what's the point of life Sup Forums
What's the point of life Sup Forums
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To live.
laugh and grow fat
Son, that's nothing that just anybody can tell you!
bang hot white girls
To outlive people you hate
>bang hot white girls
same AMWF Couple as above
done that
No fuck you idiots, it's literally just to breed and that's something none of you will ever do
How do god and evolution explain reality?
thank god
You sound stressed, user. Tell me of your troubles.
To live well. If you live well, the question will never nag you.
If the end result is something like you then I'm glad I won't.
You know how when you're on here and you get a (You) where someone does more than just kek or this? When they say something that speaks to you and deep down in your soul resonates on a level of ecstatic recognition? It's all about finding that. You think it feels great on here, but it's 1000x better in real life.
Well that's an autistic way to put it but yeah pretty much
>Have to pay for kid to not die
>Have to buy it the expensive stuff because its mom is a cunt
>Cunt mom makes me pay child support on top of paying for everything the kid gets anyway
>Kids doesn't like me because I rarely see it because I'm spending all of my time working to pay for it to continue not dying
>Its mom tells it how horrible I am so it dislikes me even more
>Eventually decides it doesn't want to see me but I still gotta pay for it to not die
>Grows up to be a whiny numale prick because only influence in its life is cunt mom
>It turns into one of these things
Humans are a mistake
I found the point of life when I had my son. I was miserable in college, I collected $40,000 worth of toys and I was studying Chemistry and i hated it. Then I met my wife on Craigslist, sold my toys and put the money towards our house and started repairing computers. We got married and when I saw my son for the first time, I KNEW the meaning of life. It was magical. I used to be on Sup Forums constantly but hardly come here now because my real life is so much better.
No, just women's rights user
what an ugly little sprog
To banepost on an anonymous imageboard
To shitpost on Sup Forums
fucking normies
The point of life is to produce metabolic waste.
How does the boy's father come into play?
>finding your wife on Craigslist
Finding a wife on Sup Forums
>met my wife on Craigslist
To not waste time on sites like Sup Forums.
fuck off slope
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of the women
To do things that make you feel good. Because you don't know anything but what you are. And really, would you rather hurt yourself than eat a pie? Be miserable than have a laugh?
imagine you are "god" and you just pop into existence without any reason at all, and there is nothing but you, and there are no rules or limits or sanity, so you explode into every possible facet as an infinite fractal of possibilities and impossibilities and inspiration and horror without any meaning at all.
and one microscopic nubbin sprouting on one of your fractal tendrils insignificantly different from an infinite number of others houses an entire infinite universe filled with sparks and dust
and on one speck of dust there is a fungus that contains a spark of reflection of you, and it wants to know what it exists for.
to die
Why did you write that? I liked it
Pigs in blankets
pigs in blankets are the point of life
thanks for the tip OP, might buy some right now
To fear God and keep his commandments.
The one true God, the only living God, the God of the KJV Bible
Trips confirms
Stfu dude
That's biological meaning. OP is asking about a higher meaning.
Imagine being a glorified fungus growing on a lump of shit spinning through the void and thinking "anything that could create me must be infinitely knowledgeable and all powerful."
still... kinda weird that you are you and not someone else, don't you think?
Hail satan
don't get sarky with me you cunt, you know what I mean.
To watch as much television as humanely possible. God made man so that we in turn could make television and enjoy it, and then in the afterlife we get to join God for better channels.
I don't think life has a "point". This is more of a philosophical question
what about memes, do we get memes
It's a little bit more complex than that, not everyone's function is to breed, humans are meant to be communal animals. Some people are meant to be caretakers or such. Many evolutionists think homosexuality may have come about as a mechanism for extra caretakers for offspring in the family.
just chillin and fuckin, dassabess
No our purpose is to live and serve God, even Jesus Christ himself said that not all men are meant to marry or reproduce.
to meme
Making choices.
t. the oracle
You are the universe way to exist and admire itself. When you die the universe dies.
Well sometimes I worry that I'm schizophrenic so I have to reassure myself that indeed it is
Xenu be praised
>not being a deadbeat dad
Beat the system by not giving a fuck. Giving a woman your precious fluids is all the payment she needs.
I'd rather give my precious fluids to a man.
To shitpost on a mongolion tapestry congregation and laugh at DCucks
Yes, that is good.
Who the fuck wants to hear women lactating.