Elves are Northern Germanics

>Elves are Northern Germanics
>Dwarves are Southern Germanics
>Orcs are Arabs and Blacks
>Hobbits are Anglos
>Jews are Wizards

Cave Trolls are Straya

Elves = Ancient Celts/Germanics
Dwarves = Jews
Orc = Mongols/Turks/Arabs/third world invaders

>Hobbits are Anglos.
Meh, not bad.

>insular and obsessed with gold

humans = pure nords

No, we're men you dense cunt.

>elves are Nordids
>men are Anglo-Celts
>orcs are non-Whites
>hobbits are Irish
>jews are wizards

>Not Listhaug

Elves are Celtic and Finnish, if their languages are any indication

and Dwarves are Scottish, they even have Scottish accidents.

>Cave Troll
Ah yes I see the resemblance.

Dwarves are Jews/Semites. Their language, the themes of exodus and diaspora, their love of gold, and Tolkien's own comments in various letters attest to this.

Also, Hobbits are rural Englishmen.

Tolkein said something about the comfort and stagnation of the Shire being a cartoon of English Edwardian middle class lake country life.

>Scottish accidents.
I agree Scotland was a mistake

Jews don't work on massive machinery projects and aren't robust like dwarves. Southern Germanics, have always been short like dwarfs, but very robust. And who doesn't love gold. Jews are fragile, and use their mind to make money. Which is why they're more apt to Wizard, not to mention Jews literally practice a form of magic called Kabbalah.

Further expanding on the OP also.
>Slavs and Asians are a Dwarf/Orc hybrid

>Finns and eesti are elves
>Swedes are humans
>Rest of the world is goblin/orc/hobbit mixture

>Hobbits are brits
>Elves are Finns
>Rohan is Poland
>Isengard are Protestants
>Dwarves are germans
>Gondor is the Holy League (and Minas Tirith Vienna)
>Knights from the South are Italy/Vatican
>Osgiliath is Constantinople
>Mordor are Turks

Saruman was definitely supposed to be jewish, he created orc-human breeding camps (described as a "black evil" by Treebeard), was sneaky and conniving, based off Soloman/Suleiman, etc. And when he began his literal INTERRACIAL BREEDING CAMPS, he ceased to be Saruman the White and became Saruman of Many Colors.

>“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!'

>I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.

>I liked white better,' I said.

>White!' he sneered. 'It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.'

>In which case it is no longer white,' said I. 'And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.' - Gandalf”

Why didn't they keep Saruman FABULOUS AS FUCK?

Orcs are asians as in Mongolians.

In the last interview before his death, Tolkien, after discussing the nature of Elves, briefly says of his Dwarves: "The dwarves of course are quite obviously, wouldn't you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews?
oyy vey Tolkin

Tolkien (or however you spell his name) hated people comparing his fantasy world to the real world. He even stated it was all made up. So nice try, faggot.

Then what's Sauron?

From a 1971 BBC interview:

"The dwarves of course are quite obviously - wouldn't you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic."
- Tolkien

Elves are Jews, I talked to Pete Jackson and he confirmed

>Elves are ancien Greeks
>Gondor is the declining roman empire
>Rohan is Germany
>Eriador is France
>Dwarves are Jews
>Mordor are Ottomans
>Easterners are Arabs
>Hobbits are brits
>Valinor is America
>Dale are Slaves
>Wooden elves are Austrian

Orcs were meant to be communists.

>Uruks are finns
>Elves are niggers
>Men are jews
>Wizards are niggers
>Hobbits are turkroaches
>Sauron is nigger
>Goblins are asians
>Goblin king is obese american man
>Orcs are indians
>Peter jackson is nigger

My take:

>Man before the Fall. They are man perfected.
>Man after the Fall. Mortal and ruled in many ways by his passions. Easily corrupted.
>Anglo-Saxons, particularly Mercians, with an added strong tradition of horsemanship.
>Jews, agreed.
>rural Englishmen.
>North [and possibly East] Germanics

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli meet Gandlaf the White:

> 'Beyond all hope you return to us in our need! What veil was over my sight? Gandalf!' Gimli said nothing, but sank to his knees, shading his eyes.

> "Yes, you may still call me Gandalf," he said, and the voice was the voice of their old friend and guide. "Get up, my good Gimli! No blame to you, and no harm done to me. Indeed my friends, none of you have any weapon that could hurt me. Be merry! We meet again. At the turn of the tide. The great storm is coming, but the tide has turned."

What did tolkien mean by this?

It's like a mix between Zeus and Jesus

tfw you will never get harsh over the knee spanking that would make you cry from based Listhaug.

>Jews are wizards
Nice try Schmoe, wizards are angels

m8 we're the real Hobbits.

You're just those weird as fuck riverfolk that Gollum came from.

>Jews are wizards
Jews are Nazgul

I've recently revisited the LOTR movies and it's plainly obvious that they would never allow it to be made today.

>"I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

The themes of Western unity and resistance against foreign invasion are intolerable to the modern SJW.

Compare this to the upcoming Warcraft movie, in which the moral will be essentially on of cooperation and integration. Sound familiar to anyone?


sage report

>I've recently revisited the LOTR movies and it's plainly obvious that they would never allow it to be made today.
I actually agree with this, and if it were made it would be panned by leftists everywhere.

Although I agree that LotR probably wouldn't get made like it was these days (even though it wasn't long ago), Warcraft always had those elements in it since its first revision around wc3.

The real question is: Since the warcraft movie (the idea and the script) has been in production since around 2008/09, how much and in what way did it change over time? I'd like to know that.