Which one should I watch first?

Which one should I watch first?

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Watch Hannibal. Don't bother with Fargo .

really? it got some positive reviews. oh well I was mostly interested in it because of billy bob

Disregard the above poster. Watch Fargo first, Hannibal stays with you longer so I'd finish with it


Only do the exact opposite. Fargo is spectacular. Hannibal was cancelled.


ok watching fargo

also you guys know if shush extension is save to use? I'm not paying for jewflix

Where the fuck can I watch Hannibal at?

They're very different shows. Watch them both, simultaneously.


They both shit.

This, Fargo isn't very good imo, only watched it cause my family wanted to

They're both great. Fargo is a miniseries so watch that first.

watch Fargo first before the third

thanks guys :D

Hey shut up fag

watch both simultaneously

watch this
*grabs crotch*

watch hannibal

Fargo is good. Fast and easy to digest.

Hannibal is literally one of the best tv series in recent memory (if not all time). It's a slow burn that consumes you entirely.

watch these dubs

Watch Fargo then Hannibal. I dropped Fargo after the first season desu, so might as well get it out of the way first.

Watch Hannibal. It's actually my favorite show

Never dared continuing Season 2 with Hannibal because it was cancelled....Havent seen Season 2 of Fargo...

Both are pretty good tho.

watched hannibal all the way. Great show.
watched like 4 episodes of fargo and gave up on it. If you like wes anderson (no meme) i guess it might be up your alley since i feel it's got a tone more like his than coen bros.

By the way if you're planning on watching Hannibal, the season 2 and 3 finales have post credit scenes. Brought that up so you don't miss them. None of the other episodes have post credit scenes, so it'd be easy to assume none of them do and miss those two.

At least Hannibal had an ending, a good one at that, unlike some cancelled shows which either just stopped or had to rush a shitty finale.

Never finished Fargo cos it dragged on too much and started to get boring.

Hannibal is a masterpiece.

>tfw brian fuller wanted to make Clarice black

Like i said i dont know since i didnt continue after Season 2 also with Fargo its kinda like Anthology so if Season 2 Fargo is shit it doesnt affect Season 1 for me... Thats why both is good to me.

hannibal is beautiful to look at even when it's not too great

Christ, the fucking plebs in this thread. Both seasons of Fargo are miles better than Hannibal.

If you think the first season of Fargo is good you need to watch something worth something.

Watched the first season and it's complete garbage. Refuse to watch the second.


I have news for you: You're retarded.
I hope you have a loving family that can take care of your crippling mental disabilities.

it's all on amazon prime, most for free with prime prob charge for the final season

>not just pir8ing the series


Hannibal is the only show able to tell everything in 3 seasons and having a good closing finale. You dont need more.

Fargo is just ok

>I am a giant pleb please rape my face

Why would you post something like this?

It's nowhere near as bad as thinking Fargo S1 is better than Hannibal S1, 2, or 3

only contrarian ITT resorts to insults the second post he makes.

hannibal is clearly better im glad most of TV agrees

>im glad most of TV agrees
Eh, some do, most don't.
The maddsposting and hannibal generals really pissed people off.

whoever doesn't probably enjoys modern family.
The show is good, despite the homoerotism, the rushed finale, the boring european phase, whatever u wanna name.

Yeah but Sup Forums for the most part is full of retards. Everything needs a general and to be spammed into memedom by Sup Forums but the second it becomes popular with the normies Sup Forums turn their backs on it.
This entire board is contrarian as fuck because it's Sup Forums culture.


Neither. But if you had to pick go with Fargo. Hannibal is absolute garbage

Kill yourself senpai

this desu

hannibal is gay tumblr shit

surprise surprise Sup Forums is reddit and tumblr

decide how many episodes you want to watch in a sitting
cut that number in half
watch that many episodes of fargo
then watch the rest of your episodes with hannibal


Hannibal sucks and is completely frustrating because the characters are so stupid and hannibal gets away from everything so easily.

Don't even bother with s2 Fargo.
Billy Bob Thornton is literally the only thing good about that shitfest.

Hannibal, even though the first season, or more specific the first half of it is kinda slow the second half and later the second season will make up for it, belive me, though i only saw the first season of Fargo so i might have been missing out since everybody on this board loves the second season to death it seems

Fargo was goat, never seen hannibal

Second season of fargo starts off badly but totally takes it away in the second half.

As a fan of both Fargo and Hannibal, I say do both. Maybe Hannibal first, because if you're as devastated by it getting cancelled after S3 as I was, you'll want something new after.

Fargo is neat because its 1st and 2nd seasons have 2 different casts of characters, so you can enjoy the seasons as separate stories. Hannibal is much more artsy and less rooted in reality than Fargo (minus eh... some weird stuff in Fargo S2 I can't give away). They're both fantastic crime dramas with brutal violence and dark humor, but still 2 very different creatures.


Sounds like fargo.

>if you're as devastated by it getting cancelled after S3 as I was

Sure i'm sad it got cancelled but it got a proper fitting end. Plus black-washing clarice is garbage.

Clarice wasn't even in the show you dingus. They don't have the rights for Her or Silence of the Lambs

S4 was going to be about Clarice if they could get the rights, and Brian said he was planning to make her black.




I like the whole: "Six episodes to wrap up the storyline" seasons that networks are giving shows now when they cancel them.
I know that its so they can package the show for Streaming services in the future or sell boxset DVD/BluRays and so that they don't have to put up with years of negative publicity from frustrated nerds who won't let go of shit, but it is still good to get a conclusion even if it is a bit rushed.

And everything would've been fine.

Not even a little.
Doesn't matter though, shows finished and clarice is safely white forever more.

I'd say Hannibal but keep in mind season 2 is probably the worst season of the series (like Breaking Bad season 5 bad) don't let any redditors tell you otherwise. Thankfully the show redeems itself with the tip top telekino of season 3.

I didn't hear about a possible black Clarice. I did hear about a possible Ellen Page Clarice, though. Either way, I don't see an issue. Fuller made Freddie Lounds a woman and that worked out fine. He made Reba McClane black and it made no difference. So what if we'd have a black Clarice?

Hannibal is miles better than Fargo.

Fargo is miles better than Hannibal.

fargo is 10x better

Hannibal is a re-imagining of everything you've read in the books or seen in the movies [not to say it isn't well executed]
Fargo has nothing to do with the movie, save the location.
If you want to visit a new take on old material, go with Hannibal; if you want something completely new, go with Fargo...