ISIS Sends Rape and Torture Video of Girl to Her Family

>Atrocities committed by the Islamic State terror group, more commonly referred to as ISIS, have been numerous and well-documented, but the group’s unrelenting war against religious faiths outside their own sect has seen some particularly heinous acts. Those acts were on display last week at a conference in New York. And one of the more chilling acts reported was a video sent to the parents of children who had been kidnapped by ISIS, whereon was recorded the rape and torture of the family’s daughters.

>The Christian Post reported on May 3 that as part of their terroristic onslaught against religious minorities in Syria and Iraq, ISIS, in one instance, made an horrific delivery to the doorstep of a couple whose children had reportedly been kidnapped by the group. The Catholic News Agency recounted the story told by human rights activists at the International Congress on Religious Freedom that, upon answering the door, the couple found a video and a bag containing body parts that they identified as belonging to their missing daughters. The video revealed the rape and torture of their children.

>And that was just one of the many stories told at the conference. Another story centered around a Christian woman, who was threatened by ISIS militants and told to leave her home in Mosul, Iraq, or pay the jizya tax (traditionally, a tax levied on non-Muslims residing in Islamic states or nations). The woman was unable to leave the house before the extremists set fire to the building. Her daughter, who was taking a shower at the time of the ultimatum, was caught inside and burned alive. She reportedly died in her mother’s arms.

How do we expose progressive SJWs to this? Or do they just not care about this sort of thing?

inb4 video

This, this is why I have no problem with torture.

Shit like this makes me wish a superpower country would just nuke the whole ME region clean. Who would retaliate if we just took Iraq and ISIS off the map? Maybe it would be so shocking nobody would do anything.


if i don't see the video i won't believe it

>How do we expose progressive SJWs to this?

also, it's simple: you still can't blame the majority for the actions of the few

you need to understand this you racists

and don't deny being racists, because there is literally nothing wrong with being racist, it's natural

Post the video.

I'm a degenerate that gets off on anal torture.


Vid or it didn't happen.

Also, don't post the vid if she's underage. I don't want my post to be interpreted as requesting CP.

conservashits invaded iraq and conservashits funded extremist groups

why should liberals or muslims be blamed for this ?

This was on back a few days ago, probably true.
Probably a dozen journalists got hanged in turkey as well.

Proof of the video or it didn't happen.

And you still can't deny that the religion doesn't actively call for this

shit like this makes me realize you young faggots will believe anything and therefore the shit we leave you will never get better.

good job on not being smart enough to see through the most stupid of lies, you fucking ignorant self centered worthless pieces of shit.

oh yeah, and don't forget to blame all your problems on us instead of trying to fix shit, whiny bitches that you are.

Absolutely PEACEFUL

pedo detected

Step 1: Expose SJW to these vids.
Step 2: SJW indoctrination kicks in any time they see something negative regarding Muslims.
Step 3: #NOTALLMUSLIMS gets spewed at you, along with a litany of terms like "racist", "shitlord", "cisgender scum", "privilege", etc etc

none do but it happens and they need to be dealt with like its colonial era desu

Reality is to painful for them,
they like blue pilled comfy life.

Confrontation with reality is for SJW not acceptable, just forget it.

This. You can't break through the indoctrination.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE" is all you will hear. Followed by #CHRISTIANSMURDEREDDURINGTHECRUSADES (not knowing or caring the muslims invaded Christian lands) and #NOTALLMUSLIMS and #WILLRIDEWITHYOU

SJWs will just response with something like that they are not real Muslims or shit like #NOTALLMUSLIMS