Arrival alien look revealed
Arrival alien look revealed
>Creature from somewhere else in the universe
>Extremely advanced
>Looks like a squid from Earth
Way to spoil the whole movie
>creating technology more advanced than us
great its literaly patrick star
Thank you based villeneuve
There is a large variety of shapes to be found in water species. Maybe if we did find large alien life it would resemble something we knew (even if only talking locomotion-wise)
What you see in the clip is the alien's hand, pressed against the window in response to the translator pressing her hand against the window.
The entire alien looks like something from Lovecraft.
>looks exactly like stranger things alien
>which is not scary as well
good one
I just don't think if they were advanced enough to do the things they were in the trailer that they would be huge stretchy squids. If they were traveling through space they probably wouldn't even be organic. Mostly i'm just tired of lazy alien design in sci fi movies these days.
And they are called "heptapods", and you could use this information instead of mob ignorant shitposting, but you people will definitely lean towards mob ignorant shitposting.
>earth lady puts her hand against the glass
>run at the wall and slam my entire body against it
what the fuck is wrong with aliens?
what are tools?
Why are these things too fucking dense to understand the difference between a tool and a weapon?
They mastered interstellar travel without being able to distinguish that?
I bet there is some shitty dialogue where that woman says that a hammer is a tool but you can beat someone to death with it.
It shows the fundamental narcissism of humanistic science-fiction.
Even when they're smarter then us we're smarter than them.
Who's to say their tools and weapons look the same as ours?
arnold rothstein nice
>no one is talking about the anonymous/Guy Fawkes mask in a big budget Hollywood movie
what did he mean by this?
You need to see the whole scene to get the true perspective.
That's the aliens rectum.
It's more the patronizing tone of it all.
She talks about them like they're wild animals, even though they have mastered space travel.
Maybe you should wait to see what the context of that line is before questioning it's validity.
Ah, gotcha.
whereas you just act like a pissy faggot
How can a human translator translate alien speak?
>I'll insult him like a 5 year old, that'll show 'em :^)
>Sup Forums posters using logic
They are just going to kneeejerk react like the very people they whine about.
>It's an arrival isn't it?
>I arrive
"Mob ignorant shitposting" is exactly what the internet was made for, dumbass.
You say that yet everyday a dune coon with a bag approaches an army checkpoint, gets yelled at to stop and drop the package, and keeps going only to be "completely shocked" when they open fire until he drops his bags of goat urine.
You don't fucking know what someone is carrying motherfucker, they're squids. Why would an Earth tool be remotely recognizable to them?
Nope. Go play.
Squid are pretty fucking intelligent can solve puzzles,use tools it's not completely retarded to make squid aliens
>automatically assuming that's the alien
It could be the hand or just some kind of alien bio-bot for all we know. Stop making assumptions you asshat.
squid are dumb. you're thinking of octopi
Uh no he's thinking of squid. What makes you think they're dumb anyway? There's literally shittons of documentaries on Animal Planet about squid saying exactly the opposite.
The fact that there are a lot of people like you doesn't make you any less a worthless, dumb, insufferable piece of garbage. I wish you all the misfortune in the world.
>'we can never understand their language!'
>'you have 2 days'
of course squid say the opposite, they resent octopi for being the smarter molluscs. that doesn't change the fact that squid are stupid and can't do any of the cool promlem solving tricks that octopi can
underrated and ridiculous reply
They're called Heptapods on the short story.
They're radially symmetric and they look like a barrel with seven limbs coming out of the center of their bodies, with seven eyes at equally spaced points around the circumference, and a mouth thing at the bottom. They walk on four of the limbs and use three of them as arms/manipulators.
squids are some of the most intelligent species on earth after humans
they just have a short lifespan and lack a good way to communicate and form culture
i like villenueve
this will probably be ok
No one is assuming its the alien. They are supposed to be 7 limbed things attached to a center barrel like body.
OP clearly stated "alien look"
More like she understands things can get mistranslated, especially when dealing with fucking aliens with advanced technology
Two words
Anal probes
tentacles up the butt!
>they look like some one stuck an octopus inside a barrel but
>dat fingering game though
So they are basically puppet masters and humans be the muppets.
>A system in place for the mass distribution of information and communication.
>Mad that 90% of humans would prefer to use the internet for communication rather than information.
>Being absolutely butthurt that someone won't say "heptapod," an obscure reference to a shit story by the Fedora King of fiction.
Wowee glad I'm not on reddit
>mfw we humans look like their rats
It bugs me that I see more and more Skyjacks these days. Genies are so much better.
By learning the language, which is what half the story is about.
what is the other half about?
The same translator remembering her child, who won't be born until years later.
I'm sure the movie will be padded with more plot, though. As it stands the story could be a good 20-minute short.
>i'm willfully ignorant and ecstatic to be part of the lowest common donominator
It's sad how the crabs in a bucket mentality has taken over here. If you read or even begin to show signs of intelligence you are no longer cool, you are the current flavor-of-the-week insult... "reddit" or "cuck" or whatever.
>Lowest common denominator
Buzzwords are cool.
I don't need to mention there's no lack of irony in what you said, right? Or do you have the peak intellect necessary to figure it out yourself? Probably not, since you're, in fact, a mob-mentality shitposter.
>lots of other people are stupid, so it's cool for me to be stupid
Also, that's not not what lowest common denominator means.
That's a nice collection of words that make absolutely no point at all. You should just spout "cuck" or "reddit" like I know you want to.
>I just googled the definition for lowest common denominator but I don't understand the context or why it was used, therefore I'm right.
But those words wouldn't require any introspection on your part :^)
Wow a lady does cryptology on a whiteboard inside of a square black room and a beige military tent for 2 hours.
And we got some 'news footage' of riots around the world (never seen that in an alien disaster movie before).
Great writing.
>If I act like a pissy faggot, that'll show ém :^)
It won't
Yeah that's why people call you those things sweetheart, it's just because you're too intelligent.
You do realize that you arguing on behalf of anti-intellectual kneejerk reactionism, right?
That sounds exactly like the description of the Old Ones from At The Mountains of Madness.
>entire body
That's one foot you Winnebago
does she fuck one in the story?
This story is ridiculous. If ETs went out of their way to come to this planet to communicate they would be prepared to talk to us on our level.
Same problem Interstellar and other movies have. Advanced races could spell out what they want right up front, but decide to lead humanity on a wild goose chase for the sake of drama.
wouldn't that make them muppet masters?
And this is why that hilarious thread that attempted to shit on Contact, and by proxy, the book, was why Sup Forums is filled with underage, normies, and Facebook retards.
If aliens wanted to make first contact, had the means to travel to us or provide us with a means to connect us to a "hub", they'd have a way to fucking figure out our language from either our leaking communications or from freaking scanning our physiology and our brains.
Fucking retards, everywhere.
The seventh dimensional beings could communicate directly with humanity, the most they could do was manipulate gravity to open a wormhole and creating the tesseract.
Besides, at the end of the movie you realize that everything was a backward loop, i;e it gave existence to itself, it happened as it should, "perfectly"
Don't hate on Based Nolan, just because you don't understand him.