Admit it, you're looking for a girl literally exactly like Brittney.
>dat perfectly aligned face
>dat milky white skin
Are you working on getting more Disability too?
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Admit it, you're looking for a girl literally exactly like Brittney.
>dat perfectly aligned face
>dat milky white skin
Are you working on getting more Disability too?
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This add and mde make me want to kill myself. Well done.
cant find any info on her at all
>you're looking for a girl literally exactly like Brittney.
did you watch the show?? i want a chick who contributes nothing refuses to be feminine and who cant shut her legs? yeah, no thanks, maybe the next beta in line...
Her name in brittany wilson I think she is in a future episode of mde:world peace playing sam's wife
you want safe? ak47 fully automatic assault rifle, house rigged with live grenades and sawed off shotguns
other than that, you aint safe
i hope you're backing up your data.....................
........... someone's backin it up............
........... it ain't you.
nobody would pay for your cum
Just watched it. I don't watch very much TV but I enjoyed it.
I didnt laugh once. Shit was dumb, cliche misogyny video pandering to his women-hating permavirgin fans.
Fucking dumb.
Literally a 3/10
Not even close, brother.
Sam Hyde confirmed for big-time pol and redpill lurker
Nah sams wife is a different girl
tryn 2 hard dude stop
Hihihi sam :-)
That was great.
What's the second best one?
I can't believe I watched all of this. I literally didn't laugh once.
This is just shit. Another internet talking head that spouts their shit opinions and teenagers that can't form opinions latch onto them to define their personality.
100% mash that post button 4 (You)s
Here, take my car.
holy shit this fucking socks
>he can't understand new sincerity
you poor pleb
are they on too tight? You could try scissors
this is LITERALLY a shitty eric andre.
Brittney looks like every small town white trash fucked everyone in highschool except me who hit 23 HARD slut I know
>What about anything he ranted about, regarding women isn't totally true? Go ahead, I'll wait
You didn't wait very long seeing as you deleted the post.
When do they totally lose it?
kek it's really funny to see Andre's people spamming any thread about MDE with stuff like this
I'm surprised they think even a single person is buying it
he realized it was bait from Eric Andre Tim and Eric drones, not to be taken seriously
officer maggot is great but my favorites are the tedx talk and an inconvenient anime if you've got time to sit through them
Moms is my favourite of theirs.
your favorites fucking suck, dude. did you just start watching MDE?
>"le trigger sjw xD" MDE fan
You've been such a fucking cancer on the fanbase. If your favorite video isn't a vertical video or a Nick or Charls video you're a lameass fan.
dae think the show branding is better than the content
This is fucking awful. Ideas Man was alright but everything else I've seen from MDE is trash.
not even trying to hide it anymore huh
is this your first day here
they seriously gave this guy a show? wow
true kino
best MDE video. The fastfood portion always kills me. the way he orders his food is so fucking funny to me.
sam has a 5head
This show is fucking terrible.
Unwatchable garbage.
favorite mde mom kino
sams gonna go to jail
his fucking hand gestures in this video destroy me. still can't believe he made this 5 years ago
>that end
wew lad
does this video solidify Nick as our guy?
I'm 31 years old.
Back when I was a kid you would never talk about "milky white skin"
Milky white skin was a given. Standard. Expected. The majority.
I seriously do not like this world.
Vote Trump
What about that is supposed to be woman hating?
He's giving women a plan to happiness, how is that anti woman at all?
>the more she started talking about how fucked she actually is the more I found her attractive
>also dem legs
What's wrong with me
>trump retweets nazi memes
>mainstream tv is getting subversive JEW JUDEN JEW vids on national television
>the biggest youtube star on the planet has started putting subliminal messages in his videos about jews
>hollywood is literally forcing feminism, holohoax defense and dangerous white supremacist nazi terrorists in the movies this year
Are we seeing the jews literally get exposed worldwide right now?
the women of today have unfortunately traded the security and comfort of traditional gender roles and judeo christian values for women's lib or sexual empowerment, which has statistically shown to make them more miserable and alone
I think nick will still be on adult swim or other comedy programming in the future
He hides his racism better then sam and hides his drug use better then charls
>mans best friend (greatest ally) is running away from a heavily armed European that is trying to warn the multicultural americans that that (((thing))) is not the victim they think it is but rather an inhuman creature that will pretend to be human while ruining the nation is lives in until it is all destroyed
Seriously why do people keep hinting at the jews everywhere?
nothing compares to papa gino's... except an all out race war
Do you know who's watching your kids?
Maybe it's me.
I literally have a girl exactly like her.
>fat cunt
>spic cunt
Wh-what're you talking about?
Like you're gonna turn 30 then you're gonna turn 32 then you're gonna turn 38. How do you plan on doing that?
Sam's wife was horribly disfigured when Nick tripped her, dude. There's no way she looks like that.
I heard she needed 60 stitches, and still lost one eye.
>mainstream TV
>adult swim
I keked.
>that skit
>trips her
>"...What's going on buddy?"
Brittney a cute
p good episode
moms is great. really clever idea for a sketch, glad to see they rehashed it a bit for the wall show