Serena Williams gets engaged!

Serena Williams gets engaged! ....

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to reddit

>reddit marries a black tranny


I'm happy for them

what could they possibly have in common, besides penises?

holy shit if I knew white bois could have a chance with her...

guaranteed the guy is a massive ass fetishist and she lets him worship her glory

even fucking drake would've been better. I'll never live this down

>wasting your god-tier athletic genetics on a pasty nerd


there is literally nothing wrong with this.



Can you imagine the upboats he'll get? Probably incalculable.

Just imagine that massive muscle butt slamming down on your genitals


imagine it slamming on your face. guaran fucking teed this guy is on of us

kill me, fucking kill me. if I knew white boys had a chance I would've been all over thatr

>marry reddit cuck
>enrich his white ass
>divorce and take half of his assets
>reddit cuck goes further down the cuck ladder
Good for her.

what assets?
serena is richer than he is 10 fold lol

Are Armenians white?

I say no.


Serena is worth $77 million and this dude is worth $4 million...

Actually would this situation it would be the other way and the guy will just quit his job and live off Serere-chan for the rest of his life

williams literally made more money this year alone than reddit man has in his entire career


dude, imagine her fucking a big black dude while you get to jerk off to it. I bet he gets to watch anyone he wants fuck her right in front of him, he's so lucky. He might even be allowed to lick the cum off his dick afterwards

She could have done way better.

He's fucking huge in real life and is probably in possession of a massive cock.


Leddit now gets to celebrate the T H I C C booty.


have you even grown a beard? It grows on your neck dude. Yeah most of it is on your face, but guarantee that shits on his neck too.

Armenians are one of the hardest ethnicities to genetically profile. Even their original language is vague.

>You will never be savagely raped by Serena on your honeymoon

>not keeping your neck clean of hair while still growing out the beard

what if we can only grow hair on our necks

then you are literally a neckbeard

i guess reddi is superior to Sup Forums

>m00t appears in gay parades

Double pottery

grow a beard*

*not a shit beard

That's cute. I wish them the best.

this guy is living the dream

>reddit man is 6'6

manlets btfo

>implying your 5" dicklet can penetrate her

Seriously? No wonder she wants him. He probably has a massive dick.

He could probably give me a good ass fucking with that height.

>marrying an older woman
>marrying a women who already looks like shit before her 40s

She's just marrying whitey so her kids aren't dumb as rocks

>oh you created one of dem wedsights? SHIIIIET IMMA NEED THAT BABY JUICE

stop browsing Sup Forums it's rotting your brain

some grade a negroid salt



To an extent I think he is right..the world would be a better place if people didn't race mix..

Like imagine living in a purely homogeneous country man. I fucking envy Japan, Korea, Russia.

reminder that this is how insecure you sound when you complain about this shit

white male/black female is the most stable marriage option for a reason

But when a black man marries and beats a white woman, then there's no trouble.

you're mentally ill, homogeneous populations tend to spread genetic defects around, while race mixing discards bad genes and leaves the good ones, you just have to be smart about who you're fucking, most white people here drool over Scandinavians for instance.

Don't marry people who also speak another language because then you get in laws who shit talk you in your native tongue


>i envy N.Korea
Sure, i hope your child getting shot in the head because they stole peanuts while they were starving from the greater leader wont be too much of a setback from this affirmation
Son if you think those are homogeneous please visit asap and break this illusion view of yours

Ah yes, the great empire of Japan, dying on it's own without the help of anyone, prepare for a collapse of society and a fracture between youngs and olds once the time to pay for older people will be there.
Japan would have a been a nice example if it wasn't for their little birth problem, crime rate goes into your favor i will say that much

>lebbit is less cucky than Sup Forums

Based Belgium

fuck off. Your nation is homogeneous too. You have no say in this matter.

>homogeneous populations tend to spread genetic defects around, while race mixing discards bad genes and leaves the good ones

t. high school biology

>implying south korean isn't homogeneously plastic

*was homogeneous

Race mixing reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

you shave that part off

a good beard should extend onto the underside of the chin and jaw but I wouldn't call that the neck

Do you understand even the basics of dominant and recessive genes?

t. Mahmoud Abdoula

Do you understand that homogeneous populations like Japan are far too large to suffer from inbreeding issues?

>muh high school level biology


what even is the point of a meticulously groomed beard
those guys with the clean shaven neck look so silly

She looks like a neanderthal, but she's probably a demon in the sack.

My pickle could never penetrate those cheeks. Good on this whiteboi

death by snu snu

>this black cuckold leaf poster


shit skins can resist the BWC


I'm jealous, i'd fuck the roided monkey until my balls fell off

easy there muhammed.

>tfw no Serena/Lebron ubermensch children

Can we please post some Serena booty

>you're mentally ill, homogeneous populations tend to spread genetic defects around, while race mixing discards bad genes and leaves the good ones, you just have to be smart about who you're fucking, most white people here drool over Scandinavians for instance.

No. Stable society has far more advantages and to get into inbreeding depression people have to go full incest and cousin fucking. Diverse society is violent society where no one gives a fuck about society.

how booty blasted is worldstarhiphop by this?

He one of these Jerovas Witness faggots as well?

>sit and watch while your gf chases after the thief who stole her purse
marrying this

he probably didn't even know what happened why would he also run after the thief


shes gonna break that tiny whiteboi dick

she gonna rip his dick in half

>He's 6'6
Way to ruin the image.

Why can't he be a tiny 5'6 white dude that she destroys nightly? I'd pay for that video.

>White dude marries gorilla

What has this world come to.

What happens if Venus marries moot?

He stops being the 'Luggage Lad'

Who cares? Marriage ain't forever anymore.

they are if they love each other.


But he's right. You're more likely to come across a Muslim posting under a Russian flag than a Belgian or British one. The idea that it's some kind of homogenous racial utopia is ridiculous.

>guaranteed the guy is a massive ass fetishist and she lets him worship her glory

And you're the bitch's knight in shining armor?

Bwwm swirl relationships are rising.

the ultimate feather in any SJWs cap.
"i married a black girl, see how unracist and progressive I am!"

>rich and famous muscle babe married to pasty skinny neckbeard
>who's probably shorter than her
this is so bizarre

He's taller than her tho

based white guy, livin' the dream

> my fellow white mans have never donged a darkie

i feel sorry for you lads
they are fantastic in bed