what is the most based male names you have ever heard and are considering naming your son?
What is the most based male names you have ever heard and are considering naming your son?
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Reminder that anybody on pol who says they are married/have kids are a lying faggot trying to make themselves feel better.
>tfw this is a negro name in the states
>open bible
>find names
wow that was hard
>Picking hebrew names
Consider suicide
Kangz n shiet
To name a few based on region.
Muhhamad for UK.
Mehmet for Germany.
Suleymaan for Sweden.
Tyrone for USA.
Adebowale for France.
>NT names
My name
>Implying they aren't
Konchiwa Japan-sun. Ching chong cheng. Chang chung ching?
Can you translate this for me?
If you open bible at random you are way more likely to open it on old testament than new as it's few times longer. Also both Jesus and his apostles were jews.
Faron because Zelda
Gay. Tyler is the Tyson of our times. Before that, it was Dylan.
Stop looking to facebook for names for your boy.
I will name my son Nunzio strong Sicilian name
I love these threads because it reveals just how beta, autistic, and retarded Sup Forums is. They always pick names that you KNOW are going to belong to that weird kid in class who has an offbrand smelly plastic orange lunch box. That kid who smells weird and plays by himself.
Tiberius Mathers, king autist. Constantine Jeffries. Stop revealing your NEET levels you retards.
Just walk through a cemetary in the western world and read the names of those born 1900-1955
You can use a non-kike name without going full autist.
Greek names may be derived from the history and mythology of Classical Antiquity or be derived from the New Testament and early Christian traditions. Such names are often, but not always, anglicised. Examples: Helen, Stephen, Alexander, Andrew, Peter, Gregory, George, Christopher, Melissa, Margaret, Nicholas, Jason, Timothy, Chloe, Zoë, Katherine, Penelope and Theodore.
Latin names can also be adopted unchanged, or modified; in particular, the inflected element can be dropped, as often happens in borrowings from Latin to English. Examples: Laura, Victoria, Marcus, Justin (Latin Justinus), Paul (Lat. Paulus), Julius, Cecilia, Felix, Julia, Pascal (not a traditional-type Latin name, but the adjective-turned-name paschalis, meaning 'of Easter' (Pascha)).
Your the only one who took it seriously user
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
I'm married and have two kids; a son and a daughter. Son is Arthur, daughter is Josephine.
Marcellus, after my great grandfather.
Mark for short
>daughter is Josephine.
You just went full jew nigger
Mohammed (pbuh)
Also, top tier is normal first name, based middle name.
I had an ancestor named August who was the first in my paternal line to emigrate here from Germany.
Most of my ancestry is English though.
John August is probably what I'll name the first born.
My parents almost named me Tecumseh and I'm so fucking glad they didn't. I'd have to live my entire life knowing there was cum in my name.
Is there any more of a cuck name than Brian?
Don't. My name is Alexander, my brother is Octavius. My sister is god damn Alexandria.
We all agree our parents are assholes.
Max Power
Thats my middle name. I'm also the fifth kid, so it's a pretty good one. It's fun to make people guess it from the initial, I convinced my high school sweetheart that it stood for Quetzalcoatl and she believed it for a few months until I got my license
It's not a jew name so yes.
Those are all fine names. You're just butthurt because you don't fit in with the shitskins.
Please Sup Forums, help me. Is Evan a based name for my son? My wife and my parents are saying that we should name our son Evan, but is it degenerate?
Probably just going to give my kid a normal western name, it's cruel to give a child a wierd name just because the parents think they're witty
I want to name mine Erich
Gilbert is the worst male name. Gertrude is the worst female name.
James. Not Jim or Jimmy, just fucking James.
Go for a strong, masculine name that won't give your kid a bunch of stupid problems at school. Make sure it's 1 or 2 syllables. Going for le obscure roman name is just fucking gay. If you want your kid to be a roman, don't be too shocked to find out he's getting butt fucked like a proper roman.
Thorfinn Skull-splitter
Eric Bloodaxe
Harald Hardrada
Forgot to add:
Donald Trump
STOP, don't brand your son with the mark of the jew.
Pick a good Celtic name instead
Celtic names are sometimes anglicised versions of Celtic forms, but the original form may also be used. Examples: Alan, Brian, Brigid, Mórag, Logan, Ciarán, Jennifer, and Seán. These names often have origins in Celtic words, as Celtic versions of the names of internationally known Christian saints, as names of Celtic mythological figures, or simply as long-standing names whose ultimate etymology is unclear.
I think we can all agree that Alexander is a 10/10 name
Its strong, sexy, sophisticated AND you could just use Alex if you want
Its ok, not great, but ok
t. Sven
Uchiha Madara.
Why not call him Myson and the other one Mywifeson.
It means the 8th child
Named my son Ben. Daughter is Reagan. Not after the prez.
This, no need to make things complicated
Trpimir, Rastislav, Mutimir, Dujam, Igor
After the pornstar?
A "based name" is anything that is relatively normal. Alex, John, Frank, Evan, Greg, Tom, Andrew etc.
Avoid the legacy or "old" names that Sup Forums is always being autistic about like Wilhelm, Ulysses, Constantine, Pascal etc. All that ensures is that your kid gets picked on for having some gay french sounding name to other kids. At least in the US.
Do not name your kid that.
Thomas, Christopher, Arthur, William, Edward
Not really based I just think these names have some great people behind them
wut? A character from your pic was named David. That statue was my goal body, pure Aryan aesthetics
Like Otto von Bismarck Smith?
>Le Christianity is Jewish maymay
Are you even aware of the enmity that still exists between Jews and Christians, much less the extreme hatred that existed at the time when these names were adopted into the West?
Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot. You should be banned for your own good, you take this shit way too seriously.
That's not a fucking name. Caesar's name was Julius.
Sets them up for a lifetime of corny puns
literal cuck name
>tfw my firstborn son is named Alexander Henry
he got his moms blue eyes, too. Bullet = dodged
You know how fucking annoying it is to grow up with a twin sister who basically has the exact same fucking name as you? Especially those names, that can be broken up into so many nicknames? I would start telling people to call my Alex, then she would do the same. I'd go Lex, she'd go Lexa, I went Al, she went Ally, I went Xander when buffy was on for a bit. She went fucking Xandra.
But at least none of those are as bad as fucking Octavius. That was shit for my brother in school.
Oh, and nobody will get bullied for them (unless they grow up in London where everyone's a Muhammad). They can also be shortened well
nice try kike
>Evan is a Welsh masculine given name derived from "lefen", a Welsh form for the name John. In other languages it could be compared to "Ivan", "Ian", and "Juan"; the name John itself is derived from the ancient Hebrew name יְהֹוחָנָן Yəhôḥānān, which means "YHWH is gracious".
Nah, double names are the worst
Thomas -- Thom after his dad and as after his mom.
Got a problem with my post, friendo?
>All that ensures is that your kid gets picked on
Who the fuck cares? Getting picked on builds character. He'll sink or swim with his name, and if he's weak enough to be bullied into hating his name or his parents on account of having chosen his name, then he's weak enough for it not to matter.
By this reasoning you should just get it over with and name your son Tyrone or Daekwon or Jose or something given future demographic predictions. John and Andrew will be similarly ravaged in the future as being antiquated white names, after all. Wouldn't want your son to get picked on, now would you?