What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
How can white girls compete with the BBC?
Bestiality is illegal.
Only recently illegal in Germany though? Or was that Holland?
kind of a strange companionship. I don't mean that by race, but a internet website guy engaging a professional worldwide tennis player?
Fuck I'm jealous, lads. Could imagine submerging your willy in that fleshbeast?
I don't think I'd be able to get my tip in if I had to push past all that muscle first, if I'm being honest
I bet he gets pegged by her regularly. There's no way an alpha amazoness woman would be dominated in bed by him, seems like she would be the dominant one. I bet she makes him wear gay little dresses and shit and laughs at his tiny cock
Bit extreme, she probably just rides him till his pelvis cracks
wow reddit wins again
jfc I hate that website so much.
Makes sense she settles for a beta white boy after fucking every BBC in existence
Jakarta Fried chicken?
>Sup Forums claims Reddit is full of cucks
>literal co-founder is the one who BLEACHED this nigress
Meanwhile we have Toyota Kawasaki over here fucking shit up for fun...
She needs someone with enough white guilt to find her attractive and beta enough for her to dom and he needs someone who will have sex with him
this, can you imagine moot ever doing something this alpha? this is a huge embarrassment for Sup Forums tbqh
Reddit 1 Sup Forums -9000
I'm jelly.
>implying Sup Forums actually has any points at all
>reddit ceo bleaches serena
>moot married a literal sjw queer feminist
imagine if this dude made it his life's goal to become a successful multi-millionaire businessman in order to fuck Serena Williams
the williams sister werent exactly that black in the first place
>throwing away your genes to produce mutts
Seriously. If I'm a world-class athlete I would look to marry someone with at least some athletic ability.
show some fucking respect and congratulate the bride to be
but it's okay for an NFL linebacker or NBA player to marry some no-name no talent instagram star?
reverse the genders and nobody has a problem with this.
>beads and braided weaves
>not black
>>throwing away your genes
>implying you wouldn't
they grew up in Compton, that's pretty black so I hear
It's always been known Serena prefers white dudes. I just didn't expect her to snag a nerd site owner.
t. commoner with trash genetics
>mfw in 50 years whites will be the most inbred race ever
Can't wait to see your 3 eyed downsyndrome offspring after sleeping with your sister to protect your genes
>throwing away your genes
Their son will be the greatest basketball player of all time
stormfronters consider italians white
Like I give a fuck about white and black. Could happily donate my sperm to a black woman just to piss of white supremacist shit heads
t. Mario Balotelli
Italians aren't white
Move to africa.
>t. Sicilian Muslim
Italians achieved far more than the nordic inbreds you Sup Forumstrash idiots praise
yeah I was just saying, also careful with those words you might trigger one of them
Bulgaria isn't white either, just a bunch of muslim rape babies
unironically no
Oh and blondes are borderline subhuman. Can't even attempt to prove me wrong because its correct
how will cucks ever recover?
you will never be white, ahmed
>Armenian marries Sheboon
two non-whites getting married. What's the problem?
his mother is Deutsche, so Serena is still getting her huge black ass COLONIZED
Good. The things that pass as white by your standards are sickly irrelevant wastes of space with poor inbred genes and no historical achievements.
Also QUITE ugly.
>that look in her eyes
>no historical achievements
Fuck off, shitskin.
How does this pic make you feel?
>meme charts to cover up the fact that blondes have not contributed to humanity at all
Sad. Now go die off subhuman
and thats the ok looking one. venus is the butch
>bulgar calling anyone a subhuman
alahak snackbar, my smelly Mediterranean friend
It's literally a chart ranking quality of life. Blonds win.
You're at #61, btw.
سُبْحَاْنَكَ اَلْلّٰھُمَّ وَ بِحَمدِکَ وَ تَبَارَکَ اسْمُکَ وَ تَعَاْلٰی جَدُّکَ وَ لَا اِلٰہَ غَیْرُكَ
Found the subhumans that only exist to perpetuate their shit genes so that future generations can experience trashy trophy wives.
what do you know about genes, Ahmed
do they even sell jeans in your mudhut capital city?
>more memes to cover up the fact that the world was built by dark haired caucasian men
Absolutely sad.
They literally have a guy who rounds up akbars on horseback....I'm pretty sure America has a HUGE muslim community?
>tfw you think you're a good shitposter but then a bulgarian enters the thread
granted targeting Sup Forums retards is pretty easy but still
sad that youre part of a shitskin complexion
this, mad props to the dedication of this renegade
Their wives BECOME instagram whores because they get an audience to whore off to, but before that they're just not famous.
and now a gypsy
the gang is all here, a bulgarian, italian, and gypsy; the triumvirate of the white race
Sad because you can't prove me wrong, blondes contributed to barely anything over the centuries, and when they did they were slavs, your masterrace are borderline subhumans.
Ok I kek'd
t. little dick
t. inbred
looks like the white equivalent of an abbo
slavs > southern yuros desu
although western slavs carry that notion
Yea..and? Nothing you or I can do about it. Its small, but still gets the job done for me so fuck it.
And we're all well above you
laff'd out loud desu
You're just mad that Aryan genes haven't been tainted by muzzies.
>tfw contemplating the asshurt if this bulgarian was posting this on a certain certain other boards
really does make you think, either way good show neighbour