what am I supposed to laugh at?
not even trolling I dont think its funny at all.
something remotely close to funny was Sam's gay impression so far but thats all thats even been close so far. What are/where are the jokes here?
What am I supposed to laugh at?
Other urls found in this thread:
your not supposed to laugh its not that type of comedy
you're supposed to smirk smugly at all the BTFOing and REKTs that presumably would be happening if anyone cared
it's comedy for cynical assholes
if you have that mindset it's hilarious
most of it is just commentaing on various aspects of society and why it's all bullshit
>announce contest asking their fans to do crazy shit to win $2,000 to help with low ratings
>cancel the contest next day saying that the ratings are fine
What did he mean by this?
Before anyone says "it's le not supposed to be funny", I'm pretty sure it's just a really dry type of humor
he means the juden at [as] are silencing him
more like W**** P****
Can somebody link me some mde kino? Ive watched both eps of world peace, how to time travel as a man, and the one where they purged all women
I wonder if they'll ever release an uncensored version. They did the same to the second episode too
I find it hilarious. It's funny because it's dark as holy fuck, about as dark as it gets, completely 100% offensive, at times completely true and accurate and a good critique of society today... and also it's almost perfectly tuned to make people twist up and get really uncomfortable and confused about what they are "supposed" to feel and find funny... some parts are hilarious and people literally would just force themselves not to laugh because they're afraid it makes them "not a good tolerant little liberal" in the eyes of their Jewish masters
I'm too lazy to dig through sam's old playlists and get you some of the earlier stuff
>because it's dark as holy fuck, about as dark as it gets, completely 100% offensive, at times completely true and accurate and a good critique of society today... and also it's almost perfectly tuned to make people twist up and get really uncomfortable and confused about what they are "supposed" to feel and find funny.
Are we watching the same show?
This shit is just incredibly boring
it's scary to realize how many non jewish 100% certified cucked people literally live their lives almost constantly bowing down and submitting like good little children every single day to what their Jewish masters want them to think and feel and they are not even aware of the fact that they are doing it or they are simply too cowardly to do otherwise and prefer to demonize even their own family members in order to protect their reputation, that is the definition of "cuck" if there ever was one, fundamentally, 100% deeply cucked in the soul and body
you mean they gave him a $2000 ad budget and then told him not to spend it like that
Better than every other Adult Swim show
my personal favourite
no, I'm not making up the fact that I find the show gut bustingly funny, thought provoking, and worth watching. so i guess that means we're probably different or you just have horrible taste and are a piece of shit
Adult Swim doesn't want another bomb scare on their hands
Adult Swim clearly found out and intervened because they were worried the fans would do something that would reflect badly on the show and Adult Swim
For those who haven't seen it yet:
it's comedy for alt-redditors
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
Is Sam the Diogenes of today?
>Help me I don't know what to laugh at without a laugh track to tell me when
Quit being such a faggot.
Hi sam
Second episode is miles better
Music's been on-point at least
>thought provoking
oh just shut the fuck up you pretentious cunt
The aesthetics of the show are great
yo i love goobas
Sammy lolol :)
first episode had funny jokes the second episode just wanted to make Sup Forums happy
i cringed when they put on soft moon
that band is mediocre enough as it is without a bunch of manchildren and mental defects gushing over it
He probally wanted to up views or get more contact with adult swim
That one softmoon song is awesome
Your just tone deaf
you're kind of a hipster arentcha?
k dude
whatever you say, my man
yeah man i'm a real fucking "taste maker". i bet sam hyde would love to embarrass the heck out of me in an epic video
holy shit the insecurity is so real
christ you're a real cocksucker aren't you?
this sucks
It's "avant garde"
I never really found MDE funny, artistic sure, but not funny
>you're supposed to smirk smugly at all the BTFOing and REKTs that presumably would be happening if anyone cared
more like
>you're supposed to smirk smugly at all the BTFOing and REKTs that presumably would be happening if anyone were actually watching
>950k viewers average
Yeah, people are in fact watching
expect people to be watching it after Sam assassinates a certain presidential nominee
hi hater bye hater
whats the intro song in this episode?
you're so fucked sam
lololol you're so fucked
Yeah right. I beat up kids half your size
You're so dead kid
I bet he got a very nasty phone call from a lawyer at Time Warner regarding his contest video, and weev's subsequent mass print job from last night. In fact I bet he made that video driving back from the lawyer he hired today, but should have hired before getting in bed with the jews at CN.
Super busy.
hey sam, if youre in this thread
did you reference this video in your Jennifer Aniston/Rutgers speech?
it was them riffing on their autistic fans
just search MillionDollarExtreme on youtube you fucking baby
why were they dressed up like queer hunger games here
what are you talking about sam is a fatfuck with a big fat pig face.
jesus what a pig
You didn't laugh because it's not funny. Contrarian cunts who idolize Comedy Bang Bang, Tim and Eric, and Eric Andre as though they're some pseudo-intellectual new wave of comedy are the only people that like it. The type of people that never smile under any circumstance.
He's just bulking. Soon he will cultivate the mass.
>Contrarian cunts who idolize Comedy Bang Bang, Tim and Eric, and Eric Andre as though they're some pseudo-intellectual new wave of comedy are the only people that like it.
they're British
why does his weight fluctuate more than a teen girl's with an eating disorder
the fuck is he doing
fuckin garbage
>my Rabbi
lolol sam thinks this video will help him
it wont xD
hes just putting on weight for his role as Mike Stoklasa in the new RedLetterMedia:The Movie movie
>he though the funniest part was the gay impression
This show isn't for you.
Every other part of his email was bait too, user
yeah. the funniest part was charls throwing the football
dude what. Everyone knows the funniest part was when the lady said "you can't be a REAL NIGGA if you raise your hand!"
If you don't find the masterpiece that is World Peace hilarious, I have some bad news for you.
The joke is actually on YOU.
funniest part was nick bullying everyone
is sam hyde jewish? i never really noticed how semitic his face looked before.
Because they left their tv on while changing their bong water after the eric andre show
>is sam hyde jewish?
>le no one really watched it
Lol all that matters is that it's getting good ratings and views, doesn't matter what excuses you try to make.
How does adult swim allow a terrorist on their network?
He has the support of the Jews that run the media
he's controlled opposition
>not shitskin brown
>no burka
>no head towel
I still don't get it
You're supposed to for some reason find it funny solely because the show's creator may or may not have visited our super secret club a few times.
You're supposed to find it funny because it's mocking retards.
So either learn to laugh at yourself or work on being less retarded
Stuff like Larry David, Steven Wright and Bill Murray is what dry humor is. I wouldn't call MDE dry.
Any news on weev's mass print job
>weev's mass print job
Bulking. It's a /fit/ thing, I guess.
he's a neonazi who hacks printers
huh. well ok
Anthony Fantano, get the fuck outta here.
>housemate is a nice, friendly, charismatic dude with 150+ "friends"
>despite pushing an image that he's a special snowflake, flat out doesnt get MDE or T&E
>constantly patting himself on the back for being so positive and then leaves passive aggressive messages eeeeverywhere
>constantly sings even though he sucks, leaves shitty "deep" cartoons he draws all over the walls like his life is an indy comedy/drama starring Michael Cera
I love him but sometimes I hate him because of how he thinks hes unique, but its the kind of unique that everybody thinks is fun and no one can fault without looking like an asshole. Well, I'm an asshole, and if you wanna say "be yourself" but then say you just don't "get" MDE and turn your nose up at it, then you're just as fake an asshole as everyone else. Thats just my piece, sorry everyone.
Sam, is that you? Are you talking about Charles?