Are you ready for pokekino?
GOTG writers joining Pokemon
Other urls found in this thread:
>Live action Pokemon
Into the trash
Why even bother we already has Pokekino 16 years ago
Aren't they doing something super retarded like Detective Pikachu?
>pokemon movie was 16 years ago
why am i getting so god damn old
soon i will be dead
hopefully a poke universe
Too bad you're not a vampire...
Pikachu-noir-kino will be goat. You just wait
>More franchise trash
Oh boy I can hardly wait
for you
>Legendary wants to make a Pokemon movie
>Pokemon Company thinks this idea is retarded and tells them to fuck off
>Legendary really wants to to make a Pokemon movie
>Pokemon Compant only lets them have film rights to Detective Pikachu, the most worthless character possible
>Legendary accepts so they can cash in on Pokemon Go
So we told Legendary to make a Detective Pikachu movie.. they actually didit the absolute madmen hahahahahaha!
god that movie is so fucking retarded.
>plot: found Mew DNA in the Amazon rain forests of South America
what? what the fuck. what happened to the actual Pokemon world, why are we in huehue land.
Where do I sign up to march around in a poorly ventilated Pikachu suit for hours and hours?
o great the last motherf****ing thing we need in a pokemon movie is some f****ing game of thrones bu**shit……… piss off
This better be b8
Doesn't Nintendo protect their properties from shit like this with an iron fist after that Super Mario Bros disaster? How'd they let this happen? Hopefully it'll be good.
I was excited for this until I heard it was going to be a detective pikachu movie
Is there even any other pokemon besides pikachu or battling in the game?
Seems like a waste of an IP
>" The movie revealed that a fossilized Mew hair, found in the Guyana jungle by a team of scientists, was used to create Mewtwo, a genetically enhanced Mew clone."
>"is a sovereign state on the northern mainland of South America."
inb4 pikachu is voiced by a urban nigger
Nintendo doesn't technically own GameFreak. I think they only own like 30% stock. It could be a trainwreck but probably make tons of money. Who doesn't recognize Pikachu?
>literally the point I was making: The Post
So South America exists somewhere in the Pokemon world? since when wtf.
I'm actually really surprised there hasn't been a Pokemon movie before. Anything with that big of a child following gets a movie. You are basically gaurenteed a moderate gross no matter what you put out.
literally see the post above yours
Wow I must have jumped off the pokemon train way early. I totally forgot they made a movie already. I might have even seen it in theaters.
Since always
triggered on xeno levels
>overdone opening sequence
>forced dialogue
>its going to be mostly computer generated
>not animatronic puppets
>Ash Ketchem is going to be a white actor
I hate pokemon.
There's already like 20 pokemon movies
They hate you, too senpai
could be worse, could be a "pokemon" movie where the pokemons are genetically engineered weapons that escaped their secure government facility and are now ravaging new york
Can't decide if I hate the idea of a detective pikachu movie or a pokemon go movie more
with detective pikachu you just know pikachu is going to be the only pokemon featured and it probably wont even be set in the pokemon world
with a pokemon go movie it would be about the pokemon from the app "coming to life" or some stupid shit like that