Anton chigurh says that the coin was minted in 1958 and “has been traveling 22 years to get here...

anton chigurh says that the coin was minted in 1958 and “has been traveling 22 years to get here,” meaning that the movie takes place in 1980. but jack link’s beef jerky didn’t exist until 1986. i really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

wtf I hate the coen bros now

wtf i hate autism now

wtf i love hitler now

The coin didn't start traveling until it was 6 years old.

Wtf I hate wtf now

You should a job or a gf, you have way too much time on your hands.

He had the quarter for 22 years.

>You should a job


Looks like the producers lost a coin toss to the marketing staff.

I've noticed this before. bothered the shit out of me too. literally the only flaw I've ever found in the movie.

I assumed it took place in current day...

maybe hes a detective



Jesus Christ you newfags.

That scene was not scripted, that was a real cashier at a real convenience store. Javier Bardem just went into the store in character.

You can't blame them that they messed up the jerky

Chigurh was shown to be a liar.

jokes aside, was he? I can't really recall him lying about anything. If anything he was honest to a fault.

You dumb bitch!
Do you have any idea how hot coins are when they're made?

They need lots or time to cool off in the ice chambers, years, before it is put in circulation

>morons make a mistake and still receive millions of dollars for it
>"oh it's YOU who is the mistake for pointing that out"

What a time to be alive.


Sup Forums is literally my favorite board right now

The clothing and cars didn't strike you as dated?

Damn, really made me go hmm

I was about to watch this movie after my usual quality shitposting routine. What am I going to watch now? My day is ruined.