Ask someone with alzheimers anything

ask someone with alzheimers anything

Other urls found in this thread:

do you think aliens smoke weed?

>when this is actually the least cancerous thread on Sup Forums

the joke isnt funny faggot kys

My grandmother passed away from Alzheimer's-related complications a few months ago.

My advice OP: kill yourself now while you're still lucid. It gets bad, then worse, then really bad, then really really worse.

At the end she couldn't swallow and she withered away to nothing.

what is the title of this thread

Time stamp

I saw her an hour before she died. It's a level of fucked-up you can't describe.

Have you looked into how small amounts of electricity applied to electrodes sunk into the brain can halt and/or reverse the deterioration locally?

i forgot

you're a fucking retard, you actually are retarded.

Move along kids. Nothing to see here

wtf are you talking about? where am i?

nice try OP

Have you gotten to the stage where you think your wife is your sister and asked why she's in your bed? Better yet, have you gotten to the stage where you thought your sister is your wife and tried to fuck her? How likely would you say it is that when your mind completely goes and you end up in a nursing home, you'll be one of the "shoppers" who likes to steal things that belong to other patients, fighting diligently to prove it was yours all along? Last question, when the fuck are you gonna go to Australia where they're testing directed ultrasound therapy to break up plaque coating the neurons, and help to get rid of the dementia? It's a real procedure but the FDA won't approve tests of it here because a cure is less profitable than "management"

What's the first thing you forgot?

I forget.


ask someone with alzheimers anything

someone with what?

You did this thread yesterday

Top lel

Just like Hillary Clinton

Do you remember me?

Fucking kek

Greetings. My name is Patrick Bateman™, and I have contacted you for important matters.

I have taken notice to your post. It is of high quality™, but it's not the contents of the post that I'm interested by, it's the post-number.

Your post-number is unlike any other that I've ever seen. It is unique, as no other will ever obtain your distinct strand of numbers, but that is not the only unique thing about it.

Look at the numbers at the very end. Take a close look at them, and you might even realize it, too. Your post-number has ended in repeating digits, that is why I am contacting you.

I don't want to seem like a bother, as I understand that you're very busy crafting hundreds of quality™ posts such as the one I am replying to, but this is a matter more important than posts. It's a matter of life and death.

Here on Sup Forums, it is the most important rule of all that repeating digits much be checked and kek'd, that is why I am contacting you. I am here to check and kek your repeating digits, for it is a matter of religious importance.

So, after all this patience and discussion, I will now check your repeating digits. Here I go: #Checked

Now that your repeating digits have been checked by me, it is now time for me to leave. I cannot spend all day checking your repeating digits, no matter how much I love them. The reason? More digits must be checked.

Regards, Patrick Bateman™.

Thank you, kind sir.

where am i

All old people die like that you underage pussy.

Not all, my great granny died from a sudden collapsed lung. Bless her, she passed away relatively painlessly.

They are pretty fucking brutal.