
whats going on

We got fight club'd again, except I don't think anyone saw this coming. I suppose Ray was probably a prison guard.

a lot of people saw it coming

but not me I was one of the slow ones I got rused

Aren't you supposed to keep a buzzcut in jail? How come he's allowed to look lika generic hipster faggot?

who the fuck told you that youre supposed to keep a buzzcut

This show is officially kino of the highest caliber.

You're not much around this place, are ya?

My nigga Jamal, he been in the can for four years now

And your girlfriend has been keeping you up-to-date about his appearance ever since? That's damn liberal, son.

This show has nice shots but the story is dogshit highschool GOTCHA drivel.


blew my fucking mind bro

Spoilers fag

Do you know where you are?

At my moms house?


I don't understand. Literally no one could have seen this coming. What about all those visits with Darlene and Goddard? What about this Ray thing? It doesn't make any sense.... at all.

its not the army retard

someone literally called in a discussion for the first episode of the new season. i thought he was full of shit though.

Right after the 1st Episode? Come on no way.

yep. ruined it for me too. couldn't unsee it after

>I don't understand. Literally no one could have seen this coming
Literally everyone saw it coming. Season 2 begins with Elliot suddenly making a friend, going to basketball games, moving back in with his mother...all kinds of shit he would NEVER do. And to top it off every place he visits is typical of a prison. Combine that with his obsession over Tyrell and him reaching for the gun at the end of s1...if you didn't at least know he was in some kind of delusion but a prison one, you are a retard.

bro it's just a show not everyone spends every waking minute thinking about it to figure this shit out lol people got stuff to do

I knew there was something "off" due to certain elements that didn't fit like:

>Sudden sessions with the therapist whom he hacked
>Made a friend out of nowhere when we all know Elliot is anti-social
>Going to Ray to use his computer (internet cafe?)
>His mom not waking up when he's being beaten up outside

Things of such sort... but didn't expect that the rabbit hole went so deep. They'd have to retcon entire conversations and events in order to make this canon. Remember when Elliot takes his chess board and goes to the park in order to play? Darlene explicitly asks him why he's staying with his mother. Stuff like that.

>ask elliot to maintain site
>he looks
>got his ass kicked
>ask again
>elliot summons FBI
>than you, Elliot

I don't get it. Did I miss something?

yes you tard, you missed a lot.

get off the meth and watch it again

I called it after the 1st episode of season 1, only a retarded marvel cuck could have not seen this coming

What the fuck are you talking about?
Every single thread had someone calling it.

>stares blankly for 30 seconds

someone pls kill her soon

What were the clues? Just watched, now I feel dumb

Jokes on you dumb frogposter. I called it when they announced the second season.

Honestly, there were a lot more black people around.

My english is mediocre, so I guees I missed some key points. So fat man didn't know what was on his website all along?

I thought the black lad was just another fabrication.

He knew, but he still felt bad for letting it go so far.

yeah, they literally said "he's in jail, this is all in his head, the black guy is a prison guard"

His description of his life in the very first episode. I actually thought it'd be a mental institution bt it turned out to be jail after all

Jokes on you dumb feelposter. I called it when the writers were born


On the subject of spoiling things for people.

Joanna is making her new bf choke her to frame him for Tyrell murdering that guy's wife. She'll use the choke marks as evidence that he was abusive.


First episode of the first or second season? Has Elliot been in jail since the season began?!?

Heard about the prison theory a couple of episodes ago. It was obvious, once you heard the theory.

On the real shit tho, Leon is hired by the dark army to protect Elliot?

I don't fucking get it.
It makes no sense. So was EVERYTHING that happened with Elliot a figment of his imagination a la the car trip while he was getting beat up?

I doubt they could beat him up and put him in a dungeon, unless Ray and his lackeys were guards doing some illegal shit.

s2. for me, it explained elliot's lunchbuddy and everything after that just clicked

everything did happen, just in a different setting in elliot's mind

it took them 4 long episodes for the reveal, and basically a repetition of Season 1.

Is it safe to say this show has officially been marked for shadow-cancellation?

He stole his therapist's boyfriend and hacked his dog

>he wiped the shank with the bandanda he wears on his head

Esmail ran out of ideas for it.

dude got the hank hill ass

So Ray and his homies were guards? There is no other way to explain it then.

Yeah or maybe a guidance counsellor of sorts.

Also he mentioned that they met at an E-corp function and she's been been hiding her neck.

>Yeah or maybe a guidance counsellor of sorts.

That explains why those conversations were so boring and methodical.

It ruined the entire pace of this show, just for a dumb reveal

A nigger could easily hide a sharpened thootbrush inside an afro

So why is Elliot in prison?
Tyrell is alive, right?

could be other inmates, they beat him up, ray probably has a trafficking stuff going on in jail and the got into it

>Tyrell is alive, right?
yes but he cut off his legs and his arms and his dick

Maybe for hacking that his psychiatrist and her boyfriend, he was trying to convince her in the last episode of the first season.

Word, that makes sense.