Why didn't he pull the trigger?
Why didn't he pull the trigger?
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I don't know actually. Maybe he saw something in her that he didn't see in anybody else.
It's sort of left ambiguous, but either he was worried about the heat killing his secretary might bring or he actually kind of liked her. Maybe both.
she didnt get doubles
just like he never did
it was basically a tease for anyone who read the book.
In the book he nailguns her to the floor while shes still alive, fucks her, nailguns her some more, fucks her face, nailguns her face, etc.
Goddammit, Bret.
Wow you're so smart for knowing that
What? And mess up all that expensive furniture? Are you kidding?
The book sounds like edgelord cringe. Glad I've never read it.
it would be too simple and dull for him
he does not kill jean in the book
Has any other user ever been so insecure about the fact that they don't read that at the mere mention of a book they sarcastically call someone smart?
I was just going to post this nearly word for word. That might be the most insecure post I've ever read in my life.
All of you inbred retards from Sup Forums need to go back.
easton ellis is a horrible writer as is everyone from his clique
Yeah It's a different broad in the book, an ex-girlfriend iirc.
>Sup Forums
Lol what?
What does Sup Forums has to do with anything?
I personally like when you guys who've read the book post what happens in it.
Cause it's not hooked up to any air
i think we're all wondering the same thing:
why would someone shoot a woman, before having sex with her?
Stay mad, autist
>Someone posts something I disagree with
>hurrr go back to Sup Forums
No user, you are the inbred cretin
wew lad. there is some serious repeating digit action beginning to happen in this thread
Why did Chloe do this scene?
It is if you're too dumb to understand it. The details of the violence are to drive away normies like yourself.
Wrong, that was a different girl
>off by one
Not this thread lads
>disagree with
No, something so hilariously, unbelievably stupid that if it weren't from the Sup Forums shitposters infesting this site, you'd have to believe it were satire. It has nothing to do with agreement, but with the literally chimp-level intellects found on Sup Forums.
This. He sees Jean as a pure creature, as opposed to everybody else; who he sees as a "collection of attributes."
he can't bring himself to kill people who show real emotion for him, first Luis and then Jean
>muh Sup Forums bogeyman
But what does Sup Forums have to do with anything going on in this thread?
She'd already been part of the Larry Clark and New York bohemian scene. She was probably deluded enough to think it was a powerful artistic statement.
She's the only person in the entire movie that isn't a complete apathetic, vapid asshole.
>he has never used a tool other than a screwdriver
The fact that multiple posters in the thread are too dumb to be human.
>he hasn't seen The Wire
very nice
You definitely look like the smart one, user
Are you finished?
did he dream it all ?
Holy fuck... You guys are fucking retarded.
He was enjoying the moment. The telephone ruined all so he stoped. That's it.
No, he just had an episode.
In the novel it's explicitly made clear that he feels a genuine sense of caring and romance with her. For whatever reason, she manages to humanize him.
Just another Thursday night
The book sucked dick. The movie was legitimately better.. the only things the movie left out is him killing a kid in a zoo bathroom and microwaving a jellyfish.
It was 4/10
No. That was his psychosis.
And the reason he got away with it is because everyone in that world was so self-absorbed that they actually didn't care at all to investigate deeper than thinking he's someone else and just making a joke.
Yep. All of it.
If you read books, why can't you get through typing a single sentence without coming off as retarded and/or 5 years old?
Jean lives in the book you eeeidiot.
She never should have left based Korine. And this sucks at least Kids and Gummo was shot and written well and were pretty kino.
Nah he's alright. His autistic attention to detail really puts in you in the story from how hot the weather is to every piece of clothing the character has to what was playing on the radio in the 80s. He's also not afraid to make his characters totally flawed which many writers are usually, specially on film and tv are afraid of doing. Too bad the ultimate Bret Easton Ellis story was not written by him
Because I don't care to impress a dumb cuck like you. Now if you don't mind, I'm reading another book and will go back to that while you post in a Dubs thread
People actually read Bret Easton Ellis trash here? How embarrassing.
You're so books, user.
why wasn't the movie as graphic as the novel?
did they producers pussy out?
>The book sounds like edgelord cringe
It is.
Less Than Zero is great. American Psycho is decent. Stop being such a faggot.
If you weren't retarded or 5, you would unconsciously type "things.... were" instead of "things... is." You type like that because you have a Sup Forums tier IQ, not for any other reason.
did you even read the book? its basically porn
Because there's a safety mechanism on the tip of the nail gun that prevents you from pulling the trigger unless it's pressed up against a surface.
It's made completely clear in the movie too. His relationship with her is different than everyone else
Why are you obsessed with another board?
nah it's edgy that's all
Is that Dragonlance?
Yeah that dirty nigger hobo was such a douche dude. Fuck him and his dog. Smelly assholes living in an alleyway easily avoidable. Fuck em
The Plague lel.. it's ok so far
he was fucking crazy
He gave the hobo a chance. He proved to be so pathetic that he deserved to die. So he killed him.
It's pretty obvious, friend.
This scene and the end scene are fascinating and great insights into the internal conflict of his character - this humanity vs is psychotic tendencies so to speak. Something about girl, her sincerity and trustingness maybe, touched him and i guess, he figured her life was worthwhile.
i weep for millennials if they can read a bret easton ellis book and just dismiss it as being edgy tryhard
chloe was his waifu
>He gave the hobo a chance. He proved to be so pathetic that he deserved to die.
How so?
What about killing the bum then going to McDonald's for 2 thicc shakes.
Or the best part of the book, when he's eating intestines and wonders why the brown paste on the inside tastes so bad.
Checked and confused. What did the hobo do to prove he was worthy of being stabbed to death? Been awhile since I've seen it but I thought Bateman just makes some small talk and offers him money or something and then says you smell like shit and are pathetic, stabs him a bunch, then stomps his dog
Go away Bret
he wanted to nail her later
he thought he was pathetic though. Secretary chick was nice and pure
He explains that Hhe has no job because of his drinking problem iirc
Also ge touched Batemans coat
Incorrect. The book, without completely selling it out, makes it clear Patrick is just being delusional.
>wonders why the brown paste on the inside of the intestines tastes so bad
Pfffft is this really in the book? Was Bateman a retard? I might need to give it a read
Because she is the only innocent, pure thing in his universe. Everyone else in new york deserves to die, especially the nigger hobo's dog and the nigger little boy at the aquarium.
The 73333333 better be in this thread.
What a bunch of disgusting retards. Stop attempting at talking about art.
Ah well in that case fuck that dirty nigger. I hope he was still alive while his dog was turned to a puddle
Her nudes are god tier
I think it has something to do with his past and present. He is not necessarily detached from the world as much as how detached the world is from genuineness, truth, and love. He needs this confirmation, but he doesn't know it. He is confused but at the same time relieved that someone shows emotion or love to him, genuinely.
He's just a tragic hero.
>being this insecure
>The book sucked dick.
The book is vastly superior to the flick, reditor.
Literature > Film
This thread went to shit thanks to iliterate retards. Anyway:
gonna need to see those pham
the movie makes it clear too, watch to the end
Mmm nahh.
I get you want to feel high and mighty for finishing a book but it was a poopy book
He seemed to have approached him with the intent of just telling him off sort of, or maybe even trying to help him (as the story is him trying to cope with being a psychopath and maybe trying to change, but ultimately failing). In the back of his mind he probably knew he was going to kill him, but I don't think he walked up to him with the intent to kill.
It's clear that he decided to kill him within the conversation. When the hobo started acting weak by groveling and grabbed him he decided the hobo wasn't worth his time, or worth living.