Now that you've let it stew for a whole year, what is your opinion on True Detective season 2?
Personally, I think the only good part of it was the threads while it was airing. The reaction here to this part was hilarious.
Now that you've let it stew for a whole year, what is your opinion on True Detective season 2?
Personally, I think the only good part of it was the threads while it was airing. The reaction here to this part was hilarious.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was so bad that it actually lowered season ones rating to me
Inb4 contrarianfags fill up the thread calling it kino
I think the scene with him going to the bully's house was one that really got a lot of mileage
Eh, it was alright, worth the watch.
season 2 - kino
season 1 - watchable flick
Sup Forums does it again.
Ray was the fucking best. Watching his coke fueled ragings. He was more a monster than he was a man after his son came into the world. Watching him try to regain humanity only to come so close and fail, that hit me pretty hard in the season. I mean most characters had the same thing, but his felt much more genuine.
I liked it but accept it for what it was - a muddled, cluttered, and imperfect follow up to a great first season but still better than every NCSI NEW YORK: SVU MINDS that normies watch.
My only real gripe was how flat the cinematography was overall compared to S1.
It was shit.
I couldn't even finish it the first time around. Watched the whole thing 3 months ago. To my surprise it got even shittier after the place where I had walked away.
The Good:
>Ray fucking up other people
>Ani likes big cocks
>bar of lost hope
>the intro
>drifting under a full moon
The Bad:
>underutilized landscape/location stuff
>gay cop's storyline (should just have made a three episode miniseries out of that)
>Frank and his killed redshirt
>Ray and Frank taking out the Russians
>inconsistent authenticity/realism levels
Season 1 only had two or three bad moments but this season had way more. It already started in e01 when they had that bowl of milky liquid with the projection of the girl giving a viewer no chance to understand what that even was without looking it up online, it felt like that random frame of Mel Gibson in Apocalypto. Also having four main characters on top of a whodunit made it hard to find screentime for proper expository shots (giving you the feel of a location, not just where and what it is). Season one gave you much more time to immerse yourself into the locations the scenes were taking place.
A lot of missed potential, S1 4/5, S2 2/5
Gaycop going operator was pretty good, but the whole point of him going there because some dude has some gay photos of him was fucking dumb
it was pretty shitty. The worst part for me was seeing how much potential some parts of the seasons had. For example, when the guy in the mask shots Farrell in the chest it really got me hooked up. Then the first scene after that episode where he is in that kind of limbo at the bar was a great scene, then the season came back to it's shitty state of mediocrity. Even if you watch it forgeting all about the first season it's still a pretty bad show with some good scenes.
Some say love. It is a river.
>Gaycop's death
>Frank's death
>Ray's death
holy fuck all of these scenes were so good
>robots dick
>the whole point of him going there because some dude has some gay photos of him was fucking dumb
Holy shit, thinking back to that now I'm laughing
Does that police chick show her tits?
The only contrarians here are people who didn't respect season 2 and liking it for what it was after cumming all over themselves for S1.
No, and not her ass either, which I would have liked to see even more. But you know, you just have to roll with it, it is what it is.
It wasn't as good as the first season for a variety of reasons. Vince Vaughn wasn't great and it was clearly rushed out the gate.
Still wasn't without merit though.
I'm pretty sure I know this gay guy who is still in the closet after all these years, it's 2016 and the easiest time ever for him to come out, but he doesn't. It apparently is really hard for some of those people.
Vinceposting was better than anything in True Detective Season 2.
The show itself was just an average show with some great scenes...which isn't bad, but it was going against a masterpiece.
I loved both seasons. No regrets. Would happily watch a Season 3.
It had way more interesting and better written characters and relationships than S1 did. I liked the Twin Peaks/Lynch dream stuff too. (The Some Say Love death dream and Annie being raped/kidnapped as a kid by a clear rip off of Bob) S1 had a much better plot, atmosphere and cinematography though.
it's literally a protected class and people are overly kind toward gays because of this
nonetheless, in the most welcoming atmosphere of all time, they still feel shame because part of them knows its fundamentally and biologically wrong
>season 1 is built around a cult that's existed for as long as people have lived in Louisiana with connections to all levels of government, who's ceremonial practices were adapted into every aspect of Louisiana's culture. The cult is built around the murder and rape of children to appease a god that eats time and funnels the children of the poor and vulnerable from the school system into ritual sacrifice
>season 2 is built around the shocking revelation that rich people in california fuck prostitutes. Also a diamond heist.
Seriously what the complete and total absolute motherfucking shit?
>goes to bully's house and threatens bully
Is this how parenting works in America? So whenever his son gets bullied , he's gonna match to bully's house? Isn't he making it worse for his kid?
> Annie being raped/kidnapped as a kid
Did you forget the part where she said she remembered she was totally fine with it? That he didn't hurt her, could've left at any time, and was just happy for the attention? Meaning what was TRULY traumatic about her childhood was the fact her newage idiot parents didn't give her enough attention?
I agree but I felt for Frank during his death scene.
>That finale look at his face when he realized is his dead.
This webm
I still haven't watched past the second episode.
I watched for 5 episodes waiting and hoping for it to be even close to as good season 1. I like all the actors except gaycop so I'm a bit sad it "failed". It's about time to go rewatch the whole thing.
>I'm a homophobe so it was bad
wew lad
I'm a homophobe because I like all the actors except Taylor Kitsch who plays a gay? Not even Caspere knew this.
Nobody understood anything about it. Still don't. Conceptually a good more interesting than the first season, though lacking the same genius.
>Nobody understood anything about it. Still don't.
Except for you, right?
Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray? I can't even swim. Never even had a bath.
Give me your interpretation of the major themes of the show and I'll tell you if you're close or not.
>no one understands this except me
>i'll prove it by proving you don't understand this
Nigga you threw down the gauntlet.
If the whole season had been about Velcoro being a fuckup and a bad dad it woulda been kino
So pick it up.
The song is called "The Rose", fellas.
Is this the new "It Ain't Me"?
the main theme was that mr pizza is a hackfraud who got lucky with season 1
Trump is about to fail harder than Nicky Pizza did last year. Bad!
This was the only good part of the season.
>The mexican gang shootout trying to imitate the climax of the black people ghetto
There was just no comparison, the TD 1 Ghetto scene was jaw dropping the first time, the mexican shootout one was boring
So you don't even understand how the second line of that post completely invalidates your entire position.
My opinion is worthless but at a time where I was a lonely drunk, I had a good time watching this show. Ray rules
The only good part was Farrell.
The ''mystery'' was boring and not engaging at all. Muh diamonds.
The gaycop was plain useless. I didn't even care when he died.
Vaughn can't act. The woman who played his wife can't act and has a retarded botox face all the time.
Pizza had the audacity to put those two actors together.
McAdams was the same angry badass cop character as Farrell but less interesting.
Overall as the other user put it, it's so bland and bad that it spoils you the first unrelated season.
Vince posts are the only worthwhile thing from s2
Does anyone have the GTAV -Season 2 one with Ari getting kicked out of the bar?
Velcoro was literally the only good character. Instead of being overly-ambitious and spreading themselves thin with double the leading roles as the last season, Pizza should have shrunk it back and made it a more focused, singular character study of Velcoro.
But then that would have required Pizza to be a good writer instead of a hack who plagiarizes fucking Alan Moore :^)
I like to imagine vaugh and oldcunt had an argument over who got to say the "you can't act worth a shit" line.
When did y'all stop watching? I gave up after 4 eps
I forgot about this part. Here ya go
Agreed except that the Mayor of Vinci character was also good. Loved the scene about the "unseen web" and the implication that his dumbass son couldn't hold his acid. A story about fuckup Frank navigating a corrupt industrial city would have worked.
I ignored it. You seem incapable of understanding that in responding to a specific part of your post I was not implicitly endorsing everything else in it.
Now make with the thematics or skedaddle, buster.