shy person, and I think the media misconstrued that for their own benefit. Granted, the children sleeping over at Neverland is a little weird, but I think the children just allowed him to be himself for a little while. The children weren't there to leach off his success or take his money. I mean, his own lack of childhood undoubtedly left a void and maybe he was trying to recapture that. Mr. Rogers did the same shit on television, he just wasn't a megastar millionaire you could put a target on.
he named the jew
he spoke out against the illuminati
he had a lot of influence (dangerous) with both the black and white community.
Personally I think they tried to discredit him, and then they murdered him.
You make good points, but that doesn't mean what says isn't also true. MJ definitely did the deeds, but as such a popular figure people felt like they "knew" him and were willing to ponder the reasons for his perversion in a way that they never would for other child abusers.
It also seems likely that MJ didn't fit the pattern of a "typical" abuser, in that he was childlike himself rather than being "rapey" about it. A lot of well known and deeply reviled child abusers conduct themselves just like serial rapists (of adults), i.e. as men who use sexual abuse as a means of exerting power. MJ just seemed like he wanted a certain affection.
It's never justified, but when a beloved celebrity is accused of something like that, millions of people will deny, deny, deny and never face the facts. So I think it's better to acknowledge that he most likely did it, with the caveat that some people will try to sympathize with him, as opposed to just pretending like it never happened because it's too jarring to admit.
I see him as decent but massively overrated pop musician and the fact that he had any career at all when Prince was a contemporary baffles me.
I admit that he's worth trying to understand, intellectually.
I don't know shit about the whole MJ scandal, what proofs do you have he abused the kid?
>what proofs do you have he abused the kid
Get over yourself. Prince is good but Michael Jackson is too and music isn't a sports game or something you pretentious immature faggot
He's a rarity among child molesters as someone who can legitimately be described as "beloved by millions." So that kind of makes him our best shot at trying to understand why they do what they do in a way that goes beyond "they're fucking evil monsters."
That said, I think if he were alive and the allegations came out for the first time today, his image would not survive in the way that it did. Bill Cosby was "beloved by millions" white and black, but he is now reviled by many in a way that MJ never has been.
No proof, and I'd even go so far as to say that someone has inevitably lied about being abused by him, as the rumors about it were so well known. But it's astronomically unlikely that there isn't at the very least a grain of truth to the idea.
He made a couple comments, but it's not like he exposed anyone or made some sort of move against them. Tons of celebrities say this kind of shit. When he said these things, almost no one paid attention, nor did it bring these people down one iota. It benefited no one to bring him down.
It always surprised me how quickly everyone went 180 on him. Before he died a lot of people I knew thought he was a kooky child molester but after he died I rarely hear anyone mention it and most people only have good things to say about him. I don't really know enough facts to have an opinion on it it's just interesting how quickly his reputation was repaired. I think the difference from Bill Cosby is that with Cosby there's so many victims coming forward it's highly unlikely they're all lying, while not nearly as many people came forward accusing MJ.
>they can never really explain why anyone would have motive to do this.
Money? It's pretty simple.
Also, I thought the kid and his parents came out and actually admitted they sued him for cash? I don't know the details myself, but he doesn't really strike me as a child molester. Unless he gets definitive proof, the law's the law, it's how it works. It's not perfect, but it's the best I've got. Beats baseless Sup Forums speculation, anyway.
It's true that he may have committed an unprovable crime. But that doesn't mean we should dismiss it outright, especially if it's supported by other details.
Everyone agree that Off the Wall is Michael's best? I think it could be the best dance record ever
It's the most consistently good one for sure