About half way through Season 1 of TNG and loving it, but a lot of people on here say it doesn't pick up until Season 3.
What exactly changes/improves?
About half way through Season 1 of TNG and loving it, but a lot of people on here say it doesn't pick up until Season 3.
What exactly changes/improves?
Other urls found in this thread:
uniform, ranks, pacing, music, and worf as tactical command.
so like everything...
It literally grew the beard.
Rikers beard senpai
the uniforms get better to, apparently the uniforms in the first two seasons fucked up stewart's back or something.
They were onsies, they changed to a 2 piece after.
>interview with Berman in the behind-the-scenes
>"a lot changes over the course of the series"
>"Riker grows a beard...."
anyone else excited for star trek discovery? bryan fuller is the perfect person for showrunner and i have high hopes
I refused to get excited. That's what happens when you're met with so much disappointment in television and cinema.
Im watching furst seasin too. What happens to the head engeneer? I only watched episodes with geordy as chief engineer. There are like 2 of them some guy with a beard and a little blonde lady.
And something I always wanted to ask is why the counselor is on the bridge like third in command? I haven't heard of another ship with a counselor.
And why is wes so special? Should I just wait and see?
I loved season 1 watching it the first time too, and was shocked when I saw people on the internet hated it. It really does get better after season 3 though, and now I have a hard time watching the early episodes
they never do anything with Wes and he becomes increasingly useless as he becomes less of a Gary Stu
>an entire season about kilingons
The 'TNG season 1 and 2 are awful' thing is a meme spread by troglodytes
Currently on S6E16 of DS9, loving it so far.
>What exactly changes/improves?
Why do ppl hate wes anyways? Or moreso will wheaton. I would have guessed they could relate to a boy their age who is attached to his mother and smarter than normal.
Ppl do hate him right? Thats what I get from the internet.
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If you have any taste at all you will learn to despise Troi. She becomes fucking insufferable at times and all but (I think) two of the Troi-centered episodes involves some kind of rumble in the jungle mind rape.
annoying mary sue
Wheaton has made some really dumbass twitter posts but that doesn't have much to do with the character he plays on the show. His character is really annoying most of the time but he becomes tolerable as he becomes less relevant.
They hate him cos they ain't him. Wes was not just smart, he was a prodigy and his expertise was in useful knowledge not starshit and hentai. He was also successful: in his career, in romance, and in his life. He was also height weight proportionate.
Name a TNG main character who was never mindraped
It depends on what you consider mind rape. There's literally and episode where Troi is all like "please make it stop UGGGHGHH!!!" with a music box playing in the background. It is so, fucking, bad.
Also, whats with the men in dresses? Why have I not seen this in voyager or ds9?
I do see the comfort in your package being free tho.
That's right, Troi is literally raped in the brain by a music box.
You ever had your extracellular protein pushed in?
Gene was trying to be all forward thinking and progressive. It just made the whole thing look stupid and I'm glad they finally turned it around so that nobody was wearing a goddamn dress. I'm not sure he knew how to handle the whole dress thing that was prevalent in ToS.
hahaha troi looks like a tard baby with that hair
Whats the difference? Also let tunics be a thing now.
Link wears them so good enough for me. Where can I buy stylish updated ones?
...and its lets your balls be free.
Still waiting on an answer to what happens to the little lady head engineer.
Does she just leave cus geordi is better? What is geordis job in season 1 anyways? He still seems to still be doing all the tech stuff.
They never tell you what happens to the other head engineers to my knowledge. It's sort of just swept under the rug but I suppose you can chalk it up to a transfer since that's pretty common even though they don't ever do it with main cast members. The only example I can think of in any series is when Trip was transferred as head engineer to another ship in Enterprise. It was meant to be permanent in as far as the story goes but they end up bringing him back to Enterprise.
In Season 1, the show was still trying to work itself out.
In Season 2, Worf replaces Yar as tactical officer as chief of security, and Geordi becomes Chief Engineer. Unfortunately, Dr. Crusher is lost and replaced with Dr. Pulaski.
In Season 3, though, Dr. Crusher returns. The spandex uniforms are replaced with wool, and the season ends with arguably the best season finale of all time.
IMO: 3>4>6>5>7>1>2
IMDb Ratings: 6>5>3>4>7>2>1
I actually liked Pulaski, or maybe I just didn't like Crusher.
Agreed. To say the first two seasons of TNG are awful is hyperbolic. Yes, they are weaker than the proceeding five, but its just the case of a show trying to find its footing. Granted, episodes where Wesley saves the day can get lame, and Troi sometimes gets annoying, but the second season contains some of my favorite episodes.
But yeah, everything improves.
>Yes, they are weaker than the proceeding five, but its just the case of a show trying to find its footing
Stopped reading there. Troglodyte motherfucker.
I think it depends on your age. I was a kid when TNG originally aired, and I liked wesley. Adults hated him. I think if I had watched the show as an adult, I'd have hated him, too.
He really was the cousin oliver of star trek.
Isnt it good that it got better? Better than the reverse right?
Im watching season 1 and the episodes are good, things just keep getting better I guess. Excellent.
I watched TNG as a kid and only vaguely remembered him until I watched it as an adult years later. One of his problems is that he was used in scenes where he seemingly had no place.
Better Uniforms and Rikers beard
But he basically was. Remember when Dr. Sung called him back an data overtook the Enterprise?
Or he was drunken raped by Jarr? Or when his Brother manipulated him to become somekind of Borgking?
Pulaski for the rest of the show would have been a huge improvement over the human quaalude that is Beverly Crusher.
>Unfortunately, Dr. Crusher is lost and replaced with Dr. Pulaski.
There was literally no problem
She was also a fucking hottie in ToS.
if you want to see why the first two seasons were a clusterfuck watch this doc, Shatner even manages not to make the whole thing about himself for once.
> Stopped
Stopped reading there.
Troi is always annoying
>captain, maybe we should think aboooouuttt theeeieiirrr FFFEEEEELLLIIIIINGGGSSS
Fuck Troi.
There are literally 50 pedo/nigger/porn/celeb threads in the catalog. We can post whatever we want. It's like the purge.
Post whatever you want itt.
>but its just the case of a show trying to find its footing.
no it's a case of complete mismanagement, the first two seasons of TNG went through 30 writers and assistants. they made the head writer a guy who had never written science fiction before, Gene was deathly afraid of losing creative control and then ironically gave most of his control to his lawyer who for some reason decided it was his job to give notes on all scripts.
the show getting better didn't just happen, season 3 was practically a reboot with a new head writer, bringing on new staff like Ron Moore, and promoting writers like Melinda Snodgrass (author of Measure of a Man) to executive script consultant.
almost no show has ever gone through the amount of turnover and chaos of seasons 1 and 2 of TNG and it's a sheer miracle that 1. it lived long enough to fix all it's major problems and 2. that it actually fixed these problems at all.
Seriously what the fuck is up with all the kid threads right now?
I mean I would think that Sup Forums was raiding this place or something with all the fucking nonsense that's going on.
Funny how they said they were going to give Gene full creative control to get him to do TNG and then totally went "LOLNO" as soon as he signed on to the project.
Mary Sue is someone that is skilled that isn't trained, Wesley was raised and top of his class genius kid, that's not what a Mary Sue is, else Data is the biggest MAry Sue in Star Trek, and every other fucking trained Starfleet Officer on the Bridge, and Bill Gates too.
/trek/ is spooked because archive.4plebs.org
But it's purge day, you can post whatever you want now. It's not a honeypot. Post whatever you want.
>Watching S01E19 and S01E25 right now as a result of this thread.
mass disinfo and social engineering campaign. have you not been paying attention to the rest of 2016? you think hillary is the only one with paid shills and agitators?
She gets raped by every telepathic thing in the show...
people would've really flipped a shit if they did Risa in his original vision of basically a bunch of gay hippies making out
imagine an empath or telepath feminist
constantly triggered
Say what!
I didnt know she was from there. Was she the doctor then too?
I actually don't know what episode/episodes she was in because I don't remember. I was watching it today trying to find her in it when I should have just not been a dumbass and checked the wiki to find her appearance. She's not wearing a blue uniform which means, probably not. Science officers wore blue in ToS, operations officers wore red.
She's wearing red, bro.
I wish star trek was fascist instead of communist
That's called being a Mary Sue
It borders on both at times and REALLY does it in some of the mirror universe episodes.
They confused that at times in ToS. Like the costume designers and the writers got their signals crossed.
>It borders on both
Also, not to say that she couldn't have hypothetically gone to the Academy later. Operations officers (in red) are supposed to be enlisted. We know from our own current military systems that enlisted people often obtain degrees and become officers.
I watched some episode today where an anthropologist was wearing blue. I suppose it doesn't really border but in TNG people with liberal arts degrees (other than law) basically aren't in star fleet at all.
You're forgetting about the Lore episode. It could be argued he wasn't "mind" raped because he's an android, but that's just symantics. His neural matrix and programming were altered by his brother, which, most would say, constitutes a mind rape.
>that's just symantecs
Fixed that for you.
It's only terrible in hindsight. The show was rocky and struggling to understand what it wanted to be for the first two seasons. After season 3 the show becomes a lot more "modern" in its story writing. The cast also go from being complete strangers at the start of the series to practical family towards the end, so watching the old episodes again really highlights the awkwardness between the actors (another reason for this is that literally none of them were expecting it to be a success. Patrick Stewart was living out of his suitcase for the entire first season, because no-one thought that you could reboot Star Trek. It wasn't until season 3 that it was working).
It never touches on fascism at all. The normal universe is very far from fascist. The mirror universe isn't really that much of a fascist universe, more an imperial shitshow that isn't really fleshed out.
I want a sci-fi show that explores this. Basically a Starship Troopers TV show. Having it air alongside Star Trek would be GOAT has they could sort of play off each other.
vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump vote trump
fuck off Hillary you brain damaged bitch
There is no goddamn way they would get away with a fascist version of Star Trek right now. People would get way too pissed off about it for really no reason. The idiots that aren't actually true liberals would always be bitching about how it hurt their feelings. I hate how the definition of liberalism has been corrupted over the past few decades and people wear that corruption like a badge of pride.
Is it really true that Hillary Clinton has medical problems?
I don't think a fascist version of STAR TREK would be a good idea, just a fascist space sci-fi show in general.
Well she's like a fucking hundred so probably.