Hey Sup Forumsros, need a little help. Long story short, I might have to take a drug test for a promotion at work...

Hey Sup Forumsros, need a little help. Long story short, I might have to take a drug test for a promotion at work. I wanna know if I can pass or not, and what to do to pass.
>6ft 2inches tall
>last smoked on the 12th of May, smoked about 4g over the course of roughly a week, maybe a few days less
How fucked am I and what detox methods are good if I need to be tested in the next week or so?
Thanks guys.

Other info about me
>decent metabolism
>walk and lift a lot because of work

work out a lot, drink lot of water, take some niacin but again drink lots of water

if you have two weeks from the time you last smoked to the test then you should be fine.

I was in a similar position.

In terms of getting it out of your system, i have no idea.

does your gym have a sauna, if so go in there every day and sweat a lot, and drink lots of water.

I think one of those detox drinks might actually work. I know it sounds like bullshit but what it does is dilute your pee to lower the concentration of the shit they're trying to detect, but also refill your puss with the vitamins they're looking for to make sure you're not diluting yourself on purpose, if that makes sense.

Hey Sup Forums, another question. Say I have to get drug tested on July 17th, but I've been smoking pretty much every day for the past 2-3 years. When should I quit?

Fuck, Sup Forums. Not Sup Forums. I am clearly high.

Vitamin B, black coffee, exercise, water, and eat small but often as that increases metabolism

just lots of water and sweating man. i got clean in 4 days through lots of workouts and water

Quit now if you can help it, so what I said here
And what everyone else is saying


weed stays in your system for 3 days youre fine bro

You're fucked. That's all I got to say. Best course is to buy some synthetic piss and insert that stealthy into your pants.

gnc has a fucking great return policy

buy a nasty fucking jug of "detox" shit behind the counter that'll clean you right out

go back to the store afterwords, say it didn't work, and get a fucking refund

shit works. i met a stoner kid that worked at a local gnc that told me about it and it has landed two of my friends jobs they shouldn't have got because of their smoking habits. good luck.

He's lying, you for you it would probably be like 2 to 3 weeks, but always assume the worst.

thc is stored in fat... lose weight

me again

don't ask for "the shit that'll make you pass a drug test" they'll likely tell you to fuck off.

i don't remember the name, but it was just a jug of black liquid shit. drink the jug, fill it up and drink a jug or two worth of water, then drink a shitload more water over the next 24 hours while you shit and piss out every fucking thing in your body

then you piss clean like a boss

drink lots of water and lots of arobics, sweat sweat sweat, also the day of the test pound water like a feind, make sure you've pissed at least 3 times that day and your most recent is clear, then drink a lot more water just before the test, it wont mask anything but it will dilute it enough to where they cant tell either way, most places dont fuck with the cost of a second test and just accept the "dilute negative" result

if the place randoms and the jobs important to you, stop using

I think your answer depends on what they test

Knew a guy that overdosed on niacin years ago trying to pass a test to get a better job, make sure you read the bottle if you try it