Unintentionally hot scenes

Unintentionally hot scenes.

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Damn, when did Coconut Head learn how to do that?

dafuq is that

Into the Badlands

aka a fucking fun show

>tfw no thick eyebrows gf

yeah it was pretty fun because the fight scenes and how over the top it was in general but the story and everything else sucked so bad im really surprised its getting a second season
redhead was best waifu though

What's that movie?


i know


She was the best loli.


Almost every scene in this film was hot EXCEPT when she put on all those whore makeup.

I wouldn't say everything else sucked as I did quite like the world they created and most of the characters in it but yeah the story is a mash-up of so many random things from a future with no guns, to super powered monks, etc... I immensely enjoy it overall though.

And yes the widow is the best


Sorry little B, but your begging was kinda hot.


Orphan? never saw

webm pls


the stabbing scene from zodiac makes me rock hard everytime

these don't look very friendly, what's happening in them?

What movie?

Boku no Pico

Turns out she was an old man all along, or some shit

It's this crazy japanese movie called Boku No Pico.


why didn't you webm the scene where she straddles him and the camera shoots up her tiny dress and shows her tight ass in a little black pair of panties?



dark matters tv series or something like that

Well in the latter he has a knife to her throat, then drags her to the ground and rapes her as she pleads no.

So no, not friendly.

saw her in an old sg 1 episode earlier, thought for sure she was MissAlice18

scuse me, missalice94

That MissAlice poster has to be stopped, he's warping all of our minds.





Looks like a Lifetime Channel knock-off of Princess Dust.

And that guy looks like the child of Wil Wheaton and Bam Margera.

The other one is also a rape scene.

that is hot to you?





>Unnecesary kiss scene

>it's a little girl beats up a grown man episode
it will never not be retarded

OP they know the show is a mediocre rehash of farscape/stargate/firefly/voyager
so they have to spice it up with t&a

This is now a Jodelle thread btw

Mmmm yes.

Who dis?

>aren't I quirky user? teehee :3


>tfw no jodelle gf

end me


she'd be pretty high maintenance, being a pop culture geek, uncomfortable with her body, etc


>wake up
>see this
wut do?

Hey, looks like we got things in common, and she shares a lot of good tastes



>tfw you will never have a quirkfu and spend the day doing random silly things with her

>Small woman breaks a mans neck when he is not caught unawares

Do filmmakers think the neck muscles are made of tissue paper or something?



I bet this small woman could break you with something too

Rarely do i instantly love an actress. Never saw this bitch till today and fuck she's my type.



did you even watch the movie? it actually does serve a point

>you will never have your nuts crushed by daisy quake johnson in her prime
why live


hows the soundtrack?

Shows supposed to get edgier next season so I expect some good shit.

i hope that means she finally does another panty scene

How much are you willing to bet that she gets fucked by Ghost Rider?

Is Nic Cage appearing in the next season?

They've got a mexican ghost rider now.

wow so progressive

Lauren, Unreal Champion ship II

Do the olympics count?

she's 19 btw

Back to /so/


Can almost guarantee it.

That scene in that shitty Chaos movie where the guy stabs the woman's vagina and cuts all the way to her anus. Oh, or the one where he cuts her nipple off and makes her eat it.

> modern fight scenes
> even more unrealistic that 50's b-movie halfway through punches

Do you? Even if it was a big man doing the snapping and the target was caught unawares, it wouldn't work. Unless the guy has the other guy in a hold and a lot of leverage. You need borderline super strength to just quickly twist and snap like they do in movies.


I dunno what you guys are talking about.

That rape scene in The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo.

Actually all rape scenes does it for me really.

Thanks, user

>It's a woman starts shit then hides behind a man episode

Why are women so manipulative

Yeah because kung-fu shit needs to be realistic

mee ny vittuu

t. fat neckbeard that needs to protect his imaginary world

Its so infuriating and hot at the same time. I'm livid and turned on.

That's the whole point you retard

I just don't need realism in everything i watch because i'm not a faggot

That kid that an excellent job of that movie. She was really creepy. All in all, pretty underrated horror i think.

Yeah she was trying to get away from the dude holding her.