Really activates your judgement protocols

Really activates your judgement protocols

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What are all those random provinces in the middle above Texas? Does anyone live there?

Nothing you can post will ever make your obese-despite-meth-abusing inbred Wal-Mart wasteland flyover shithole better no matter how many times you gurgle "Reel Murica" over your genetic brand snuff

>liking amateur sports

>NFL smaller than college
Find it hard to believe a state with the Steelers and Eagles cares about college at all

you get off to amateur porn but distaste amateur sports?

Can't even understand what you're trying to convey with this chart


>Philadelphia Eagles average attendance 2016
>Penn State average attendance 2016

>Philly's average attendance is more than the capacity of their home stadium
>Penn State's is nowhere close
give the Eagles an equivalent stadium then

could you imagine having an iq low enough to enjoy watching niggercrash.

>Jayhawks/Wildcats more relevant than the Chiefs

Kill yourself, nigger

The fact that they don't have one and won't be getting one for the foreseeable future, in one of the largest cities in the USA, should tell you where Pennsylvanian's priorities lie
>Kansans root for a team in Kansas City, Missouri
How cucked do you have to be?

>SEC faggot in charge of who I have to root for

Reminder that your shitholes of states are filled with welfare babies, uneducated niggers, and cousin-fucking white trash and somehow you think that's "alpha"

Besides, Missouri is also a Chiefs state, no one cares about the fucking Tigers except those in Columbia, fucking nigger

How did I know this would be your logic.
90,000 pedo state students live at most 5 miles away from the stadium and can get into any game for about $40 a ticket.

Half of the people at those games get in for free and the other half are paying for ridiculously shitty nosebleeds. A pro team isn't going to subject people to seats that shitty, and they actually have their attendees pay for all their seats so they don't have to squeeze as many people in as physics allows.

Yeah, about 50 people in each state.

>Not a significant amount for a college student

>amateur "sports"

Not even an accurate map, NFL > College in Texas for sure, no question.

>UT+aTm, not bigger than the Cowboobs and the Houston literally whos
>That's not even counting all the other P5 Texas teams

>implying high school football isn't bigger than the NFL and college combined

The Cowboys have a stadium larger than the Longhorns/Aggies and the entire state save Greater Houston roots for them outside college. How fucking retarded are you? What state are you from?

College ball may have been bigger in Florida like a decade ago, but it's not anymore. Maybe in northern Florida.

define "bigger," because unless you live in Odessa TX, then your high school stadium seats 15k or less.

>rooting for a college you never attended

The biggest meme statistic in sports. The Eagles' TV numbers crush Ped State's. The Steelers' do too, but a lot of that comes from out of state (WV and bandwagoners)


There's literally no college football in Alaska. NFL's bigger by default.

t. Alaskan, attending UAF

Was going to say this as well. The fact that a bunch of broke college kids will attend a college game doesn't prove much.

I attended clemson though

Serious question, does College ""football"" make a huge profit?

multiple billions per year

I think it's tax free too

Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North and South Dakota have approximately 8.3 million inhabitants which is like a quarter or your entire country's population...

Oklahoma City would be your country's 5th or 6th largest metropolitan area

>caring about Penn more than the Eagles and Steelers

I mean the Eagles have half of Jersey as well. This is clearly bait.

why are there so few people in those countries?

do they all just move to california or something?

It's extremely profitable for colleges.

They are just plains with a lot of land from growing. And now oil fields. It doesn't take a lot of people to do that.

>90% of Football fans think the Chiefs are in Kansas City, Kansas

Isn't exactly cucked, if anything Missouri is cucked for having a team everyone thinks belongs to another state.

They've never really been populated, the Dakota's a flat freezing plains mostly...people moved form there in the 1920 and this point housing prices are so low in those states that people are actually moving from California at higher rates than to California.

>caring about minor league football over professional in the year of our lord 2016
top kek

>Everyone roots for the Badgers and the state went red this past election
Why are you so...badgered???

so what you're saying is that people don't wanna live there because there's very little jobs, right?

but what kind of jobs exist in new york and california but not in those other countries?

They don't live there because there's nothing there but wilderness.
People are leaving California though, because of ridiculous real estate prices in California

The other guy that responded to you gave you half of the answer. A lot of that land is great farmland and farming takes a lot of space and a small amount of labor. If you compare that population density map to a map of navigable American rivers, you will notice that the population tends to cluster around the rivers. The other half of the answer is that there has to be some compelling reason for large amounts of people to live somewhere. Denver is located on an important route between the midwest and the Pacific coast. Las Vegas has water, which is abnormal for that area of the country. Phoenix, same as Las Vegas. Salt Lake City is Mormon mecca. Aside from those cities, though, there is an obvious line where the population density shrinks. That line just happens to be the location of the start of rivers with a (mostly) uninterrupted navigable route to the Atlantic ocean. If there's a cheap way to move produce and manufactured goods to and from an area, then people will live there. If there's not a cheap means of access, then there has to be some natural resource or trade route important enough to subsidize the increased cost of a large population.

>what kind of jobs exist on a coastline open to international trade but not in those great plains states/counties?

Almost identical

Can't wait till the Russians nuke you yankee fucks

Pound sand up your vagina. If you think California is well run, then you're fucking retarded.

In modern times port cities have grown huge and rich due to our expertise in engineering, enforcement of building codes, and ability to predict weather. Historically, though, inland cities along rivers tended to be bigger than port cities because port cities are vulnerable to devastating storms and floods that river cities aren't. Given that all that ice around the poles is melting, port cities might be in trouble again in the foreseeable future.
This is a live map of shipping that shows how much access some areas of the United States have to international trade, as well as the relative lack of access that others have. A huge percentage of this country has access to the ocean compared to, say, Canada, China, and Russia.

The only red state that is well run is texas

>amateur sports

What is wrong with Wisconsin

PA is def red, PSU is big but between steelers and Eagles they're nothing.


college stadiums use bench seating so of course they can squeeze more poor college kids in

To be fair nevadas only pro team is a hockey team

Honestly probably more than Yuro soccer leagues. It's the 3rd biggest sports league after NFL and MLB.

yes. they pay no salaries and bring in hundreds of millions of dollar through TV revenues

They can't afford to support professional sports teams so they rely on government funded organizations to provide it for them.

There is a direct correlation with being a welfare state and a college football state.


That isn't welfare, it's mostly agricultural subsidies.

Yeah, imagine how much MORE money it'd make if it was well run, it'd probably go from 6th to 1st largest economic powerhouse.

>mfw part of America

PA fag here I can tell you that while pedo state football is pretty big, it is no where close to the Eagles or Steelers in popularity, except for in State College

Only the big programs. It drops off pretty hard after the top 30-40. The big time teams like USC, Notre Dame, Alabama, Texas, Ohio State, Michigan ect. all pull in mad dosh though

No, athletic departments profitability drop off around 30-40. The football programs still make money at other schools, it's just wasted by the Title IX shit

this is fake. sage