Why so underrated? Do pleebs just not get it?

Why so underrated? Do pleebs just not get it?

>That Brad Pitt scene.

Damn, wasn't expecting him to agree to that.

Same reason that plebs didn't like Killing Them Softly.


It's not even really good. Diaz drags it down as usual, even Bardem's off his game. It has the makings of a great film, it should have been great but it never comes to much.

Nigga agreed to the ending of Seven, I'd say he was willing to comply with this one.

this movie would have been better if they replaced bardem with danny mcbride doing a shitty accent

He wasn't a big name actor when he started seven. Also it didn't happen to him specifically.

camron diaz ruined it

Agree with Diaz being a mis-cast. Thought Bardem was great though. Fasbender & Cruz were perfect.

IDK I think it might have been the best film of this decade.

>you counselor, they want to kill you counselor.

what did he mean by this?

is that caitlyn jenner?

I thought it was going to be good, but it was meh. It felt like it didn't really have an ending.


>Getting Bruce Jenner and Penelope Cruz confused

wew lad

>It felt like it didn't really have an ending.
Of course it did. What? What a stupid critique. Literally nothing was left unresolved.

ITT: Plebians don't understanding Cormac McCarthy verbal nuances today

Dide nice upsidedown sexdubs

Exactly. not sure if you have terrible grammar or are just being facetious, but to truly appreciate this kino you have to appreciate dialogue as much as action.

That's why plebs didn't get it.

I really liked it a lot but we seem to be in the minority. The plot isn't super complicated or amazing but the dialogue, characters and cinematography are all really great. I actually liked Diaz in her role too

I'd much, much rather watch The Counselor again than Prometheus

Agree. I think the plot being so routine, almost minimal, is sort of the point. It allows for the dialogue to shine, and the conclusions to seem almost after the fact or fatalistic.

It's a pretty interesting companion piece to McCarthy's border trilogy. How this has like a two star rating is mind-blowing.

I've watched the counselor around 10 times already. I think about it all of the time.

It's so dialogue and character heavy I think it could've actually made a pretty good stage play.

I could see it. But none of those beautiful motorcycle scenes.

Also, by FAR John Leguizamo's best work.

Anyone know the movie really well?

If so, there is a framed flag hanging in Bardem's character's office in his house. Does anyone know what flag that is? I mean, I think it appears to be an American flag, but not the current version. I'd be curious to know exactly what it is. I'm sure it's not random.

Normies probably would have liked it better if it was a book first and then some director made a movie out of it.

Normies thought it was pretentious and then it became a meme that it was bad. They don't seem to be able that dramatic dialogue can be purposefully elevated and isn't supposed to sound like how they speak with their friends. I blame Tarantino.

They way they talked reminded me of like Shakespeare. It's very over dramatic and poetic but modern

Yep. But I think the general public picked up on that. Which is ridiculous. OF COURSE a conversation like say the one Fasbender had with the cartel leader could never happen. No shit. You have to allow for some degree of artistic liscence. People are fucking stupid.

>quick everyone talk in a retarded accent

Saw it in theaters with my mom, AMA

crab legs?

I mean...catfish?

Dunno. I have it on Blu Ray tho

Here (pic related)

Anyone know what particular flag that is?

Bardem's wardrobe alone was worth the price of admission. And that haircut. Just glorious.

Just seems like a Betsy Ross flag. Not sure if it's a particular painting or something

Watched it in theatres and all I could think of was how distracting the dialogue was. It sounded so unnatural that it took away from the immersion.

I think Diaz fit really well honestly. The whole Cheetah motif really worked for her and I thought she was pretty damn good as a pure evil female villain

Is it the opening scene where she is out riding with the cheetah? That's a gorgeous shot.

>Yes. At the understanding that life is not going to take you back. You are the world you have created. And when you cease to exist, this world that you have created will also cease to exist. But for those with the understanding that they're living the last days of the world, death acquires a different meaning. The extinction of all reality is a concept no resignation can encompass. And then, all the grand designs and all the grand plans will be finally exposed and revealed for what they are. And now, Counselor, I have to go, because I have to make other calls. If I have time, I think I'll take a small nap.


It called a "Vermonter" flag. From 1791. It was never offical.

I thought the film needed a little more baking so to speak. It has great moments, but needed work to make the great parks flow.

Thanks! Will research.

Agree that it's underrated. Cut the first and last 10 mins and re-cast Diaz and you've got a great movie.

>Counselor: I want her to have something that she would not be uncomfortable wearing. I don't want to give her a diamond so big she'd be afraid to wear it.
>Diamond Dealer: She is probably more courageous than you imagine.


this movie is legitimately the worst movie i've ever watched
i am not kidding
are there lower budget, shit, b movie sci fi shit with terrible production? sure
but this one... it takes itself so seriously, it has so many big time actors, and cormac mccarthy, and it's just so fucking awful
i can't ever look at javier bardem again without thinking of this pile of dog shit
and cameron diaz had the singular worst performance of any movie of all time
she is absolutely terrible

I'm not crazy, there's 0% chance that's up there randomly right?

It's the firs thirteen colonies. Maybe it means Bardem though America should have stayed there or that America was better back then.

I think it's more like the pilgrims and scarface really weren't all that different. This is the story of America.

And she begins to rub herself on the glass. Don’t even think I’m making this up. You can’t make this up. I mean, she was a dancer, right? In Argentina? She danced at the opera thing down there. I’ve seen the clippings. And she does this full split and starts rubbing herself up and down on the glass and she’s lying on the roof of the car and she leans down over the side to see if I’m watching. Like, no, I’m sitting there reading my e-mail. And she gestures at me to crank down the window and she leans in and kisses me. Upside down. And then she tells me that she’s going to come. And I thought, well, I’m losing my fucking mind. That’s what’s happening here. It was like one of those catfish things. One of those bottom feeders you see going up the side of the aquarium. Sucking its way up the glass? It was just. I don’t know. It was just … Hallucinatory. You see a thing like that, it changes you.
REINER: Tell me about it.
REINER: Did she what?
COUNSELOR: Did she come?
REINER: Yeah. Sure. Then she just laid there. Spread out across the windshield. Finally she climbs down and comes around and gets in the car and shuts the door and I hand her her knickers and she puts them in her purse and she sort of looks at me. Like to see what I thought about that. What I thought about that? Jesus. I don’t know what I thought about that. I still don’t. It was too gynecological to be sexy. Almost. But mostly I was just fucking stunned.

>Men are attracted to flawed women too of course, but their illusion is that they can fix them. They just want to be entertained. The truth about women is that you can do anything to them except bore them.

Counselor might be the most redpilled kino