Anyone got a good TV/Movie collection they would like to share on Mega?

Anyone got a good TV/Movie collection they would like to share on Mega?
I'll start!D8Q2maiT!1_iTZ3FELdLfQFy2Sb3FHw

Other urls found in this thread:!hQN0kCSZ!wRj-GHYeDc_ZivI4HfM4YA!EItXGJQY!W_6D1QS6DmhRVleF6IE-i03XSEptDzCjUp9vFlR09b0

Go away FBI

I miss Megabro

How do I share this movie? It is "Schoolboys bully American Blonde English teacher"

>"Schoolboys bully American Blonde English teacher"

i have a Sharpe folder, i did not uploaded the thing though.!hQN0kCSZ!wRj-GHYeDc_ZivI4HfM4YA

I have videos of myself pooping if anyone wants it.

>I have videos of myself pooping if anyone wants it.

of course you do

The Silent Partner (1978)

Decent Canadian-made thriller, set and shot in Toronto.!EItXGJQY!W_6D1QS6DmhRVleF6IE-i03XSEptDzCjUp9vFlR09b0

Elliott Gould is underrated.

Do you guys have the Mega link for KSTV by MDE?

I think you can find some eps on youtube


Knew it

is your device too slow to handle x265?

>uploading some shitty show on MEGA when it's available on all public trackers websites and when anyone interested has already seen/downloaded it because it's not obscure/rare or particularly interesting

Well, for me, I'm using University internet and can't torrent. So, small rips on mega are fast and great to expand my collection. Who complains about uploads?

Are you talking about me () faggot? How about you reply me man to man next time huh? Are you scared i'm gonna find you and punch your lights out? That's right, bitch.

>Who complains about uploads?


lmao do people watch this shit on their phone or something

x265 is a new encode with really small filesize while maintaining good quality

yeah but not 125mb that's just ridiculously small

125mb 720p vid file with x265 encode can look just as good as a 800mb 720p with x264 encode

Do you have any more 70's crime films you can share?

Really now. You actually think it's a good idea to upload everything on MEGA so collage kids can download their faggy shows without torrenting? Is this actually a reliable method for watching TV? Do you wait for people to upload stuff on MEGA so you can safely downloaded them and otherwise don't watch?

>Who complains about uploads?
Well I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing out how pointless it's to ""share"" something pretty common and not rare/noteworthy and easily obtainable via public torrents. By all means upload and share whatever. It just would be funny if someone on Sup Forums shared some Top 10 radio normie tier album in a sharethread. Got it right.

It's not. It's the quality of twice its size of other codecs

HAHAHA god the autism stop its hurting my chest

darn these collage kids without autism!

>he criticized my ways and I can't think of a good rebuttal

So how's reddit?

>mentions Sup Forums
Of course it's a Sup Forumstant hipster faggot pointing out how his free shit is better than everyone else's free shit.

Except that's not what's happening. Also I don't browse Sup Forums as much as Sup Forums or even nearly.

Looks like redditors are getting triggered when they face criticism instead of their usual dicksucking circlejerk.

>Looks like redditors are getting triggered when they face criticism instead of their usual dicksucking circlejerk.
Who cares? It's hardly even a rec thread, it's people giving away free stuff, you gotta be a real fuckhead to just start talking shit about it.

I'm at home and i have internet, i can download torrents.
But it's a valid point, at my university i can't download torrents either. There was a time last semester i really needed to download some Peter Greenaway film for a class next day and i couldn't torrent because i was at uni all day.
Luckly found a link on MEGA that helped me, downloaded it right there and just popped the pen drive when i got home at night.

thanks for all the viruses familias

I don't care, it's just stupid to share stuff you can get anywhere else. It's a simple point. It would be smarter to share some rare or hard to obtain in good quality stuff. Don't think anyone clicked on OP's link and said "oh finally!" It's not even the whole show, just the first season. Not really a collection. Not really good. Too specific for anyone to give a fuck.

No, but I might upload a French-Canadian film called Les bons debbaras when I have some free bandwidth. Keep an eye out!

>Les bons debbaras
I've been meaning to watch this. I saw it was in HD on iTunes, is this the version you have, or is it a DVDrip?

It's a 720p WEB-DL, probably the itunes version.