Name one sequel worse than Kick-Ass 2. And I'm talking actual theatrical sequels that were meant to be worthy follow-ups, not just some bargain bin direct-to-DVD shit that was shit out in a week.
Name one sequel worse than Kick-Ass 2...
Terminator 3
Speed 2....although I enjoyed it.
Zoolander 2
Spiderman 2
I would say A Good Day to Die Hard.
But Kick-Ass 2 is up there. It's sad when Vaughn talks about doing a 3rd one because it's fucking dead and he doesn't seem to know it. Had he been more interested in KA2 than jumping on Fox's dick then maybe we'd have something special.
Aladdin 3
Chloe was already turning ugly
did motherfucker kill that guy and his doggo in the movie?
I'm surprised they didn't turn the franchise into a bunch of loosely connected z-movie sequels.
Most slasher movies get really bad sequels
The dog survived
No they pussied out of alot of things from the comic.
I honestly enjoyed kickass 2. It wasn't as good as the first by any stretch... But it was cheesey fun.
Meet the fockers was a huge pile of shit compared to meet the parents.
How did Kick-ass 2 disappoint so much? The first one I liked a lot but 2 just resorted to DUDE PUKE LMAO
>ask how
>answer self
He kills Jim Carrey. He doesn't kill the dog, rape anyone, or shoot kids though. They were afraid to go full Mark Millar with it.
The Matrix Revolutions. Reloaded isn't half bad.
It also seemed to play serious moments in the comic for some laughs in the movie.
Leguizamo was good in it though.
why'd they cut the hot girlfriend from the first one out of the movie?
She was still somewhat cute, like in a transition phase where she could go either way. Too bad, I wonder if this is the end of her career? She can't play the "it" girl now.
got you bro
Not entirely true, he raped Night Bitch (even if he couldn't get it up).
2 Fast 2 Furious
They got lucky that shit didn't kill the franchise.
He just had his henchmen beat her up. There was no rape.
So much better and more likable than Hitgirl
That was probably for the best, Kick Ass was only good because it didn't go full Miller edgelord. This one actually followed the comic a little too closely I'd say