One day soon you trump tards will feel so stupid, idiotic....that you didn't believe me when I told you he couldn't be trusted. He's a dirty, womanizing, elite pig..he's trying to appoint now illuminati to his staff and you regards still support him! Stupidity is a big reason we're in this mess now...and apparently it will continue.
Ethan Cook
Blake Richardson
Finally I can relax and read Trump General
Robert Torres
Gabriel Cruz
Try better next time
Ayden Reed
No rallies scheduled for tomorrow?
Luke Ramirez
>He's a dirty, womanizing, elite pig You mean like Bill Clinton?
Xavier Butler
Can Trump get the Bernie votes?
Sebastian Nguyen
Trump is in the game for one reason only. To help his good friend Hillary win.
Remember. Conservatives are outnumbered, especially now with millennials becoming voting age that don't know their ass from their elbow. The entitlement generation. If Hillary is indicted, and I have my doubts, the zombie millenials will crush Trump with that communist bastard Sanders.
Republicans can't win this with Trump no matter who he is up against. The demographics just aren't there. Millennials and zombie retards aside, 3 out of 4 women say never Trump. They outnumber men in voting.
It just isn't going to happen. I like the fact that Trump has put a rather huge dent in the PC garbage. That's great. But he won't win.
Be constructive then. What should we do? Propose alternatives.
Hunter Harris
Beating 16 other candidates is a shit argument for beating clinton
Connor Sanchez
fuck off glenn
Evan Fisher
Landon Sullivan
Low energy to be honest. This makes me want to vote for Hillary. I'm sure she's campaigning tomorrow.
Oliver Parker
Who has B.E.S.T wall saved?
Jaxon Murphy
I'm so sick of this fucking argument. If Trump can't be trusted, then who can? Name one candidate in the race who has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, who can be """trusted""".
You fucking can't. And hiring Illuminati? What the fuck are you on about? You mean the recent Goldman hire? How do you know he isn't picking off former employees/insiders for intelligence gathering reasons?
And lastly, you realize you can't fight the NWO without subtlety, right? You can't come out guns blazing, it doesn't work.
Oliver Rivera
>Trump Rally
Ryan Diaz
So I noticed Trump hardly mentioned the border at all in the last rally... Is he starting to walk back on him promises about immigration?
Christian Long
Ian Kelly
There's only one candidate that can be #TrusTED...
Bentley Phillips
>bro tier
Nolan Gutierrez
I think I've found the patron Roman God of Trump.
Ryan Bennett
>Philadelphia Go choke on a cheesesteak senpai
Matthew Davis
Made some OC. Whaddaya think?
Joseph Wilson
James Cook
probably bait but >washington state >having to deal with illegals
Caleb Phillips
Joseph Scott
I like it
Ryder Davis
>capt America a sikh welp at least he's not a nigger
Jack Baker
He literally said 'build the wall' earlier.
Kayden Barnes
Yes, instead of a wall on the south border he's gonna build one to the north so that we can stem the tide of shitposters.
Jace Foster
They import them up here, Seattle was made into a sanctuary city.
Aaron Bailey
Lincoln Diaz
Only Trump can make Sikhs act like faggots
Ryan Ortiz
>having to deal with illegals They're schedule to receive some rapefugees
Brody Gutierrez
trump is a master at reading the crowd
all the illegals stop in california its not as relevant to them
Kayden Johnson
>I had a Poké team with a Braviary named Murica
Jonathan Reyes
>sikh fighting for muslims The world is truly coming to the end.
Connor Phillips
Thanks for fanning the flames.
Jackson Mitchell
holy shit ahahahahahaha
Jaxson Allen
Strategies for memetic warfare against Crooked Hillary:
Every time you see someone post a picture of Crooked Hillary on normie social media, shoop it and put a MAGA hat on it, then reply with it
Take over her "Dangerous Don" nickname. Yes, he is dangerous - to the establishment, and run with that.
Go to the Bernie reddit and turn them against Hillary so that they don't vote for her. Don't tell them to vote for Trump. One less vote to Crooked Hillary is the same as one for Trump.
Trust me, I'm Australian, I was raised doing this sort of thing, except, y'know, IRL.
Josiah Parker
Jaxson Morales
Easton Brown
thanks bro.
what about this one?
Kevin Jenkins
Got my MAGA Waifu as well.
Hunter Nguyen
Meat processing in Washington and Oregon is almost entierly illegals, they bring them up for 11 months then "suddenly" find out they're illegal and report them just in time to get a reward from the feds.
It's almost like a giant kickback scheme to encourage illegal immigration.
Ian Reed
>awoos in deep voice
Lucas Butler
Hey danebro Subtle, yet good.
Sebastian Jenkins
That picture will never fail to trigger me. Why do we squander away the lands our ancestors fought and bled for to ingrates. Disgusting. We need to enforce e-verify.
Juan Wood
>owning a dick costume
Thomas Phillips
Leo Reyes
whats the real name of the guy referenced here as "goebbels" from the Trump Campaign?
Brandon Allen
Just push them over, they won't be able to get back up.
Nathaniel Evans
Stephen Miller
Adam Morris
Ask Glenn Beck.
Aaron Miller
Benjamin Turner
stephan miller
Oliver Gray
>He's a dirty, womanizing, elite pig
Did someone say my name?
Ethan Bailey
>Cruz shills were atleast entertaining and put in effort >Hillary shills are lazy and lack luster Kek Cruz didn't even have to pay them money, how sad
Isaac Allen
is he even still alive
Connor Torres
Jaxson Clark
*stephen whoops
Liam Brooks
They really could be the same person. I wonder if Trump cloned Goebbels' DNA for his own purposes?
Joshua Thomas
Elijah Martin
Did he really make that allusion or is it a Sup Forums meme?