Overwatch group thread

overwatch group thread.

looking to duo with a non idiotic guy

18 grill 2400 sr
post your bnets and what kind of players you're looking for

HMU Sush #11156

Tits or gtfo

im stuck at 2350 and its fucking trash, everyone is so bad

if you cant win against all the bad people it means you're bad too

ye you're pretty bad

that game fucking sucks

Being forced to go healer or tank doesnt mean i can carry.

Ding ding

Being a good player means you can carry. You're clearly fucking ass.

Considering ive been diamond every season yet im clearly not THAT trash

every character in the game is capable of carrying

Love when fuckers ask you to go healer or tank when they aren't playing either. Overwatch community is pretty cancerous.

this is my problem. Had all golds except healing. 17k damage as reaper next best was 8k. told i wasnt doing damage and i need to go healer

medals dont mean shit. it could be trash damage that just gave the enemy supports their ults every team fight

tf2 is better

Obviously the players sucked and kept dying so they wanted a healer to heal them. Honestly not playing someone who can heal themselves or get out sticky situation themselves.
>What's that? I'll play as Junkrat and carry the team!

lol gold noob


Except diamond is pretty fucking dogshit.

dumb cucks like you ruin games, ''trash damage''

in comparison to allies that do no damage and don't focus with you but say ''durr medals mean nothing''

if you put out all the damage as say bastion for example but no one helps you focus, and your allies can't aim and don't group, you and your top ''trash damage'' are not the problem, it's the feeding retards who don't shoot at what is low and out of position

medal definitely do mean something, top elims is the person finishing the most who also likely has the most solo takedowns and top damage typically is the person shooting the most, obviously bastion/junkrat are likely always going to be gold damage, but assuming this is useless damage and just feeds healer ults is nieve, that's a sign your team is not working together to focus targets, even a rein/dva comp with an anna/mercy can't outheal/tank a bastion/soldier with damage boost and a rein shield holding a corner, they just simply can't if they tank the damage, the rein shield will break, defense matrix will drain and eventually they will either die or have to take cover, with good positioning and teamwork this can always be capitalized on by being aggressive when rein shield breaks, if they are free to take cover and charge off of this then your team just plain and simply sucks a big dick

Medals don't mean anything buddy. When you get past gm holla at me.

Your precious gold elims don't mean shit if it's 10 elims in a three round Control point.

You fucking bozo shithead fucking fool.

Any dps need a pocket bitch? Master+ pls

Don't know what you faggots even mean I just play overwatch on ps4 and have fun good luck with your severe autism and increased stress and all the problems that come along with that

Same, I was thinking about getting it on my pc, but seeing this fucking thread? Nahhh.

if you didnt focus on medals, maybe you'd actually stop and think about what went wrong (and no, not big generalizations like "people aren't killing shit!!!" or "if I have gold elims as tank, what are our dps doing???") in a team fight instead of just screeching about how your teammates suck.

Medals dont mean shit because they basically tell you nothing specific / there's nothing to learn from it. Who cares. Instead focus on how / why certain characters get free reign / get shut down. Basically focus on how you can enable your team to do what they need to do, instead of thinking about yourself constantly

also, carry at your garbage rank by just keeping the attention of 2-4 people so that your 'shit' team can win the 5vs4/2.

they were probably complaining that you weren't getting kills, not that you weren't doing damage. doing damage and not getting the kills means you suck, dude
do your job as a dps or play support