>when you're a no dad beta manlet so connor is your surrogate role model
Hunter Cooper
Alexander Rivera
David Jackson
400 pound man? So Burrito sat on the Jap for 2 rounds lol. Rin killed the weigh ins so I expected nothing less. The only thing that would be funnier is if the commentators roasted the fighters during the fight lmao
Daniel Barnes
Would Japanese Sage beat American Sage if they were the same weight?
Carter Lopez
>tfw cro cop is probably pounding innocent virgin jap girls RIGHT NOW
Joseph Thomas
>when you're such a permavirgin beta that an Irish manlet has you shook for life
Sebastian Jenkins
>The only thing that would be funnier is if the commentators roasted the fighters during the fight lmao
You should watch the Baruto fight.
Kayden Barnes
omfg really. I can't find the replay on eversport it just has the upcoming fights link?
Mason Nguyen
I rewatched Cruz's fights and Cody's
Cody catches Cruz with a quick right hook, Cruz's open side when he commits to right straight, Cody's knockout hook/counter short straight.
Ian Watson
fedor has nothing to be proud of
John Smith
>Fighter >Child
Know the difference. Never let anyone call you a fighter if you can't beat a big kid in a playground, it's an insult.
Nathaniel Cook
>pounding >virgins ?
Jace Parker
Julian Brooks
Bentley Roberts
Shit, I thought they'd have it up for a week. They did last time.
>Cruz's open side when he commits to right straight
Cruz isn't going to commit to a right straight.
Jayden Hall
Cruz moves in set pattern, his head movement isn't reactive. He is going to duck right into codys right hand and go sleepy
Henry Cruz
not a chance
did you really watch cody' fights? he throws sloppy hooks(fast tho) with his hands down
Isaiah Hughes
There he goes again... King of the Manlets... Waging war on Harry Potters all around the world
Will real men ever respect him?
Nolan Morales
Joe Warren highlights from Rizin
As mirko walks to the ring with a Japanese child >his girlfriend looks young
As King Mo went down >ohhh noooo
During the trophy presentation for Mirko >Mo should have won that fight, overhand rights, overhand rigged
Baruto fight >if he fell there'd be an earthquake >he should just lie on top and smother him with his belly button
Any other pearls of wisdom from the most retarded cunt in mma?
After watching his alpha performance they got so wet he could literally slide his cock in
Gabriel Williams
Whatever Lithuania says, bet on the opposite result.
Brandon Scott
why did Conor let him get close
Jayden Gomez
He said Baruto was a piece of work who ate his own training partner too based BMOTP
William Anderson
You forgot the part when Rin walked out with her team >Joe: I hope her trainer isn't the cup noodle guy
Brayden Flores
reverse cuck white power fantasy bullshit
Matthew Sanchez
>If you say one more mean thing about my manlet stepfather
Gavin Reed
post slip or stfu you lidl twink
Camden Sanders
Even more likely to bait Cruz into it more likely(doesn't matter if he is doing this consciously)
Cruz will try to wrestle Cody to deplete his power, but Cody's stance isn't narrow or awkward so he will have a hard time.
Kayden Hill
>reverse cuck
Asian pussy was made for white cock
Ryder Perry
Because Conor is a dnb who didn't realize that Cody is 4real and doesn't afraid of anything
Daniel Thompson
stipe has a huge fucking head
Wyatt Morales
fucking instagram
Jose Torres
Is that Father John Misty?
Leo Cooper
Gavin Carter
The mere gaze of cro cop causes the rizin's arena to flood with pussy juice
Cameron Harris
>When you buy your belts at Toys R Us
Tyler Allen
>Cro Cop cucking King Mo
Anthony Baker
Even Rizin is disclaiming him
Ian Morgan
That's not the real account.
Josiah Taylor
>Sitting in your booster seat at prom and the big kid walks by
Bentley Cox
I've got a BAD feeling about UFC 207, boys. Anyone here feeling it too?
Bentley Brooks
teymur will end lando's hypetrain
Carter White
I feel it. Friday nights for ppvs are unnatural and a affront to the MMA gods.
Dominic Stewart
Anyone seen the video of Hendricks?
Sounds like he's about to die desu
Isaac Lopez
Think they've got a few accounts?
Can never be sure with twitter
Xavier Martinez
Only if you're not picking: Nunes Cruz Dillashaw
Grayson Garcia
he's definitely dying
Kayden Young
Just contacted my Spirit Guide for a quick 2AM chat and chakra alignment. She says we should prepare for the first death in the Octagon.
Hunter Reed
Wow bet the house on Magny.
John Cruz
>picking Nunes
hahaha because Nunes is hard to clinch with hahaha
Benjamin Ross
Remember that time Conor could have killed this pussy on tv but didn't because unlike Cody he has a brain? He legitimately didn't expect a professional fucking fighter who made it to the UFC would have the mentality of a highschool retard. And he wasn't even talking to him.
Jonathan Ross
Just read their timeline, you are correct sir
Landon Hall
Gabriel Wright
Ronda's clinch is overrated, literally the easiest thing to gameplan for next to a brawler.
Nunes is working on her defensive wrestling/judo and will likely KO ronda in the 1st. (screencap this).
James Campbell
What's the ideal elevation for MMA?
Tyler Gonzalez
1258 ft
Grayson Nguyen
sea level
Hudson Reed
Cody will catch Dom and knock him out cold mark my words
Wyatt Taylor
Below sea level.
>Ronda's clinch is overrated, literally the easiest thing to gameplan for next to a brawler.
PLEASE post slip.
James Moore
Are you alright buddeh, it sounded like you had a stroke.
Asher Ward
post your slip
Nathaniel Taylor
>He fell for the Cody meme
Christopher Murphy
Wtf Radamir? Im agreeing with you, beta manlets don't let people push them and make them step backwards. That's what alphas like Connor do
Lucas Jackson
here your (you)
Benjamin Sanders
me on the right when somebody asks me to post my slip
Colton Collins
>(You)s >in 2016
Xavier Campbell
>easy to gameplan for so that's why everybody except holm got absolutely dominated by her.
Ayden Lewis
Thats because every other female fighter other than Holms at the time was shit
Angel Myers
Are you saying Bethe was shit
Jaxon Young
Holm is about to be on a three fight skid, lad.
Jason Perez
and now a small year later everybody is great and ronda is shit?
Robert Turner
>Holm is about to be on a three fight skid, lad.
Thats why i said at the time
>Are you saying Bethe was shit
Michael James
You're joking right m8? The state of WMMA is trash currently, don't look at the talent pool 1-2 years ago cause it was far worse than now.
Nunes has developed since moving to ATT, in those years her ground game developed enough for her to be comfy at boxing distance. Rousey hasn't evolved (Edmond preach) thanks to her abysmal camp.
>You fell for the Edmond greatest mind in MMA meme
Brody Anderson
So when did Holm start sucking?
David Reyes
Rate my tat lads
Luis Roberts
She lost a fight she was winning against Meisha when she got meme choked
And got beaten soundly by Shevchenko who only entered the UFC a year ago
The talent pool at 135 is a lot better now than 12 months ago
Caleb Russell
>in those years her ground game developed enough for her to be comfy at boxing distance
What, she went from purple to black since 2014?
Camden Williams
was shaving your arm hair necessary lad?
Michael Roberts
cant wait to see heem's reaction when ronda dismantles nunes inside 1 minute. currently screencapping all these anti ronda posts and im gonna make a laughingronda.jpg collage
Joshua King
Post slip(s).
Hunter Anderson
I was going to get a fight kit tattooed on my arm
Liam Gonzalez
>mfw user refuses to post slip
Elijah Miller
Never said Edmund was good, he's a goof but Ronda barely ever got touched before the Holm fight. One bad fight doesn't mean she's shit now and Nunes is not unbeatable
Isaac Powell
First off, Cody pushed himself more then he did Conor. Second, alphas don't feel the need to validate themselves or show off literally every chance they get. Conor clearly made Cody feel inadequate just by being in the same room and the little insecure fucboi had to lash out to save face in his own eyes.
Chase Torres
>Second, alphas don't feel the need to validate themselves or show off literally every chance they get.
i know thats why connor doesnt validate himself or show off literally every chance he gets, hes a real alpha
hes not a beta manlet, im agreeing with you
Connor Stewart
Ronda went 3 rounds with Tate last time they fought, Nunes dusted her in 1 (brutally).
Don't give me that Tate was on her way out shit either, cause she fought the way she always does and got outclasses. Tate: Nunes hits harder than anyone i've fought ever, my pick is Amanda.
Cooper Hernandez
How the fuck did King Mo lose to Cro-Cop's corpse?
Colton Foster
>8 threads in the catalog
Levi Diaz
when is the weighings?
Gavin Morales
Conor nuthugger rekt desu familia
John Anderson
by defending a takedown and getting an uppercut off the spin. watch the fight